Page:The Borzoi 1920.djvu/90

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"The Book of Self"; b. St. Paul, Minn. 24 May, 1882. Educ.: Two years of special courses at Columbia University. Assistant editor Cosmopolitan Magazine; later taught in an East Side Technical school. At age of 24 he began free-lancing. Was editor of The Seven Arts.

PERTWEE, Roland: b. Brighton, 15th May 1885; m. Advice Scholtz of Capetown, South Africa, 1910. Educ.: London and Paris. Started as a portrait painter; abandoned painting in favour of the stage; left stage and became a writer in 1914. Served in Heavy Artillery Mechanical Transport in France during war.

RUSSELL, John: Author "The Red Mark"; b. Davenport, Iowa, 1885; son Charles Edward Russell. Educ.: Brooklyn schools and North-Western University; much foreign travel. Reporter N. Y. Herald and special correspondent Panama and Peru. Now lives in New York.

SHAFER, Don Cameron: Author "Barent Creighton"; b. Charlotteville, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1881; Educ.: Public Schools; m. Janeth E. Mitchell of Roxbury, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1910. Learned printer's trade; reporter Schenectady Union, 1903; later, special writer for N. Y. World, Sun, Press and Times; also contributor to magazines. Advertising manager for General Electric Co.

SITWELL, Osbert: Author "Argonaut and Juggernaut"; b. London, 6 Dec. 1892. Educ.: Eton. Served in France as Officer in the Grenadier Guards 1914-15-16.

SQUIRE, John Collings: Author "Books in General"; b. Plymouth, 2 April 1884; m., 1908, Eileen H. A., d. of Rev. A. Anstruther Wilkinson; three s. Educ.: Bundell's; St. John's College, Cambridge (Historical Scholar, 1903; B. A. 1908; M. A. 1919); Literary Editor New Statesman since 1913; Acting Editor, 1917-19; contested Cambridge University (Lab). 1919. Editor the London Mercury, since 1919.

TIETJENS, Eunice (née Hammond): Author "Body and Raiment"; b. Chicago, Ill., 29 July, 1884. Educ.: France, Switzerland and Germany. Has travelled extensively in all parts of the world. Two years on the staff of Poetry in Chicago, the second as Associate Editor. For one year war correspondent in Paris for Chicago Daily News; m. 2nd Cloyd Head, Chicago, 1920.

TOMLINSON, H. M.: Author "Old Junk"; b. 1873. Joined the editorial staff of the Morning Leader, 1904, and the Daily News when the two papers amalgamated; War Correspondent in Belgium and France from Aug. 1914, and an Official Correspondent at General Headquarters of the British Armies in France, 1915-17. Assistant Editor The Nation (London) since 1917.

TRIDON, André: Author "Psychoanalysis and Behaviour"; b. France 8 May, 1877. Educ.: