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F. Brown, Chronicles in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible (1898).

W. R. Smith and S. R. Driver, Chronicles in the Encyclopaedia Biblica (1899).

I. Benzinger, Die Bücher der Chronik (1901).

R. Kittel, Die Bücher der Chronik (1902).

C. F. Kent, Israel's Historical and Biographical Narratives (Student's Old Testament, 1905).

W. R. Harvie-Jellie, Chronicles in the Century Bible (1906).

E. L. Curtis and A. A. Madsen, Chronicles (the International Critical Commentary, 1910).

S. R. Driver, Literature of the Old Testament, pp. 517—540 (8th ed. 1909).

W. R. Smith and S. A. Cook, Chronicles in the Encyclopaedia Britannica (1910).

C. C. Torrey, Ezra Studies (1910).

A. T. Olstead, Source Study and the Biblical Text in the American Journal of Semitic Languages (Oct. 1913).

Students interested in the Hebrew text should consult Kittel's edition of the O.T. in Hebrew; Kittel's Chronicles in Hebrew in The Sacred Books of the Old Testament (ed. P. Haupt); Torrey's Ezra Studies, and the commentary by Curtis and Madsen mentioned above; also Arno Kropat, "Die Syntax des Autors der Chronik," in the Zeitschrift für Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft (Beihefte) xvi. (1909).

N.B. The commentary on Chronicles according to the text of the Authorised Version was edited in this series by the Rev. Professor W. E. Barnes, D.D., in 1899. For this new edition which is based on the Revised Version the present writer is entirely responsible. He desires here to acknowledge the courtesy of Professor Barnes who has kindly permitted the retention of notes from the first edition.

W. A. L. E.

Sept. 1st, 1915.