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Page:The Bowbells Tribune, 1921-04-29.djvu/6

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(From staff correspondent)

Rain, rain, rain. We would rather see it rain in July than, just now, but hope to get it then, too.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderson and family and Mrs. R. O. Parsons and son Eddie and Dony were Kenmare shoppers last Saturday.

Miss Phyllis Carter arrived here last Saturday to visit for some time with her sister. Miss Beruice Carter.

P. N. Johnson, president of the First State Bank of Lignite, made a business trip here last Monday.

The community was shocked last Sunday when the death of little Edwin Olson was learned. Erwin was only sick a few days and had always enjoyed good health. He will be greatly missed among his school mates where he was a great favorite. The family circle will have a missing link. The grief stricken family have the sympathy of the entire community. Funeral services will be held Wednesday from the Norwegian Lutheran church at two o'clock. Rev. Vogt will officiate.

Clyde Morse returned front Sandy Point, Idaho, last Friday while Mrs. Morse will visit for a while longer. Clyde is very favorably impressed with that state, but however, he says Coteau looks good to him.

Miss Esther Peterson is at present visiting at the R. O. Parsons home.

Mrs. Lindblad and family and Art Bloomquist spent Sunday at the F. W. Marks home near Woburn.

Gust Albertson passed thru here last Saturday on his way home from Bowbells.

The play given by the Coteau High School students was a success from start to finish. Much credit is due Mr. Brown for the work done. The neat little sum of $44.25 was taken in. Everyone went home well satisfied with the evening amusement.

Mrs. John Sjoberg and sister Ellen Blomgren spent Tuesday afternoon at the Emil Sorenson home.

Mrs. J. R. Jensen and daughter Opal were Coteau callers Tuesday.

English services next Sunday evening at the usual hour. Let us all try and be there.

Will Butgereit was in Coteau on business last Monday.

Ladies aid next Thursday, May 5 at the church at the usual hour.

H. Frazer from the hills was in town on business last Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hovland and son were entertained for supper last Sunday evening at the Staale Hendrickson home.

France Lindstrom was hauling feed from the elevator last Monday.

Lars Nelson was a Coteau caller last Monday afternoon.

Alfred Thompson of Bowbells visited at his home here Tuesday evening.

Harry Mohr of wBowbella was in Coteau on business last Saturday.

Pet Wahlun was walking our streets last Saturday.

John P. Erickson was a Coteau visitor last Saturday.

Cor. Z



(From Staff Correspondent)

Mrs. Ray Shoff and daughters spent last Monday afternoon with Mrs. Carl Gerard.

Mrs. Frank Gerard was on the sick list with pleurisy the first of last week.

Robert and Ivolene Hadwen were on the sick list a few days last week.

Will Sloan called at John Sloans Thursday morning.

Clyde Gerard called at Ray Shoffs and Albert Kleins last Thursday.

Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hadwen and Mrs. L. M. Hadwen were Kenmare visitors last Friday afternoon, where Mrs. L. M. Hadwen had dental work done.

Clyde Gerard called at Bert Smiths and John Crons last Thursday Afternoon.

Miss Mary Sloan and Miss Myrtle Felch came out from Bowbells last Thursday evening on account of Friday being a holiday. They returned Sunday evening.

Miss Myrtle Felch visited the Sloan school Friday afternoon.

Miss Margaret Bracey spent the week end in Kenmare with her mother and sister.

Mrs. Giffln Speise called at H. A. Kirkelies last Friday afternoon.

Fritz Speise was on the sick list last week with a severe attack of the mumps.

Miss Ella Zacharias missed several days of school last week on account of the pink eye.

Robert and Ivolene Hadwen entertained the pink eye last week.

Kerinit Smith had the pink eye the fore part of last week.

The Andrew Zaenarias children all have the pink eye.

Mrs. J. D. Beard, daughter Ruth and son Dick visited at the Francis Bogus home from Saturday until Monday.

Florence Radenz and Alice Peterson spent Tuesday afternoon with Helen and Florence Tutt.

R. F. Hadwen set his fish net in Des Lacs lake last Saturday evening and caught 121 fine fish.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gerard were Sunday visitors at Francis Bogus.

Miss Mary Beaton returned the last of the week from Bottineau, where she has been recovering from an operation for appendicitis and is again teaching at the Rierson school.

A large number of the farmers in this neighborhood have finished seeding wheat and are plowing for oats.

Albert Beard was a Sunday visitor at the home of his sister, Mrs. Francis Bogus.

Mrs. Carl Gerard and baby returned home Sunday after spending a few days at Ray Shoffs.

Clyde Gerard was a Sunday visitor at John Crons.

Cor. F



(From Stall Correspondent)

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Berg and family spent Sunday at H. C. Carlsons. Tom Jacobson and Anna Westegren spent Sunday afternoon in Coteau.

N. E. Anderson spent Sunday afternoon at O. C. Petersons.

Mr. find Mrs. Lawrence Larsen and son Walter spent Sunday afternoon at Sam Knutsons.

The Danish Lutheran young people's society met at H. H. Hansen's Sunday where a large crowd was in attendance, and a most enjoyable time was had by all.

Mrs. Jorgen Hansen and son Victor were Kenmare shoppers Tuesday.

Pete Erickson called at Alfred Johnson's and H. H. Hansen's Monday evening.

Simon and Willie Walters spent Sunday night with Henry Mitchell.

Rosella Hansen spent Tuesday afternoon with Delta Hennix.

Mrs. J. L. Finke called at Fred Hansen's Monday forenoon.

Mads Ejsing is running Lawrence Larsen's tractor these days while Omer is taking exams.

Mrs. Sam Knutson called at Fred Hansens Monday afternoon.

Doris Jensen spent Tuesday evening with her friend Grace Carlson.

Louis Anderson and family attended the funeral services of Irvin Olson Wednesday.

Tom Jacobson and Anna Westegren called at the latter's home Sunday evening,

Thorval Peterson spent Sunday forenoon in Coteau.

Alfred Johnson hauled wheat from Niobe Saturday.

The Hansen Brothers have moved to the Thies farm now to put in the crop.

George Hansen of Bowbells was looking after his interests in this vicinity Tuesday. He also fanned some grain for Mr. Peterson.

Mrs. Fred Hansen spent Wednesday forenoon in Bowbells.

Cor. A


(From staff correspondent)

(April 28)

Mrs. Engebret Larson and Geneva Hermanson attended the, ladies aid which was held at the O. Shefstad home last Wednesday.

Rosella Amundson called at the Sven Reistad home Saturday evening.

Charlie Post is again on his duty as an assessor.

The Misses Fern Reistad and Lila Steen and brother Julius spent last Sunday evening at the L. Henderson home.

May Moritz spent the week end at the home of her aunt, Mrs. J. Schouten.

Mr. and Mrs. L. Henderson and family were Sunday visitors at the Knute Hermanson home.

Geneva Hermanson is assisting Mrs. Charlie Post with her work this week.

Johnny Busek and Wilfred Reistad called on Helmer Hermanson Sunday forenoon.

Wilfred Reistad called at – the John Busek home both Saturday and Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Engebret Larson attended services held at the Grand View church Sunday.

Leo arid Harold Post called Sunday at the Hermanson home.

Hazel Reistad visited all last week with her sister, Mrs. Jim Smith. She came home Sunday morning accompanied by her brother-in-law.

Louis Hermanson spent Friday and Saturday at the Eng. Larson home.

Cor. L.



(Grades 2 and 4)

Raymond Melby is spending the week out on the farm.

The fourth grade have been studying the life of Florence Nightingale, in connection with spelling.

On the sick list this week are Otillia Schultz, William Skoeglie and Francis Siemers.


(Grade 3)

Dorothy Anderson and Florence Siemers are absent from school this week. Hurry back, girls, and make our attendance 100 per cent.

We finished the study of "The Brook" for language this week.

The B. reading class commenced the reading of the Heath reader IV this week and the A. class have the Gordon reader.


(Grade 7)

The history class has been making an interesting type study of the very eccentric historical character, Andrew Jackson, in connection with which the following interesting reports have been given: Boyhood and Personal Traits Jesse Schultz

Solicitor and Prosecutor in Tennessee Percy Schultz

In Congress Leo Johnson

Private Life Doris Jensen

First Expedition in War of 1812 Lillian Koehler

Campaign Against the Crooks Lenier Lodmell

The Battle of New Orleans Adele Migge

As Candidate for the Presidency Madeline Peterson

Merits and Faults as President Lucille Randall

Comparison with other Leaders and Presidents Ethel Lodmell

A very unique story was worked out in oral composition class the other day. It had not only one author, but twenty. A title was first agreed upon, then each author in turn was allowed one minute in which to further develop the tale. At the end of twenty minutes we had a story of peculiar interest.

Our room is glad to note that two of our boys are going to take part in the relay race, namely Albert Miller and Lennie Walleen.


(Grade 5)

Our per cent of attendance has geen quite low for two weeks. It is rising gradually though.

Myrtle and Walter Gadbaw are back again. We were glad to see them again.

Clarence Albertson, Carol Coleman and Clyde Salmon have been absent this week.


Morris Melby and Joy Hansen hate returned after a two weeks absence.

Those having a record of perfect attendance and punctuality for the past six weeks are: Ruth Durward, Esther Gunter, Walter Norlin, Burke Wineman.

The per cent of attendance for the last month has been low, due to sickness and spring work. However, the room has resolved to make up for lost time and keep up our 100 per cent record that we have had this week.


On account of the late time when the contestants for the Declamatory Contest received their selections, the date for the holding of the preliminary contest will be changed from Friday, May 6 to Monday, May 9, giving the people two more days to work. The contest will be in the High School Auditorium beginning promptly at 8:30 o'clock. A program will be printed in next week's school notes.

The regular six-weeks examinations were conducted Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

Everybody boost for the relay first, and the inter-class Track Meet next Tuesday afternoon.

A group of high school girls are planning on hiking to Flaxton Saturday to see the finish of the relay race, returning on the 7:30 local.



(From Staff Correspondent)

Misses Jackman and Murphy made a short call at Frank Burau's Friday evening.

Miss Bertha Knutson spent the week end at the Otto Feine home.

Those who had dinner at the at the Fred Burau home were: Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Johnson and children and Mr. and Frank Burau and daughter Loretta.

Miss Mabel Dahl, who is working for Mary Stannard, county superintendent of schools, arrived in Larson Saturday evening and spent Sunday at her home, returning to Bowbells Monday morning.

Delmar Dahl has been on. The sick list the past week, but is now somewhat better.

Mr. Lewi Fischer left Monday for points down east.

Mr. and Mrs. Anton Watterud returned home Wednesday evening from Fergus Falls, Minn., where their daughter Clara underwent an operation.

Miss Julia Watterud left Monday for Minot where she will resume her school work at the Normal.

Misses Linda and Sylvia Berg came home Thursday evening to spend a few days at their home. On account of Friday being Arbor Day the Columbus school was closed on that day.

Mr. and Mrs. Ole Serdahl spent Sunday visiting in Larson.

The rain which came last Wednesday and Thursday delayed the farmers in their seeding for a few days, hut many of them were out plowing.

Miss Clara Berg spent Sunday with Miss Frances Dahl.

Carl Eldevick, our mailman, purchased a Ford car from S. P. Witty last week, so he is now making the route in a short time.

Axel Olstad is employed in the First State Bank of Larson as deputy receiver.

John Hougorud is working for Albert Sorlie during springs work.

Cor. J


B. A. Stefonowicz. Notary Public, office in The Tribune Building. Bowbells. N. D. tf


(From staff correspondent)

Myrtle Swenson spent Tuesday night with Doris Hanson.

Mrs. Hans Hanson and daughter Doris, Gust Johnson and Hazel Swenson called at the Alvin Freeburg home Wednesday evening to see the new baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross and baby spent part of Wednesday in Bowbells.

Calvin Hulbert called at Walter Speises Friday.

Burke and Willis Bair spent from Thursday evening till Sunday evening at their home here.

Reed Brooner closed his term of school at the Westminster school Friday.

Mrs. Beard, Dick and Ruth are spending a few days visiting at the Francis Bogus home.

The Chris Peterson family visited at Carl Christensens Friday evening.

Mrs. Mattie Burke went up to Jim’s near Northgate Saturday where she will visit for a while.

Albert Beard spent Sunday at Francis Bogus. Mr. Bogus went to Bowbells Sunday morning to get Mr. Beard.

Burke Wineman of Bowbells was out to the farm Saturday.

Lillian Burke went home Saturday where she will spend some time.

Mrs. Henry Brown spent from Saturday morning until Monday at the Christ Olson home.

J. J. Duggan and nephew Martin Duggan arrived here Sunday from Detroit, Mich., and will spend some time visiting at the Simon Lynch home. Mr. Duggan and the Lynch family have known each other for many years.

Mrs. Stanley Coons finished a very successful term at the Gagnum school Friday.

W. B. Coons called at the Jake Gagnum and Kimell homes Monday evening.

Angeline Owens came out from Bowbells Thursday evening to spend the week end at her home here.

Bella, Barbara and Forest Lynch visited at the Charlie Hansen home Sunday.

Rodney Coons called at Enoch Swensons Sunday evening.

Hannah Gottwald visited at Stanley Coons Saturday.

One of the Gadbaw boys from Bowbells is employed on the Haus Anderson farm.

One of the Nelson boys of Bowbells is helping Calvin Hulbort with his farm work.

Bella, Rosenna and Barbara Lynch and Angeline Owens called on Mrs. Chas. Perrington Friday evening.

Mrs. Stanley Coons was a Northgate shopper Saturday.

Ray Edwards and Burke Wineman visited at D. F. Bairs Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Hulbort went into Bowbells Tuesday evening to get Ray Harris who is going to visit at the Hulbert home for a while.

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Homiston called at Simon Lynches Tuesday evening.

Cor. C



(From staff correspondent)

"Dad" Carpenter arrived here Wednesday evening and as usual, he brought some Iowa weather back with him.

Clarence Grindy, who spent the past winter taking treatments at the Wood Chiropractic hospital at Minot, returned home Wednesday evening. He is not very much improved in health.

Mrs. Frank Welsh and daughter of Kenmare came up Saturday to spend Sunday with relatives.

Miss Mabel Glaspey is confined to her home with the scarlet fever this week. It is, however, said to be a mild case.

Gus. Flugge of Noonan was a Lignite business caller Friday.

Mrs. Vesey of Gravelburg, Sask., visited with her daughter Alta at the M. Vesey home last week. She left for Berthold on Friday morning.

Mrs. H. O. Grina returned Saturday morning from Crosby where she spent the past few weeks with relatives.

P. Hoglund from Canada is visiting at the home of his daughter Mrs. Edward Larson.

Rev. Berquist of Niobe came up Saturday evening to hold service in the Swedish church on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Johnson and Miss Anderson of near Woburn were Lignite shoppers Saturday.

Mrs. John Bly died last Friday at her home north of Rival, the cause of death being a ruptured appendix. She leaves to mourn her death her husband and five small children. The remains were shipped to Wisconsin for burial. He have been unable to get any further particulars.

Alva Mitchell, the medicine man was a Lignite visitor Monday.

Mrs. … Grins has resigned from her position as teacher in the fifth and sixth grades on account of poor health and a teacher arrived Monday morning to take her place.

Prof. Carl Gilbertson and Miss Clara Remley were the only teachers from here who attended the teachers convention at Minot last week.

A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Erick Anderson on Saturday last.

Cor. H



March 23, 1921.

Board met at 9:00 A. M., as per adjournment, all members present.

Forenoon was spent inspecting bond issue for seed and feed.

Motion mads and carried that the board adjourn until 2:00 P. M.

Board met at 2:00 P. M., as per adjournment, all members present.

Motion made and carried that the following resolutions be adopted, that, Lawrence Larsen, County Treasurer in and for Burke County, State of North Dakota, be and is hereby authorized to pay for seed and feed grain out of the general fund of the County until the arrival of seed and feed fund.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 9:00 A. M. March 28, 1921.

March 28, 1921

Being no quorum, no session.

March 29, 1921

Board met. at 9:00 A. M. all members present.

Forenoon was spent investigating feed and seed grain, determining prices of same, and investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 2:00 P. M.

Board met at 2:00 P. M., as per adjournment, all members present.

Afternoon was spent in investigating seed grain, applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 9:00 A. M., March 30, 1921.

March 30, 1821

Board met at 9:00 A. M., as per adjournment. present. Commissioner, Kirkelle and Commissioner Hauge. Absent. Commissioner Grubb.

Forenoon was spent in investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 2:00 P. M.

Board met at 2:00 P. M., as per adjournment. Present commissioner Kirkelle and Commissioner Hauge. Absent, Commissioner Qrubb.

Afternoon was spent in investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 9:00 A. M., March 31, 1921.

March 31, 1921

Board met at 9:00 A. M., as per adjournment, present. Commissioner Kirkelie and Commissioner Hauge. Absent. Commissioner Grubb.

Forenoon was spent investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 2:00 P. M.

Board met at 2:00 P. M., as per adjournment, present. Commissioner Kirkelie and Commissioner Hauge.

Absent, Commissioner Grubb.

Afternoon was spent investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 9:00 A. M. April 1, 1921.

April 1, 1921

Board met at 9:00 A. M. as per adjournment, all members present.

Forenoon was spent investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 2:00 P. M.

Board met at 2:00 P. M.. as per adjournment, all members present.

Afternoon was spent investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until April 2, 1921.

April 3, 1921

Board met at 9:00 A. M., as per adjournment, all members present.

Forenoon was spent investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 2:00 P. M.

Board met at. 2:00 P. M., as per adjournment. all members present.

The afternoon was spent investigating seed grain applications.

Motion made and carried that the following bills be allowed, and the Auditor be allowed to Issue warrants for same:

A. J. Hauge. Commissioners service and mileage. $77.80.

H. A. Kirkelle, Commissioners service and mileage, $40.60.

John O. Grubb, Commissioners service and mileage, $48.08,

Union investment Co., expense of Seed Bonds, $10,000.00.

Lawrence Larsen. telegraph, postage and freight, $921.19.

Ed. Drinkwater, livery and mileage $47.40.

Motion made and carried that the board adjourn until 9:00 A M., April 4. 1921.



Notice is hereby given that default has before made in the terms of that certain mortgage made, executed and delivered by Marie Siemers, formerly Marie Muske, a widow, mortgagor, to The First State Bank of Northgate, N. D., a corporation. Mortgagee, which said mortgage is dated the 7th day of October A. D. 1916 and was tiled for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Burke County, North Dakota, on the 10th day of October A. D. 1916 at 11:10 o'clock A. ML, and was duly recorded in Book 1 of Mortgages on page 869 thereof, and which said mortgage was thereafter and on the 14th day of November A. D. 1916 by an instrument in writing duly assigned by, the said The First State Bank of Northgate, K. Dak., to O. H. Foulkes, which said assignment was filed for record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Burke County, North Dakota, oh the 16th day of December A. D. 1916 at 8:30 o'clock A M.. and was duly recorded in Book 28 of Mortgages on page 88 thereof. Default having been made in the failure of said mortgagor to pay that certain interest coupon note in the sum of Ninety-six Dollars ($96.00), which said note was due and payable on the 1st day of December A. D 1920, and which said note is past due and unpaid.

Notice of intention to foreclose said mortgage having been given, served and filed as recorded by law, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises in said mortgage and hereinafter described at the front door of the Court House in the City of Bowbells, Burke County, North Dakota, on the 4th day of June A. D. 1921 at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon of said day to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage on the day of sale.

The (premises described in said mortgage and which will be sold to satisfy the same are described as follows to-wit: The Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of Section Thirteen (13) in Township One Hundred Sixty-two (162) North of Range Eighty-nine (89) West of the Fifth P. M., containing one hundred sixty acres, more or less, according to the government survey.

There will be due on said mortgage on the date of sale the sum of one thousand six Hundred Dollars ($l,600.00) principal and the further sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) interest, and the further sum of Two Hundred Eleven Dollars ($211.00) taxes on said premises, which sum this Mortgagee has paid, in order to protect his said lien, and which said sums are hereby included in and made a part of the indebtedness due under said mortgage on the date of sale, which sums amount in all the sum of One Thousand Nine Hundred Eleven Dollars ($1,911.00), together with the costs and disbursements allowed by law upon such foreclosures.

Dated at Bowbells, North Dakota, this 36th day of April A.D. 1921.


Assignee of Mortgages.

H. A. Hanson,

Attorney for Assignee of Morgages

Bowbells, North Dakota. 43-9c