Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 9.djvu/81

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took the lute and playing a lively measure, sang the following verses:

There are three lovely maidens, the reins of me that sway: Within my heart’s high places they lord it night and day.
There’s none in all creation can bow me to his will; Yet I obey these maidens and they my will gainsay.
This is of Love’s dominion, whereby they overcome A prouder than my empire and force it still obey.

The Khalif marvelled exceedingly at the aptness of these verses to his case and the delight [to which they moved him] inclined him to reconciliation with the refractory damsel. So he went forth and made for her lodging, whither a slave-girl forewent him and acquainted her with the Khalif’s coming. She came to meet him and kissed the earth before him; then she kissed his feet and he was reconciled to her and she to him.

Meanwhile Shejeret ed Durr came to me, rejoicing, and said, “I am become free by thy blessed coming! Surely God will help me in that which I shall contrive, so I may foregather with thee in the way of law.” And I said, “Praised be God!” As we were talking, in came her servant, to whom we related that which had passed, and he said, “Praised be God who hath made the affair to end well, and we implore Him to crown His favours with thy safe going-out hence!” Presently, in came my mistress’s sister, whose name was Fatir, and Shejeret ed Durr said to her, “O my sister, how shall we do to bring him out of the palace in safety? For God hath vouchsafed me emancipation and by the blessing of his coming, I am become a free woman.” Quoth Fatir, “I see nothing for it but to dress him in a woman’s habit.” So she brought me a suit of women’s clothes and clad me therein; and I went out forthwith; but, when I came to the midst of the palace, I found the Khalif seated there, with the eunuchs in attendance upon him.