Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/116

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so I entered and saluting her, said, ‘Verily God orders the lives of all creatures by His commandment and when He decreeth aught, there is no escaping its fulfilment, nor can any soul depart but by His leave, according to the Writ which prescribeth the appointed terms.’ She guessed by these words that her son was dead and wept sore, then she said to me, ‘I conjure thee by Allah, tell me, is my son dead?’ I could not answer her for tears and much grief, and when she saw me thus, she was choked with weeping and fell down in a swoon. As soon as she came to herself, she said to me, ‘Tell me how my son died.’ ‘May God abundantly requite thee for him!’ answered I and told her all that had befallen him, from first to last. ‘Did he give thee any charge?’ asked she. ‘Yes,’ answered I and told her what he had said, adding, ‘Hasten to take order for his funeral.’ When she heard this, she swooned away again; and when she recovered, she addressed herself to do as I bade her. Then I returned to my house; and as I went along, musing sadly upon his fair youth, a woman caught hold of my hand. Night clxix.I looked at her and behold, it was Shemsennehar’s slave-girl, broken for grief. When we knew each other, we both wept and gave not over weeping till we reached my house, and I said to her, ‘Knowest thou the news of Ali ben Bekkar?’ ‘No, by Allah,’ replied she; so I told her the manner of his death and all that had passed, whilst we both wept; after which I said to her, ‘And how is it with thy mistress?’ Quoth she, ‘The Khalif would not hear a word against her, but saw all her actions in a favourable light, of the great love he bore her, and said to her, “O Shemsennehar, thou art dear to me and I will bear with thee and cherish thee, despite thine enemies.” Then he bade furnish her a saloon decorated with gold and a handsome sleeping-chamber, and she abode with him in all ease of life and high favour. One day, as he sat at wine, according to his wont, with