- Ali ben Bekkar and Shemsennehar, iii. 49.
- Ali of Cairo, The Adventures of Quicksilver, vi. 264.
- Ali Noureddin and the Frank King’s Daughter, viii. 63.
- Ali the Persian and the Kurd Sharper, iii. 367.
- Ali Shar and Zumurrud, iv. 36.
- Ali ben Tahir and the girl Mounis, iv. 299.
- Almsgiving, The Woman whose hands were cut off for, iv. 126.
- Amin (El) and his uncle Ibrahim ben el Mehdi, iv. 288.
- Anoushirwan, The Righteousness of King, v. 8.
- Anoushirwan, Kisra, and the village damsel, iv. 227.
- Angel of Death and the King of the Children of Israel, The, v. 5.
- Angel of Death with the Proud King and the Devout Man, The, v. 1
- Angel of Death and the Rich King, The, v. 3.
- Ape, The King’s Daughter and the, iv. 141.
- Apples of Paradise, The, iv. 276.
- Apples, The Three, i. 165.
- Arab girl, Haroun er Reshid and the, vi. 199.
- Arab youth, The Khalif Hisham and the, iii. 322.
- Ardeshir and Heyat en Nufous, vi. 304.
- Asmaï (El) and the three girls of Bassora, vi. 201.
- Ass, The Ox and the, i. 10.
- Ass, The Wild, The Fox and, viii. 201.
- Aziz and Azizeh, ii. 222.
- Azizeh, Aziz and, ii. 222.
- Baghdad, The Haunted House in, iv. 301.
- Baghdad, Khelifeh the Fisherman of, vii. 265.
- Baghdad, The Porter and the Three Ladies of, i. 69.
- Baghdad (The ruined man of) and his slave-girl, viii. 175.
- Baghdad, The Scavenger and the noble Lady of, iii. 345.
- Bakoun’s Story of the Hashish-Eater, ii. 349.
- Barber’s Story, The, i. 285.
- Barber’s First Brother, Story of the, i. 287.
- Barber’s Second Brother, Story of the, i. 292.
- Barber’s Third Brother, Story of the, i. 296.
- Barber’s Fourth Brother, Story of the, i. 300.