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Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/69

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of the year, he went to the bazaar, as usual, with a curtain, which he gave to the broker; and there came up to him a Christian, who bid him threescore dinars for the curtain; but he refused, and the Christian went on to bid higher and higher, till he came to a hundred dinars and bribed the broker with ten gold pieces. So the latter returned to Ali and told him of this and urged him to accept the offer, saying, ‘O my lord, be not afraid of this Christian, for he can do thee no hurt.’ The merchants also were instant with him to accept the offer; so he sold the curtain to the Christian, though his heart misgave him, and taking the price, set off to return home.

Presently, he found the Christian walking behind him; so he said to him, ‘O Nazarene, why dost thou follow me?’ ‘O my lord,’ answered the other, ‘I have a need at the end of the street, may God never bring thee to need!’ Ali went on, but, as he came to the door of his house, the Christian overtook him; so he said to him, ‘O accursed one, what ails thee to follow me wherever I go?’ ‘O my lord,’ replied the other, ‘give me a draught of water, for I am athirst; and with God the Most High be thy reward!’ Quoth Ali in himself, ‘Verily, this man is a tributary [of the Khalifate] and seeks a draught of water of me; by Allah, I will not disappoint him!’ Night cccxiii.So he entered the house and took a mug of water; but Zumurrud saw him and said to him, ‘O my love, hast thou sold the curtain?’ ‘Yes,’ answered he. ‘To a merchant or a passer-by?’ asked she. ‘For my heart forethinketh me of separation.’ ‘To a merchant, of course,’ replied he. But she rejoined, ‘Tell me the truth of the case, that I may order my affair; and what wantest thou with the mug of water?’ ‘To give the broker a drink,’ answered he; whereupon she exclaimed, ‘There is no power and no virtue but in God the Most High, the Supreme!’ And repeated the following verses: