Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/234

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curtain, that I may question her of the truth of his estate, to the intent that she may make proof of him and acquaint us with his case.’ Quoth the king, ‘There is no harm in that; and as my head liveth, if it appear that he is a liar and an impostor, I will slay him by the foulest of deaths!’ Then he carried the vizier into the sitting-chamber and sent for his daughter, who came behind the curtain, her husband being absent, and said, ‘What wouldst thou, O my father?’ Quoth he, ‘Speak with the vizier.’

So she said, ‘What is thy will, O vizier?’ ‘O my lady,’ said he, ‘thou must know that thy husband hath squandered thy father’s substance and married thee without a dower; and he ceases not to promise us and fail of the fulfilment of his promises, nor comes there any tidings of his baggage; wherefore we would have thee inform us concerning him.’[1] ‘Indeed,’ answered she, ‘his words are many, and he still comes and promises me jewels and things of price and costly stuffs; but I see nothing.’ ‘O my lady,’ said the vizier, ‘canst thou this night give and take with him in talk and say to him, “Tell me the truth and fear nothing from me, for thou art become my husband and I will not transgress against thee. So acquaint me with the truth of the matter and I will contrive thee a device whereby thou shalt be set at rest.” And do thou play fast and loose with him and profess love to him and win him to confess and after tell us the true state of his case.’ And she answered, ‘O father mine, I know how I will make proof of him.’

Then she went away and after nightfall, her husband came in to her, according to his wont, whereupon she rose to him and took him under the armpit and wheedled him full featly, for women are never at a loss for wiles, whenas they would aught of men. She ceased not to caress him and beguile him with speech sweeter than

  1. i.e. tell us what thou knowest of him.