Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 6.djvu/219

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swear to thee?’ ‘No, no,’ answered she; ‘my heart is set at ease and trusteth in that which thou hast told me.’

As for Khuzeimeh, as soon as it was day, he made his peace with his creditors and set his affairs in order; after which he made ready and set out for the Court of the Khalif, who was then sojourning in Palestine. When he came to the royal palace, he sought admission of the chamberlain, who went in and told the Khalif of his presence. Now he was renowned for his beneficence and Suleiman knew of him; so he bade admit him. When he entered, he saluted the Khalif after the usual fashion, and the latter said to him, ‘O Khuzeimeh, what hath kept thee so long from us?’ ‘Evil case,’ answered he. Quoth the Khalif, ‘What hindered thee from having recourse to us?’ And he said, ‘My infirmity, O Commander of the Faithful!’ ‘And why,’ asked Suleiman, ‘comest thou to us now?’ ‘Know, O Commander of the Faithful,’ replied Khuzeimeh, ‘that I was sitting one night late in my house, when one knocked at the door;’ and he went on to tell him of all that had passed between Ikrimeh and himself. ‘Knowest thou the man?’ asked Suleiman. ‘No, O Commander of the Faithful,’ answered Khuzeimeh, ‘he was disguised and would say nought but “I am Jabir Athrat el Kiram.”’ When Suleiman heard this, his heart burned within him to know the man, and he said, ‘If we knew him, we would requite him his generosity.’ Then he tied Khuzeimeh an ensign[1] and made him governor of Mesopotamia, in the stead of Ikrimeh; and he set out for El Jezireh.[2]

When he drew near the city, Ikrimeh and the people of the place came forth to meet him and they saluted each other and went on into the town, where Khuzeimeh took

  1. In token of deputation of authority, a ceremony usual on the appointment of a viceroy.
  2. The capital of Mesopotamia, a town on the Tigris about midway between Mosul and Diarbekir.