- Boy and Girl at School, The Loves of the, iv. 213.
- Boy and the Thieves, The, viii. 252.
- Boy (The woman who had to lover a) and the other who had to lover a man, iv. 300.
- Brass, The City of, v. 219.
- Broker’s Story, The Christian, i. 233.
- Budour and Jubeir ben Umeir, The Loves of, iv. 75.
- Budour, Kemerezzeman and, iii. 100.
- Butcher’s adventure with the Lady and the Bear, Werdan the, iv. 137.
- Butter, the Fakir and his pot of, viii. 193.
- Cadi, The Jewish, and his pious wife, v. 9.
- Cairo (New) Police, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 116.
- Cairo (Old) Police, Story of the Chief of the, iv. 119.
- Cairo, The Adventures of Quicksilver Ali of, vi. 264.
- Calender’s Story, The First, i. 90.
- Calender’s Story, The Second, i. 97.
- Calender’s Story, The Third, i. 121.
- Cashmere Singing-girl, The Goldsmith and the, v. 289.
- Cat and the Crow, The, iii. 36.
- Cat and the Mouse, The, viii. 188.
- Champion (The Muslim) and the Christian Lady, v. 32.
- Chaste Wife, The Lover’s Trick against the, v. 267.
- Christian Broker’s Story, The, i. 233.
- City of Brass, The, v. 219.
- Cloud (The saint to whom God gave a) to serve him, v. 28.
- Cobbler (Marouf the) and his wife Fatimeh, ix. 180.
- Controller’s Story, The, i. 249.
- Cous Police and the Sharper, The Chief of the, iv. 121.
- Crab, The Fishes and the, viii. 197.
- Cripple, The Blind Man and the, viii. 222.
- Crow, The Fox and the, iii. 37.
- Crow and the Serpent, The, viii. 199.
- Crow, The Cat and the, iii. 36.
- Crows and the Hawk, The, viii. 207.
- Curret el Ain, The loves of Abou Isa and, iv. 281.