Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/320

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she lay asleep, she saw a fowler spread his net upon the ground and scatter grain round it. Then he sat down hard by, and all the birds in the neighbourhood flocked to the net. Amongst the rest she saw a pair of pigeons, male and female; and whilst she was watching the net, the male bird’s foot caught in it and he began to struggle, whereupon all the other birds took fright and flew away. But presently his mate came back and hovered over him, then alighted on the net, unobserved by the fowler, and fell to picking and pulling at the mesh in which the male bird’s foot was entangled with her beak, till she released him and they flew away together. Then the fowler came up and mended his net and seated himself afar off. After awhile, the birds came back and the female pigeon was caught in the net, whereupon all the other birds took fright and flew away; and the male pigeon flew away with the rest and did not return to his mate. Then came the fowler and took the female pigeon and killed her. So the princess awoke, troubled by her dream, and said, “All males are worthless, like this pigeon: and men in general are wanting in goodness to women.”’ When the old woman had made an end of her story, the prince said to her, ‘O my mother, I desire to have one look at her, though it be my death; so do thou contrive me some means of seeing her.’ ‘Know then,’ answered she, ‘that she hath under her palace windows a pleasure-garden, to which she resorts once in every month by the private door. In ten days, the time of her thus going forth will arrive; so when she is about to visit the garden, I will come and tell thee, that thou mayst go thither and meet her. And look thou quit not the garden, for haply, if she sees thy beauty and grace, her heart will be taken with love of thee, and love is the most potent means of union.’ ‘I hear and obey,’ replied Taj el Mulouk. Then he and Aziz left the shop, and taking the old woman with them, showed her where they lodged.