Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/91

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raising it, said to one of his servants, ‘Go to Aboulhusn’s house and enquire whether he be at home or gone on a journey. If they say, “He is abroad;” ask whither.’ The servant went out and presently returning, said to his master, ‘When I asked after Aboulhusn, his people told me that he was gone on a journey to Bassora; but I saw a damsel standing at the door, who knew me, though I knew her not, and said to me, “Art thou not servant to Ali ben Bekkar?” “Yes,” answered I. And she said, “I have a message for him from one who is the dearest of all folk to him.” So she came with me and is now at the door.’ Quoth Ali, ‘Bring her in.’ So the servant went out and brought her in, and the man who was with Ali ben Bekkar looked at her and found her comely. Night clx.She came up to Ali and saluting him, talked with him privily; and he from time to time exclaimed with an oath and swore that he had not done as she avouched. Then she took leave of him and went away. When she was gone, Aboulhusn’s friend, who was a jeweller, took occasion to speak and said to Ali ben Bekkar, ‘Doubtless, the women of the palace have some claim upon thee or thou hast dealings with the Khalif’s household?’ ‘Who told thee of this?’ asked Ali. ‘I know it by yonder damsel,’ replied the jeweller, ‘who is Shemsennehar’s slave-girl; for she came to me awhile since with a written order for a necklace of jewels; and I sent her a costly one.’ When Ali heard this, he was greatly troubled, so that the jeweller feared for his life, but after awhile he recovered himself and said, ‘O my brother, I conjure thee by Allah to tell me truly how thou knowest her.’ ‘Do not press me as to this,’ replied the other; and Ali said, ‘Indeed, I will not desist from thee till thou tell me the truth.’ ‘Then,’ said the jeweller, ‘I will tell thee all, that thou mayst not distrust me nor be alarmed at what I said, nor will I conceal aught from thee, but will discover to thee the truth of the