Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/180

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Then said I to them, “See what hath fallen to me in my absence.” And I showed them that which was with me of things of price and told them what I had seen in the City of Stone, adding, “If ye had hearkened to me and gone with me, Night had gotten great good thereby.” But they said, “By Allah, had we gone, we had not dared to go in to the king of the city!”

Then I said to my brothers, “No harm shall befall you; for that which I have will suffice us all and I will share it with you.”[1] So saying, I divided my booty into four parts and gave one to each of my brothers and to the captain, taking the fourth for myself, [after setting aside] somewhat [which] I gave to the servants and sailors, who rejoiced and blessed me: and all were content with what I gave them, save my brothers, who changed countenance and rolled their eyes. I perceived that covetise had gotten possession of them; so I said to them, “O my brothers, methinketh what I have given you doth not content you; but we are brothers and there is no difference between us. My good and yours are one [and the same] thing, and if I die, none will inherit of me but you.” And I went on to soothe them.

Then I carried the lady on board the ship and lodged her in the cabin, where I sent her somewhat to eat and we sat talking, I and my brothers. “O our brother,” said they, “what wilt thou do with yonder damsel of surpassing beauty?” And I answered, “I mean to marry her, as soon as I reach Bassora, and make a splendid wedding and go in to her there.” “O my brother,” said one of them, “verily, this young lady excelleth in beauty and grace and the love of her is fallen on my heart; wherefore I desire that thou give her to me and I will marry her.” “I too desire this,” said the other. “Give her to me, that I may marry her.” “O my brothers,” answered I,

  1. Lit. this is our portion.