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before their time, so I gathered the best of them and set out to carry them to the Amir Maan ben Zaïdeh, because of his well-known generosity and notorious munificence.’ ‘How much dost thou hope to get of him?’ asked Maan, and the Bedouin answered, ‘A thousand dinars.’ ‘What if he say, “This is too much”?’ quoth Maan. ‘Then I will ask five hundred dinars,’ said the Bedouin. ‘And if he say, “Too much”?’ said Maan. ‘Then three hundred,’ replied the other. ‘And if he say yet, “Too much”?’ ‘Then two hundred.’ ‘And yet, “Too much”?’ ‘Then one hundred.’ ‘And yet, “Too much”?’ ‘Then fifty.’ ‘And yet, “Too much”?’ ‘Then thirty.’ ‘And if he still say, “Too much”?’ said Maan ben Zaïdeh. ‘Then,’ answered the Bedouin, ‘I will make my ass set his feet in his sanctuary[1] and return to my people, disappointed and empty-handed.’ Maan laughed at him and spurring his horse, rode on till he came up with his suite and returned home, when he said to his chamberlain, ‘If there come a man with cucumbers, riding on an ass, admit him.’ Presently up came the Bedouin and was admitted to Maan’s presence, but knew him not for the man he had met in the desert, by reason of the gravity and majesty of his aspect and the multitude of his servants and attendants, for he was seated on his chair of estate, with his officers about him. So he saluted him and Maan said to him, ‘O brother of the Arabs, what brings thee?’ ‘I hoped in the Amir,’ answered the Bedouin, ‘and have brought him cucumbers out of season.’ ‘And how much dost thou expect of us?’ asked Maan. ‘A thousand dinars,’ answered the Bedouin. ‘Too much,’ said Maan. Quoth the Bedouin, ‘Five hundred;’ but Maan repeated, ‘Too much.’ ‘Then three

  1. Apparently meaning the upper part of the carpet whereon the Amir’s chair was set. It is the place of honour and has a peculiar sanctity among the Arabs, it being a breach of good manners to tread upon it (or indeed upon any part of the carpet) with shodden feet.