Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/84

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salute her for me and exhort her to patience and secrecy and tell her that I know it to be a hard matter and one that calls for prudent ordering.’ She thanked him and taking leave of him, returned to her mistress, whilst he abode in his place till the end of the day, when he shut the shop and betaking himself to Ali ben Bekkar’s house, knocked at the door. One of the servants came out and admitted him; and when Ali saw him, he smiled and rejoiced in his coming, saying, ‘O Aboulhusn, thou hast made a weary man of me by thine absence from me this day; for indeed my soul is pledged to thee for the rest of my days.’ ‘Leave this talk,’ answered the other. ‘Were thy healing at the price of my hand, I would cut it off, ere thou couldst ask me; and could I ransom thee with my life, I had already laid it down for thee. This very day, Shemsennehar’s handmaid has been with me and told me that what hindered her from coming before this was the Khalif’s sojourn with her mistress;’ and he went on to repeat to him all that the girl had told him of Shemsennehar; at which Ali lamented sore and wept and said to him, ‘O my brother, I conjure thee by God to help me in this mine affliction and teach me how I shall do! Moreover, I beg thee of thy grace to abide with me this night, that I may have the solace of thy company.’ Aboulhusn agreed to this; so they talked together till the night darkened, when Ali groaned aloud and lamented and wept copious tears, reciting the following verses:

My eye holds thine image ever; thy name in my mouth is aye And still in my heart is thy sojourn; so how canst thou absent be?
How sore is my lamentation for life that passes away Nor is there, alas! in union a part for thee and me!

And also these:

She cleft with the sword of her glance the helm of my courage in two And the mail of my patience she pierced with the spear of her shape through and through.