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month and was directed to the tilting-ground, where the feast was spread.

So he came running in and finding no place empty, save that before the dish of sweet rice, took his seat there and put out his hand to the dish; whereupon the folk cried out to him, saying, ‘O brother, what wilt thou do?’ Quoth he, ‘I mean to eat my fill of this dish.’ ‘If thou eat of it,’ rejoined one of the people, ‘thou wilt assuredly be hanged.’ But Jewan said, ‘Hold thy peace and talk not thus.’ Then he stretched out his hand to the dish aforesaid and drew it to him.

Now the hashish-eater, of whom we have before spoken, was sitting by him; but when he saw him do this, the fumes of the hashish left his head and he fled from his place and sat down afar off, saying, ‘I will have nothing to do with yonder dish.’ Then Jewan put out his hand, as it were a crow’s foot, and dipping it in the dish, scooped up therewith half the dishful and drew it out, as it were a camel’s hoof, and the bottom of the dish appeared. Night cccxxii.He rolled the rice in his hand, till it was like a great orange, and threw it ravenously into his mouth; and it rolled down his gullet, with a noise like thunder. ‘Praised by God,’ quoth his neighbour, ‘who hath not made me meat before thee; for thou hast emptied the dish at one mouthful.’ ‘Let him eat,’ said the hashish-eater; ‘methinks he hath a gallows-face.’ Then, turning to Jewan, ‘Eat,’ added he, ‘and small good may it do thee!’

Jewan put out his hand again and taking another mouthful, was rolling it in his hands like the first, when Zumurrud cried out to the guards, saying, ‘Bring me yonder man in haste and let him not eat the mouthful in his hand.’ So they ran and seizing him, as he bent over the dish, brought him to her, whilst the people exulted over him and said, one to the other, ‘He hath his deserts, for we warned him, but he would not take warning. Verily, this