Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/308

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a monthly wage of a thousand dinars. He continued to fill his new office till, one day, as he sat in the Divan, according to his wont, an Amir came up with a sword and shield in his hand and said, ‘O Commander of the Faithful, mayst thou outlive the Chief of the Sixty, for he is this day dead;’ whereupon the Khalif ordered Alaeddin a dress of honour and made him Chief of the Sixty, in place of the dead man, who had neither wife nor child. So Alaeddin laid hands on his estate, and the Khalif said to him, ‘Bury him in the earth and take all he hath left of wealth and slaves, male and female.’ Then he shook the handkerchief and dismissed the Divan, whereupon Alaeddin went forth, attended by Ahmed ed Denef, captain of the right hand, and Hassan Shouman, captain of the left hand troop of the Khalif’s guard, riding at his either stirrup, each with his forty men. Presently, he turned to Hassan Shouman and his men and said to them, ‘Plead ye for me with Captain Ahmed ed Denef, that he accept me as his son before God.’ And Ahmed ed Denef assented, saying, ‘I and my forty men will go before thee to the Divan every day.’

After this, Alaeddin abode in the Khalif’s service many days; till one day it chanced that he left the Divan and returning home, dismissed Ahmed ed Denef and his men and sat down with his wife, who lighted the candles and went out of the room upon an occasion. Presently, he heard a great cry and running in haste to see what was the matter, found that it was his wife who had cried out. She was lying prone on the ground and when he put his hand to her breast, he found her dead. Now her father’s house faced that of Alaeddin, and he, hearing her cry out, came in and said, ‘What is the matter, O my lord Alaeddin?’ ‘O my father,’ answered he, ‘may thy head outlive thy daughter Zubeideh! But the honour we owe the dead is to bury them.’ So, on the morrow, they buried her in