Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/46

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whatsoever thou biddest them, that will they do. Arise therefore and do this thing, with the blessing of God the Most High.”

“I hear and obey,” answered I and going to the column, did what she bade me, whereupon the Afrits presented themselves, saying, “Here are we, O our lord! Whatsoever thou biddest us, that will we do.” Quoth I, “Bind the Marid that brought the damsel hither.” “We hear and obey,” answered they and disappearing, returned after awhile and informed me that they had done my bidding. Then I dismissed them and returning to my wife, told her what had happened and said to her, “Wilt thou go with me?” “Yes,” answered she. So I carried her forth of the city, by the underground channel, and we fared on, till Night cccv.we fell in with the folk who had shown me the way into the city. I besought them to teach me how I should return to my native land; so they brought us to the seashore and set us aboard a ship, which sailed on with us with a fair wind, till we reached the city of Bassora. Here we landed, and I carried my wife to her father’s house; and when her people saw her, they rejoiced with an exceeding joy. Then I fumigated the eagle with musk and the Afrits flocked to me from all sides, saying, “At thy service; what wilt thou have us do?” I bade them transport all that was in the City of Brass of gold and silver and jewels and precious things to my house in Bassora, which they did; and I then ordered them to fetch the ape. So they brought him before me, abject and humiliated, and I said to him, “O accursed one, why hast thou dealt thus perfidiously with me?” Then I commanded the Afrits to shut him in a brazen vessel: so they put him in a strait vessel of brass and sealed it with lead. But I abode with my wife in joy and delight; and now, O Commander of the Faithful, I have under my hand such stores of precious things and rare jewels and other treasure as neither