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Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/319

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Then he clad her in the shift and giving her a lute sent her once more to his nephew. When she came into the latter’s presence, she kissed the earth before him and tuning the lute, sang thereto the following verses:

By returning the gift, thou showest what’s hid in thy breast, And thine aversion to me is made manifest.
As thou bear malice for aught that hath been,—forgive The past, for the Khalifate’s sake, and let it rest.

When she had made an end of her song, El Amin looked at her and reading that which was wrought upon her skirt, could not control himself, Night ccccxix.but drew near unto her and kissed her and appointed her a separate lodging in his palace. Moreover, he thanked his uncle for this and bestowed on him the government of Er Reï.[1]


The Khalif El Mutawekkil[2] was once again taking medicine, and folk sent him all manner of presents and rarities. Amongst others, El Feth ben Khacan[3] sent him a virgin slave, high-bosomed, of the fairest of women of her time, and with her a vase of crystal, containing red wine, and a goblet of red gold, whereon were graven in black the following verses:

When th’ Imam’s made an end of taking medicine And health and strength ensue to him thereon, in fine,
There’s no medicament befits him but to drink, From out this cup, a draught of this decocted wine.
And break the seal[4] reserved to him, for this, indeed, Right salutary is, hard after medicine.

  1. See note, Vol. III. p. 324.
  2. Tenth Abbaside Khalif, A.D. 849–861.
  3. Vizier and favourite of El Mutawekkil, killed A.D. 861 whilst endeavouring to defend the Khalif against the parricide El Muntesir.
  4. Virginitatem tollere.