Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/30

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women; and if thou know me, thy sickness will leave thee and health return to thee and thou wilt repent thee of having forsworn the company of women during thy past life. Indeed, I give thee good advice: so give ear to my counsel and draw near unto me.’ Quoth he, ‘Go out from me, O deceitful and perfidious woman! I will not incline to thee nor approach thee. I want not thy company; he who coveteth thee renounceth the future life, and he who coveteth the future life renounceth thee, for thou seducest the first and the last. God the Most High lieth in wait for His servants and woe unto him who is afflicted with thy company!’ ‘O thou that errest from the truth and wanderest from the path of reason,’ answered she, ‘turn thy face to me and look upon my charms and profit by my nearness, as did the wise who have gone before thee. Indeed, they were richer than thou in experience and greater of wit; yet they rejected not the society of women, as thou dost, but took their pleasure of them and their company, and it did them no hurt, in body or in soul. Wherefore do thou turn from thy resolve and thou shalt praise the issue of thine affair.’ ‘All thou sayest I deny and abhor,’ rejoined the shepherd, ‘and reject all thou offerest; for thou art cunning and perfidious and there is no faith in thee, neither honour. How much foulness dost thou hide under thy beauty and how many a pious man hast thou seduced, whose end was repentance and perdition! Avaunt from me, O thou who devotest thyself to corrupt others!’ So saying, he threw his goat’s-hair cloak over his eyes, that he might not see her face, and betook himself to calling upon the name of his Lord. When the angel saw the excellence of his obedience (to God), he went out from him and ascended to heaven.

Now hard by the mountain was a village wherein dwelt a pious man, who knew not the other’s stead, till one night