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Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/366

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dinar for every score.’ (Q.) ‘On silver?’ (A.) ‘Under two hundred dirhems, nothing; then, five dirhems on every two hundred.’ (Q.) ‘On camels?’ (A.) ‘For every five, an ewe, or for every twenty-five a pregnant camel.’ (Q.) ‘On sheep?’ (A.) ‘On forty and over, an ewe for every forty head.’ (Q.) ‘What are the ordinances of the Fast [of Ramazan]?’ (A.) ‘The Koranic are intent,[1] abstinence from eating, drinking and copulation and stoppage of vomiting. It is incumbent on all who submit to the Law, save women in their courses and forty days after child-birth; and it becomes obligatory on sight of the new moon or on news of its appearance, brought by a trustworthy person and commending itself as truth to the hearer’s heart; and among its requisites is that it be commenced by night.[2] The Traditional ordinances of fasting are, hastening to break the fast,[3] deferring the fore-dawn meal[4] and abstaining from speech, save for good works and for calling on the name of God and reciting the Koran.’ (Q.) ‘What things vitiate not the fast?’ (A.) ‘The use of unguents and eye-powders and the dust of the road and the swallowing of one’s spittle and the emission of seed in dreams of dalliance or at the sight of a strange woman and cupping and letting blood; none of these things vitiates the fast.’ (Q.) ‘What are the prayers of the two great [annual] Festivals?’ (A.) ‘Two one-bow prayers, after the traditional ordinance, without call to prayer or the repetition thereof by the devotee, who shall say, “Prayer is a collector of all folk!”[5] and pronounce the magnification seven times in the first prayer, besides

  1. i.e. saying, “I purpose, etc.”
  2. Lit. that the intent shall be by night.
  3. At sundown.
  4. Eaten a little before the break of day, the fast commencing as soon as there is light enough to distinguish a black thread from a white and lasting till sunset.
  5. A saying of Mohammed.