Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/504

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[Fuegia, the

9. STEREOCLADON, Hook. fil. et Harv.

Frons solida, olivacea, filiforniis, raiuosissmia, e cellulis endochromate repletis longitudinaliter seriatis formata. Sporidia solitaria, sparsa, in froiidis peripheria immersa, nigro-olivacea, elliptica. — Genus dubice affinitatis, vix in tribu Diotyotearuru includendum.

1. Stereocladon Lyall'u. (Tab. CLXXIV.)

Hab. Cape Horn, and the Falkland Islands; thrown up on the beach, rare.

Frons 5-6 unc. louga, setacea, deeoniposito-rainosissima, ramificatione valde irregtdari. Caulis percurrens v. parce divisus, vix dichotonie ramosus. Rami alterni, patentes, flexuosi, decompositi ; ramuli omnes patentes, flexuosi v. squarrosi, multifidi, apices acuti. Substantia rigidula, charts laxe adhsereus. Color olivaceus. Sporidin numerosissima, per frondis partem superiorem dense sparsa, immersa. This remarkable plant resembles, to the naked eye, Dietyosiphon famicwlaceus ; but its stem and branches are solid throughout, and the seeds are immersed endwise, in the substance of the branch.

Plate CLXXIV. Fit/. 1 and 2, portions of branch and ramuli; fuj. 3, segment of ramidus ; fg. i, transverse section of fructifying stem : — magnified.

10. CHORDA, Stack!,.

1. Chorda lomentaria, Grev., Alg. Brit. p. 50. t. 9. Ft. Antarct. Pt. 1. p. 179.

Hab. Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands, and Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen's Land ; abundant.

Very abundant on the shores of Europe, from the Mediterranean Sea to the German Ocean. Also found in Lord Auckland's Group, but not, that we are aware, within the Tropics.

11. ASPEROCOCCUS, Lamowrx.

1. Asperococcus sinuosus, Bory, Morea, p. 326. Encoelium sinuosum, Ag. Sp. Alg. vol. i. p. 136.

Hab. Falkland Islands ; abundant. Herrnite Island, Cape Horn.

The distribution of this species is very wide, continuing through the Tropics from the latitude of Spain to the Falkland Islands. We have specimens from the collections of Humboldt ; also from Vogel, gathered in Tropical Africa, and from the Red Sea and Persian Gulf. It neither inhabits Northern Europe nor is found on any shores south of the Falklands.

12. ADENOCYSTIS, Hooh.fil. et Hare.

1. Adenocystis Lessoni, Hook. fil. et Harv., Ft. Antarct. Pt. 1. p. 179. t. 09. f. 2.

Hab. Herrnite Island, Cape Horn; Falkland Islands; Kerguelen's Land, and Cockbum Island, hit. 64° 12' S., long. 57° W.; very abundant.

Apparently quite an Antarctic species, though much resembling some of the Burnout i/e figured in Postcl anil Rupprecht's great work on the Alga of the Arctic "and Pacific Oceans.

2. Adenocystis jyUrvilteai, Hook. fil. et Harv. Asperococcus D'UrviUsei, Bory in Buperrey Toy. Bot. p. 200. 1. 11. f. 3.

Hab. Berkeley Sound, Falkland Islands ; with the former.

We are inclined to regard this as a slender state of the A. Lessonii, which is exceedingly variable when young.