Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/104

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there aught of harm in the food, they would not eat with me.’ So I ate, and when we had washed our hands, each of us returned to his place. Then said they to me, ‘Dost thou know us?’ ‘I never in my life saw you nor this your abode,’ answered I; ‘nay, I know not even him who brought me hither.’ Said they, ‘Tell us thy case and lie not in aught.’ ‘Know then,’ rejoined I, ‘that my case is strange and my affair marvellous: but do you know aught of me?’ ‘Yes,’ answered they; ‘it was we took thy goods yesternight and carried off thy friend and her who was singing to him.’ ‘May God let down the veil of His protection over you!’ said I. ‘But where is my friend and she who was singing to him?’ They pointed to two doors and replied, ‘They are yonder, each in a room apart; but, by Allah, O our brother, the secret of their case is known to none but thee, for from the time we brought them hither, we have not seen them nor questioned them of their condition, seeing them to be persons of rank and dignity. This it was that hindered us from putting them to death: so tell us the truth of their case and be assured of their safety and thine own.’ When I heard this, I was like to die of fright and said to them, ‘O my brethren, if generosity were lost, it would not be found save with you and had I a secret, which I feared to divulge, your breasts alone should have the keeping of it.’ And I went on to expatiate to them in this sense, till I saw that frankness would profit me more than concealment; so I told them the whole story. When they heard it, they said, ‘And is this young man Ali ben Bekkar and this damsel Shemsennehar?’ ‘Yes,’ answered I. This was grievous to them and they rose and made their excuses to the two lovers. Then they said to me, ‘Part of what we took from thy house is spent, but here is what is left of it.’ So saying, they gave me back the most part of my goods and engaged to return them to my house and restore me