Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/94

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she abhorred life and longed for death; so she turned to him and said, “O accursed old man, O greybeard of hell, did I trust in thee and hast thou played me false, and now thou wouldst torture me?” When he heard her words, he cried out, “O insolent wretch, dost thou dare to bandy words with me?” And he came up to her and beat her with a whip, saying, “An thou hold not thy peace, I will kill thee.” So she was silent awhile, but she called to mind her brother and her former happy estate and wept in secret. Next day, she turned to the Bedouin and said to him, “How couldst thou deal thus perfidiously with me and lure me into these desert mountains, and what wilt thou do with me?” When he heard her words, he hardened his heart and said to her, “O pestilent baggage, wilt thou bandy words with me?” So saying, he took the whip and brought it down on her back, till she well-nigh fainted. Then she bowed down and kissed his feet; and he left beating her and began to revile her, saying, “By my bonnet, if I see or hear thee weeping, I will cut out thy tongue and thrust it up thy kaze, city strumpet that thou art!” So she was silent and made him no reply, for the beating irked her; but sat down, with her arms round her knees and bowing her head, fell a-musing on her case. Then she bethought her of her former ease and affluence and her present abasement, and called to mind her brother and his sickness and forlorn condition and how they were both strangers in a foreign land; whereat the tears coursed down her cheeks and she wept silently and repeated the following verses:

The tides of fate ’twixt good and ill shift ever to and fro, And no estate of life for men endureth evermo’.
All things that to the world belong have each their destined end And to all men a term is set, which none may overgo.
How long must I oppression bear and peril and distress! Ah, how I loathe this life of mine, that nought but these can show!
May God not prosper them, these days, wherein I am oppressed Of Fate, these cruel days that add abjection to my woe!