Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 3.djvu/96

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tress would have speech of me, it must be in some place other than the Khalif’s palace and far from the abode of the Commander of the Faithful; for my reason will not let me do what thou proposest.’ Accordingly, he refused to go with her, and she went on to assure him of impunity, saying, ‘Fear not,’ and pressed him, till he consented to accompany her; but, when he would have risen, his legs bent under him and his hands trembled and he exclaimed, ‘God forbid that I should go with thee! Indeed, I cannot do this.’ ‘Reassure thyself,’ answered she; ‘if it irk thee to go to the Khalif’s palace and thou canst not muster up courage to accompany me, I will make her come to thee; so stir not from thy place till I return to thee with her.’ Then she went away and returning after a little, said to the jeweller, ‘Look that there be with thee neither slave-girl nor man-slave nor any other.’ Quoth he, ‘I have but an old negress-slave, who waits on me.’ So she locked the door between the jeweller and his negress and sent his man-servants out of the house, after which she went out and presently returned, followed by a lady, who filled the house with the sweet scent of her perfumes. When the jeweller saw her, he sprang to his feet and set her a couch and a cushion, and she sat down. He seated himself before her and she abode awhile without speaking, till she was rested, when she unveiled her face and it seemed to the jeweller as if the sun had risen in his house. Then said she to her slave-girl, ‘Is this the man of whom thou spakest to me?’ ‘Yes,’ answered she; whereupon the lady turned to the jeweller and said to him, ‘How is it with thee?’ ‘Well,’ replied he. ‘May God preserve thy life and that of the Commander of the Faithful!’ Quoth she, ‘Thou hast moved us to come to thee and possess thee with our secret.’ Then she questioned him of his household and family; and he discovered to her all his circumstance and said to her, ‘I have another house, which I have set