Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/110

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men with them; so do thou escort me and them to a place of safety and I will requite thee.’ When the captain heard my speech, he knew me and alighting, mounted me on his horse; and in like manner did two of his men with Ali and the jeweller. And now my heart is on fire on their account, especially for Ali’s friend the jeweller: so do thou go to him and salute him and ask him for news of Ali ben Bekkar.” I spoke to her and blamed her and bade her beware, saying, “O my lady, have a care for thyself and give up this intrigue.” But she was angered at my words and cried out at me. So I came forth in quest of thee, but found thee not and dared not go to Ali’s house; so stood watching for thee, that I might ask thee of him and know how it is with him. And I beg thee, of thy favour, to take some money of me, for belike thou borrowedst of thy friends some of the goods, and as they are lost, it behoves thee to make them compensation.’ ‘I hear and obey,’ answered I. ‘Go on.’ And I walked with her till we drew near my house, Night clxvii.when she said to me, ‘Wait till I return to thee.’ So she went away and presently returned with a bag of money, which she handed to me, saying, ‘O my lord, where shall we meet?’ Quoth I, ‘I will go to my house at once and suffer hardship for thy sake and contrive how thou mayst win to him, for access to him is difficult at this present.’ ‘Let me know where I shall come to thee,’ said she, and I answered, ‘In my other house; I will go thither forthright and have the doors repaired and the place made secure again, and henceforth we will meet there.’ Then she took leave of me and went her way, whilst I carried the money home, and counting it, found it five thousand dinars. I gave my people some of it and made good their loss to all who had lent me aught, after which I took my servants and repaired to my other house, with builders and carpenters, who restored it to its former state. Moreover, I placed