Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/349

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went in to his wife Nuzhet ez Zeman and wept sore and said, “Verily, the dead have no friends. May God never bring you to need and may you cease not to rule justly over rich and poor many days and years! Thine ears have heard and thine eyes have seen all that was ours aforetime of kingship and honour and dignity and wealth and goodliness of life and condition; and now fortune hath turned upon us, and fate and the time have played us false and wrought hostilely with us; wherefore I come to thee, craving thy bounties, I that have been used to confer favours; for when a man dies, women and girls are brought low after him.” And she repeated the following verses:

Let it suffice thee that Death is the worker of wonders and know That the lives which are gone from our sight will never return to us mo’.
The days of the life of mankind are nothing but journeys, I wot, whose watering-places for aye are mixed with misfortune and woe.
Yet nothing afflicteth my heart like the loss of the good and the great, Whom the stresses of adverse events have compassed about and laid low.

When Nuzhet ez Zeman heard this, she remembered her brother Zoulmekan and his son Kanmakan and making her draw near to her, said to her, “By Allah, I am now rich and thou poor, and by Allah, we did not leave to seek thee out, but that we feared to wound thy heart, lest thou shouldst deem our gifts to thee an alms. Of a truth, all the good that we now enjoy is from thee and thy husband: so our house is thy house and our place thy place, and all that we have of wealth and goods is thine.” Then she clad her richly and appointed her a lodging in the palace, adjoining her own; and she and her son abode therein in all delight of life. Him also did Nuzhet ez Zeman clothe in kings’ raiment and gave them handmaids to do them service. After a little, she told her husband of her brother’s widow, whereat his eyes filled with tears and he said, “Wouldst thou see the world after thee, look upon the