Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/184

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honour him as he deserveth who saved my honour.” So the queen said to me, “Welcome, O mortal! Indeed thou hast done us a service that meriteth honour.” Then she ordered me a treasure-suit,[1] worth much money, and store of jewels and precious stones, and said, “Take him and carry him in to the king.” So they carried me in to the king in his divan, where I found him seated on his throne, with his Marids and guards before him; and when I saw him, my eyes were dazzled for that which was upon him of jewels; but when he saw me, he rose to his feet and all his officers rose also, to do him worship. Then he saluted me and bade me welcome, entreating me with the utmost honour, and gave me of that which was with him of good things; after which he said to some of his followers, “Take him and carry him back to my daughter, that she may restore him to the place whence she brought him.” So they carried me back to the princess Saïdeh, who took me up and flew away with me and my treasures.

Meanwhile, the captain of the galleon, being aroused by the splash [of my fall], when my brothers threw me into the sea, said, “What is that which hath fallen overboard?” Whereupon my brothers fell to weeping and beating their breasts and answered, “Alas, for our brother’s loss! He thought to do an occasion in the ship’s side and fell into the water!” Then they laid their hands on my good, but there befell strife between them because of the lady, each saying, “None shall have her but I.” And they abode disputing with one another and remembered not their brother nor his drowning and their mourning for him ceased. As they were thus, behold, Saïdeh alighted with me in the midst of the galleon; Night dccclxxxv.and when my brothers saw me, they embraced me and rejoiced in me, saying, “O our brother, how hast thou fared in that which

  1. i.e. such a suit as is fabled to be laid up in the enchanted treasures called kunouz.