Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/94

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to protect [His creatures]; but tell me the truth of thy case, for I am one who keepeth counsel. I conjure thee by an oath to hide from me nothing of thy lady’s affair; for haply God shall help me to further her wishes and make easy what is hard by my hand.’ ‘O my lord,’ answered she, ‘indeed a secret is not lost whereof thou art the keeper; nor shall any affair come to nought for which thou strivest. Know that my heart inclines to thee, and do thou give me the letter.’ Then she told him the whole story, adding, ‘God is witness to what I say.’ ‘Thou hast spoken truly,’ said the jeweller, ‘for I am acquainted with the root of the matter.’ Then he told her how he had come by Ali ben Bekkar’s secret and related to her all that had passed, whereat she rejoiced; and they agreed that she should carry the letter to Ali and return and tell the jeweller all that passed. Accordingly he gave her the letter and she took it and sealed it up as it was before, saying, ‘My mistress Shemsennehar gave it to me sealed; and when he hath read it and given me the reply, I will bring it to thee.’ Then she repaired to Ali ben Bekkar, whom she found waiting, and gave him the letter. He read it and writing an answer, gave it to the damsel. She carried it to the jeweller, who broke the seal and read what was written therein, as follows:

‘Neglected are our messages, for lo, our go-between, That wont to keep our counsel erst, is wroth with us, I ween.
So choose us out a messenger, a true and trusty wight, Yea, one of whom fidelity, not falsehood, is well seen.

To proceed: Verily, I have not entered upon perfidy nor left fidelity; I have not used cruelty, neither have I put off loyalty nor broken faith. I have not ceased from affection nor severed myself from grief; neither have I found aught after separation but misery and ruin. I know nothing of that thou avouchest nor do I love aught but that which thou lovest. By Him who knoweth the secret