Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/246

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Allah, this is my brother Amjed!’ And threw himself upon him; whereupon Amjed also knew him and they embraced each other and lay awhile insensible, whilst the Vizier’s officers stood round them. When they came to themselves, Amjed took his brother and carried him to the Sultan, to whom he related the whole story, and the Night ccxxxvii.Sultan charged him to plunder Behram’s house and take himself. So Amjed despatched thither a company of men, who sacked the house and took Behram and brought his daughter to the Vizier, who received her with all honour, for Asaad had told his brother all the torments he had suffered and the kindness that she had done him. Moreover, Amjed, in his turn, related to Asaad all that had passed between the lady and himself and how he had escaped hanging and become Vizier; and they made moan, each to the other, of the anguish they had suffered for separation. Then the Sultan sent for Behram and bade strike off his head; but he said, ‘O most mighty King, art thou indeed resolved to put me to death?’ ‘Yes,’ replied the King, ‘except thou save thyself by becoming a Muslim.’ And Behram said, ‘O King, have patience with me a little.’ Then he bowed his head awhile and presently raising it again, made profession of the faith and avowed himself a Muslim at the hands of the Sultan. They all rejoiced at his conversion and Amjed and Asaad told him all that had befallen them, whereat he wondered and said, ‘O my lords, make ready for the journey and I will depart with you and carry you back to your father’s court in a ship.’ At this they rejoiced and wept sore; but he said, ‘O my lords, weep not for your departure, for ye shall be re-united [with those you love], even as were Nimeh and Num.’ ‘And what befell Nimeh and Num?’ asked they. ‘It is told,’ replied Behram, ‘(but God alone is all-knowing), that