Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/212

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and took shelter there from the rain. The tears streamed from his eyes and he fell to complaining of what had befallen him and saying, ‘Whither shall I flee from this vile woman? I beseech Thee, O Lord, to vouchsafe me one who shall bring me to a far country, where she shall not know the way to me!’

As he sat weeping, behold, the wall opened and there came forth to him therefrom one of tall stature, whose aspect caused the flesh to creep, and said to him, ‘O man, what aileth thee that thou disturbest me this night? These two hundred years have I dwelt here and have never seen any enter this place and do as thou dost. Tell me what thou wishest and I will accomplish thy need, for compassion for thee hath gotten hold upon my heart.’ Quoth Marouf, ‘Who and what art thou?’ And he answered, ‘I am the haunter of this place.’ So Marouf told him all that had befallen him with his wife and he said, ‘Wilt thou have me carry thee to a country, where thy wife shall know no way to thee?’ ‘Yes,’ answered Marouf; and the genie said, ‘Then mount my back.’ So he mounted on his back and he flew with him from nightfall till daybreak, Night dccccxci.when he set him down on the top of a high mountain and said to him, ‘O mortal, descend this mountain and thou wilt see the gate of a city. Enter it, for thy wife cannot come at thee there.’ So saying, he left him and went his way, whilst Marouf abode in amazement and perplexity till the sun rose, when he said in himself, ‘I will arise and go down into the city, for there is no profit in my abiding here.’

So he descended to the mountain-foot and saw a high-walled city, full of lofty palaces and richly-decorated buildings, a delight to those who looked upon it. He entered in at the gate and found it a city such as lightened the grieving heart; but, as he walked through the streets, the townsfolk stared at him and gathered about him, mar-