Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/423

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Nabopolassar, 344, 350
Nabulus, 49
nāgīd, 33, 92, 295
naḥal, 252
Names, significant, 24, 145 f.; lists of, in oriental Histories, 1 f., 79
Nathan the prophet, 113, 168, 207, 305
Navy, 206
nēbhel, 96 f.
Nebuchadnezzar (Nebuchadrezzar), 347 f., 351
Neco I and II, 327, 336, 343 f.
nēr (nīr), 259
Neriglissar (Nergalšar-uṣur), 351
Nethinim, 65, 137
New Testament (passages of) referred to:
Matt. i. 3—6, p. 15
Matt. i. 7, 23
Matt. v. 22, 293
Matt. v. 39, 244
Matt. xxiii. 35, lviii, 277
Matt. xxv. 15, 290
Mark ii. 26, 102
Mark ix. 43, 293
Mark xi. 2, 7, 96
Mark xvi. 1, 235
Luke i. 5, 143
Luke i. 7, 266
Luke ii. 36, 335
Luke iii. 31 22
Luke vii. 44—46, 297
Luke xi. 51, 277
Luke xii. 55, 192
Luke xv. 18, 21, 296, 321
Luke xix. 4, 172
John i. 45, 16
John iii. 27, 296
John xi. 54, 222
John xii. 3, 7, 235
John xviii. 1, 303
John xix. 39, 40, 235
Acts vii. 60, 278
Acts viii. 40, 287
Acts ix. 32, 27
Acts xii. 1, 228
Acts xii. 21, p. 159
Acts xii. 23, 222
Acts xiii. 2, 138
Acts xxi. 37, 163
Acts xxii. 24, 163
Rom. i. 1, 138
Rom. xi. 2, xxxii
Gal. i. 15, 138
2 Thess. ii. 11, 243
1 Tim. iii. 15, 114
Heb. ii. 16, 297
1 Joh. i. 9, 215
Rev. ii. 20, 335
Rev. xxi, 12—16, 182
Nimrod, 7
Nineveh, 327
Nisan, the first month, 89, 301, 310, 339
Nobles, the, 273
Numbering of the people, see David
Numbers high in Chronicles, xlix, 92, 133, 135 ff., 164 f., 178, 195, 204, 210, 218 f., 221 f., 225 f., 239, 281, 294
ōb, 325
Obelisk of Shalmaneser II, 122, 206
Oblations (tᵉrūmāh), 314
Obsolete English words:
At (after verbs of asking), 241
Grave (vb.= carve), 174
Magnifical, 134
Play (= dance), 96, 106
Polls ( = heads), 137
Skill (vb.), 174, 333
Oded, 229, 295 f.
ōhel, 197, 274
Omar, the Mosque of, 181
'ōnēn, 325
Onyx, 164
Ophel, 291, 328
Ophir, 164, 202, 257
Oracle, the, 180, 185, 187
Oman, 131, 177
Osorkon, 226
Overseers, 173, 176, 333