Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/291

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ghoul and I like a bean over the fire. Then said she, “Thou art of no use to me, now thou art married and hast a child, nor art thou any longer fit for my company. I care only for bachelors and not for married men; for they profit us nothing. Thou hast sold me for yonder stinking nosegay; but by Allah, I will make the baggage’s heart ache for thee, for thou shalt not live either for me or for her!” Then she gave a loud cry, and ere I could think, up came ten damsels and threw me on the ground; whereupon she rose and taking a knife, said, “I will slaughter thee like a he-goat; and that will be less than thy desert, for thy behaviour to me and to thy cousin before me.” When I found myself at the mercy of her women, with my cheeks stained with dust, and saw her sharpen the knife, I made sure of death and cried out to her for mercy. Night cxxvi.But she only redoubled in inhumanity and ordered the maids to bind my hands behind me, which they did, and throwing me on my back, sat down on my stomach and held my head. Then two of them sat on my shins, whilst other two held my hands, and she bade a third pair beat me. So they beat me till I lost my senses and my voice failed. When I revived, I said to myself, “It were easier and better for me to have my throat cut than to be beaten thus!” And I remembered how my cousin used to say to me, “God keep thee from her mischief!” and cried out and wept, till my voice failed and I remained without breath or motion. Then she sharpened the knife and said to the girls, “Uncover him.” With this God inspired me to repeat to her the two words my cousin had bequeathed me, and I said, “O my lady, dost thou not know that faith is fair and perfidy foul?” When she heard this, she cried out and said, “God pity thee, Azizeh, and give thee Paradise in exchange for thy wasted youth! Verily, she served thee in her lifetime and after her death, and now she has saved thee alive out of my hands with these two words. Nevertheless, I cannot