Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/55

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merchant’s blood nor lament for thy subsistence from him, but be content with what little of sufficient sustenance thou canst lightly come by; for indeed this is the safer for thee, and I have heard that one of the moral poets saith as follows:

I have trodden the road of content and retirement And lived out my life with whatever betided;
With a morsel of bread and a draught of cold water, Coarse salt and patched garments content I abided.
If God willed it, He made my life easy of living; Else, I was contented with what He provided.”

“O my sister,” rejoined the flea, “I hearken to thine injunction and submit myself to yield thee obedience, nor have I power to gainsay thee, till life be fulfilled, in this fair intent.” “Purity of intent suffices to sincere affection,” replied the mouse. So love befell and was contracted between them and after this, the flea used (by night) to go to the merchant’s bed and not exceed moderation (in sucking his blood) and harbour with the mouse by day in the latter’s hole. One night, the merchant brought home great store of dinars and began to turn them over. When the mouse heard the chink of the coin, she put her head out of her hole and gazed at it, till the merchant laid it under his pillow and went to sleep, when she said to the flea, “Seest thou not the favourable opportunity and the great good fortune! Hast thou any device to bring us to our desire of yonder dinars?” “Verily,” answered the flea, “it is not good for one to strive for aught, but if he be able to compass his desire; for if he lack of ableness thereto, he falls into that of which he should be ware and attains not his wish for weakness, though he use all possible cunning, like the sparrow that picks up grain and falls into the net and is caught by the fowler. Thou hast no strength to take the dinars and carry them into thy hole, nor can I do this; on the contrary, I could not