Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/446

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[Fuegia, the

In our specimens the inflorescence is variable, even on the same stem; in some the antheridia and paraphyses are abundant, in others entirely wanting.

4. Tortula lavipila, (Barbara), Brack et Sckimp. I. c. p. 40. t. 25.

Var. 1 . foliis erecto-patentibus dorso margineque papulosis, florescentia inonoica (interdurn hermaphrodita).

Var. 2. foliis ovalibus suberectis dorso lsevibus.

Var. 3. caule gracili ramoso, foliis brevioribus suberectis elliptico-oblongis apice pilo brevi instructis margine subincurvis.

Var. 4. foliis obtusis areolis majusculis subrotundis.

Hab. Falkland Islands, vars. 1 and 2, on sandy soil near the sea; vars. 3 and 4, Cockburn Island, lat. 64° S., long. 57° W., both barren.

5. Tortula gracilis. Barbula gracilis, Bruch et Sc/iimp. 1. c. p. 22. t. 8. (Tab. CLIII. fig. III.)

Hab. Cockburn Island, (barren).

Our specimens differ from authentic examples in having the leaves more crowded, more pellucid at the base and less acuminated ; the nerve also is wider.

Plate CLIII. Fig. III. — 1, tuft of the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves ; 4, areola? : — magnified.

6. Tortula hyperborea, Mont, in Toy. an Pole Sud, Bot. Crypt, p. 302. t. 20. f. 4. Syntrichia hyperborea, Bricl. Bryol. Univ. vol. i. p. 583. S. mucronifolia, Br. in Parry's 1st Toy. App. p. 198. excl. synonym.

Hab. Strait of Magalhaens ; M. Jacquinot.


1. Polytrichum compressum, Hook. fil. et Wils.j caule subsiruplici, foliis suberectis subulatis concavis subserratis, theca incliriata ovata cornpressa microstoma, operculo conico-rostrato, calyptra apice subpilosa. (Tab. CLIII. fig. IV.)

Hab. Hermite Island, in various situations, chiefly on wet rocks, from the sea to the tops of the hills, rare in fruit.

Dioicum. C'aules plus minus dense ceespitosi, vix ramosi, nunc luridi, nunc rufo-femiginei, subinde luteo-virides. Folia erecto-patentia, imbricata, lanceolato-subulata; in caule maseulo ovato-lanceolata, breviora; apice incurva, obtusiuscula, concava, mollia, subcarnosa, obscure serrata, nervo angusto hand lamellato instructa, areolis mimitis subrotundis, opacis ; pericliEetialia longiora, erecta. Seta uncialis, crassa. Theca iuchnata, subinde horizontals, ovata, obhqua, cornpressa, microstoma, lurido-fusca. Columella cornpressa. Peristoma dentes circiter 32, irregulares, albidi. Spores minutae, ferrugineas. Operculum conico-rostratum, capsida duplo brevius. Calyptra apice subpilosa, latere fissa, parvula, fusca.

Allied to the Icelandic P. Icevigatum, Hook., but abundantly distinct in its compressed theca and narrower leaves.

Plate CLIII. Fig. IV. — 1, plant of the natural size; 2 and 3, leaves; 4 and 5, thecse; 6, calyptra : — all magnified.

2. Polytrichum juniperinuw, Hedw., Sp. Muse. p. 89. t. 28. HooL et Tayl. Muse. Brit. p. 45. t.10.

Var. foliis confertis suberectis strictis.