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164 THE BUILDING NEWS. § Fen. 2, 1872.

LATEST PRICES OF MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION. LEAD. Pig—Foreign. . . - -perton £1810 0 £1815 0 » English W.B. . . do 2010 0 2100 s» mead Co. ... « do 19 5 0 000 » Otherbrands. .. do 1817 6 19 5 0 Sheet Miled. ..-. + do 20 5 0 0 0 0 Shot, Patent. ... . do 2110 0 000 Red orminium. . .. do 2110 0 00 0 Litharge, W.B..... do 000 000 Wihite Dry. tole le «) 500 2610 0 000 » groundinoil. . do 000 000 COPPER. British—Cake&Ingot .perton £92 0 0 £96 0 0 Best Selected . . .. do 94 0 0 98 0 0 Sheet -a).) sur +,» = ao 9 0 0 101 0 0 Bottoms <u; % « . do 98 0 0 103 0 0 Australian .... . do 9510 0 99),.05..0 Spanish Cake . . 0 88 0 0 00 0 Chili Bars,cash . do 86 0 0 so 0 0 » Refinedingot .. do 9% 0 0 97,70) 50 Yellow Metal . . . .perlb. 0 0 8&8 0 0 8} IRON. Pig in Scotland, cash . per ton £5313 6 £000 Welsh Bar, in London . do 10 0 0 10.15 40) ay Wales do 9 5 0 910 0 Staffordshire .. ado 1110 0 1210 0 Rail, in Wales mo) 810 0 000 Sheets, singlein London do 1310 0 1410 0 Hoops, first quality . . do 1210 0 1s 1¢ © Nail Rod ....-.- do 1110 0 1210 0 Swedish ......- do 12 0 0 13 00 Ors, &¢. Seal, pale - + » « »pertun £36 00 £0 0 0 Sperm body. mometele die <4 970° 0 98 0 0 Gd See aie Peas) ok ah 3410 0 0 0 0 Whale, South Sea, pale . a 36.0 0 37 0 0 Olive, Gallipoli... - a 53.0 0 000 Cocoanut, Cochin, tum. .,, 44.0 0 4410 0 Palm, fine... + « « = 3910 0 40 0 0 Linseed ... - o. ar $210 0 5212 6 Rapeseed, Eng. pale. . . ,, 44 0 0 000 Cottonseed . . . - se Re 33.10 0 34.0 0 TIMBER, WPGRBC i ellie Yor ie ve'ee-+ 108A) c212010' 10. £13-10) 0 Quebec, red pine. . . - = 315 0 415 0 » yellowpine. . . ” 45 0 415 0 Quebec oak, white .. . a 600 65 0 SO IECIL (el eke ae as 315 0 50 0 ae SGWM pele 6s s 315 0 45 0 Dantzicoak. . .. ++ 410 0 610 0 ast FE Sr 6) eiriehese W 2.70 400 Memel fir. . . <a Tes = . 3.5 0 000 Ripa een icine) ioc cosine 300 310 0 Swedish <0 505 « « )< « ay 20 40 210 0 Masts, Quebec redpine . ,, 400 610 0 » yellowpine.. . 7 400 610 0 Oregonin Gim <tieye se © a 700 10 00 Lathwood, Dantzic,fm. . ,, 410 0 6 0 0 oe St. Petersburg As 8 00 910 0 Deals, per C., 12ft. by 3 by 9in., Quebec, white spruce... ,, 1210 0 1s 0 0 St. John, white spruce. ae 12 00 14 00 Yellow pine, pr reduced C Canada, Ist quality. . - 4, 18100) 21.70'°0 POM erddoy see. cos 13/7000) 14910) "0 Archangel. yellow . . - aa 1210 0 1410 0 St. Petersburg, yellow .« ay 1210 0 1310 0 KuninGh 6 aoa And Gunes 615 0 715 0 Memeland Dantzic. . . ,, 00 0 000 Gothenburg, yellow. . . “ 810 0 1010 0 v soehitte esis cya alias 8 00 900 Gefle, yellow... s+ 1010 0 1210 0 Soderham ......s 810 0 1200 Christiana, per C., 12ft. by 3 by 9in., yellow ° 9 10 0 0 1210 0 Other Norway. ... . a TAO%O 8 00 Flooring boards, pr square of lin., first yellow . . a 010 0 O11 6 nae whites is ves woe) | Gy Qs) 6 9 0/196 Second qualities . . . . a 0 6 0 0 8 6

TO IRONMONGERS AND THE TRADE GENERALLY. D HULETT AND CO., MANUFAC- e TURERS OF GAS CHANDELIERS, HALL LANTERNS, GLASS LUSTRES, &c., &c. A large assort- ment of the newest designs always on show; every article marked in plain figures. Patentees and Manufacturers of the Mercurial Gas Regulator. Complete Pattern-book and Price-list, 12s. Nos. 55 and 56, HIGH HOLBORN. i ATHES.—The Cheapest House for good Lathes, with planed iron beds, iron standards, &c., the friction parts of hardened steel, is NEILSON’S, 19, Denmark-street, Soho, London, makers of every description of tools and apparatus for amateurs and mechanics. Inventions worked out. Illustrated price list three stamps. WORKMEN'S INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1870. Silver Medal (only prize for Lathes) awarded for excellence of workmanship.

UILDING LAND FOR SALE, free of Tithe and Land Tax, situate at Barnet, Dulwich, Leytonstone, Highbury, Tooting, and Wandsworth. Nine- tenths of the purchase money may remain on mortgage or contract at 5 per cent., to be paid innine years by equal half-yearly instalments; but the whole or any part of the balance may be paid off at any time without notice.— Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained ten days before the sale atthe principal inns in the neighbour- hood; of the foreman on the estate: of T. B. Yule, High- street, Acton; of Messrs. Russell, Davies. & Russell, 59, Coleman-street, London, E.C.; of the Auctioneer, 14, Moorgate-street, London, E.C.; and at the place of sale. RCHITECT’S AND SURVEYOR’S PRACTICE.—To be DISPOSED OF, the Practice of a first-class Architect and Surveyor's BUSINESS in the Midland Counties. The different Contracts yet to com- mence will repay a portion of the purchase-money, and a gentleman of good business habits, and who can com- mand about £2,000, will find the above a first-class invest- ment. Satisfactory reasons will be given as to the retire- ment of the present owner; and for further particulars apply to S. Birbeck, Architectural Bookseller, 26, Lower Pershore-street, Birmingham. RNAMENTAL IRON and WIRE WORKS, BLIND MANUFACTORY, &c., &e., to be DISPOSED OF, in consequence of the death of Working Partner. Established forty-one years, in a first-rate thoroughfare ; front shop 100ft. long, ten-roomed_ house, two back workshops, fitted with forge, &c., &.—For par- ticulars apply 344, Euston-road, between the hours of 11 tol, Mondays and Thursdays. INE OAK CARVINGS.—To be SOLD, the FITTINGS of an old CHAPEL, suitable for Hall or Library, consisting of twelve Pilasters with carved capitals and entablature, richly-earyed reredos, arched doorway, &e., &e. On view at Messrs. Morris & Robert- son’s Art Furniture Manufactory, Vauxhall-cross, Vaux- hall Bridge, Surrey side. WANTED. Advertisements for ‘‘ Situations Wanted” are inserted in the ‘‘BuUILDING News” at a charge of One Shilling for the first Twenty-four Words.

O STONE CARVERS. — WANTED, several Good and Steady MEN for country work.— Harry Hems, Stone and Wood Carver, 69, Paris-street, Exeter. ANTED, in a LONDON OFFICE, a DRAUGHTSMAN anxious to complete his archi- tectural training. A small premium required, and a pro- gressive salary given. The situation is likely to he per- manent.—Address, stating age and previous experience, M.N., 65, King William-street, City. RCHITECTURAL ASSISTANT. — WANTED, for a permanency in Yorkshire, an AS- SISTANT, well qualified in all classes of design, Details and Specifications, State age, salary, references, &., &c., —Apply to B. F. G., Post-office, Huddersfield. N ARCHITECT and SURVEYOR requires a competent ASSISTANT, a fair Draughts min with knowledge of Details and some experience in Quantities and Measuring up Work.—Address, stating terms and references, Y. Z., Post-office, Birmingham. O ARCHITECTS and SURVEYORS.— WANTED, by the advertiser, an ENGAGE- MENT in an Architect's or Surveyor's Office in London. Has a good knowledge of Surveying and Designing.— Address, M. H., Post-Office, Dulwich, 8.E. TANTED, WORK in Ireland by a Mason’s Foreman of 20 years’ consecutive practice: A Freemason.—Refer to Mr. James Haliday, builder, Dumfries. Pee ARCHITECTS.—An Assistant is open to an ENGAGEMENT in town or country. Mode- rate salary. Highest reference— Address, J. A., Queen’s-road, Liverpool. O BUILDERS.—A thoroughly practical & energetic PLASTERER wishes to take work to any amount, oras FOREMAN. Has finished some first-class jobs in Town and Country. Good references from London firms.—Address, W. Clarke, 47, King-street, Cornwall- road, Lambeth. HNO ARCHITECTS, &.—WANTED, by a YOUNG MAN, a SITUATION in the office of the above. Details, Working Drawings, &c., perspective, &c.—Address, S. W. W., 6, Queen’s-road West, Chelsea.


INFORD’S IMPROVED CIRCULAR SAW BENCHES, with planed tops, for 30in. saw, £9 10s.; for 36in,, £15.—Mansfield Whart, Belgrave-road, Leicester. AUTION.—Mr. LIPSCOMBE’S SELF- CLEANING CHARCOAL CISTERN FILTER, an immense improyement, three times more efficient, seven times more durable, than other Cistern Filters; above 2,000 in use; rented in London if preferred. Prevents Hee ot in engine boilers. Prospectus free.—TEMPLE- N ATIONAL INSTITUTION for DISEASES of the SKIN. Physician :—Dr. BARR MEADOWS, Patients attend at Gray’s Inn-road, King’s-cross, on Mondays and Thursdays, and at 10, Mitre-street, Aldgate, on Wednesdays and Fridays; mornings at 10, evenings from 6 till9. Average number of Cases under treatment, 1,000 weekly. THOMAS ROBINSON, Hon. Sec.

ANTED TO PURCHASE, ONE OF ALLEN RANSOME’S IMPROVED GENERAL JOINERS, Second-hand.—Apply to J. Davis, Ivybourne, Malvern Wells. EATH or INJURY from ACCIDENT, with the consequent LOSS of TIME and MONEY, provided for by a policy of the RAILWAY PASSENGERS' ASSURANCE COMPANY, AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS. An Annual Payment of £3 to £6 5s. insures £1,000 at Death, or an allowance at the rate of £6 per week tor injury. £650,000 have been paid as compensation, 05. out of every Twelve Annual Policyholders becoung a c)aimant each year. For particulars apply to the Clerks at the Railway Stations, to the Local Agents, or at the offces, 64, Corn- hill, and 10, Regent-street, London. WILLIAM J. VLAN, Secretary.

NEW BOOKS FOR BUILDERS, &c. Now ready, 12mo., cloth, price 4s. (postage 4d.) EALE’S BUILDER’S AND CON- 5 _ TRACTOR'S PRICE BOOK for 1872. Contain- ing Prices for Work in all branches of the Building Trade; with an Appendix of Tables, Notes, Memoranda, &c. ‘Well done and reliable.”"—* English Mechanic.” “ Care- fully revised and admirably arranged." Engineer.” London: LOCK WOOD & CO., 7, Stationers’ Hall-court, E.C. Now ready, with 19 Woodeuts, leather, waistcoat-poeket size, price 2s. post free. HE POCKET TECHNICAL GUIDE and MEASURER for Builders and Surveyors, con- taining a complete explanation of the terms used in Build- ing, Memoranda for Reference, and Technical Directions for Measuring Work in all the Building Trades, with a Treatise on the Measurement of Timber, and a com- plete Specification for Houses, Roads, and Drains, By A. C. BEATON. Also by the same Author, HE POCKET ESTIMATOR FOR THE BUILDING TRADES, with 13 Woodcuts (uniform with the “ Technical Guide”), 2s. post free, UANTITIES & MEASUREMENTS : How to Calculate and Take Them. 12mo., cloth limp, ls. 6d. (postage 2d.) London: LOCK WOOD & GO..7, Stationers’ Hall-court, E.C. NESBIT’S PRACTICAL MENSURATION, A thorough revised Edition, augmented by a Treatise on Levelling, price 6s. bound, TREATISE on PRACTICAL MEN- SURATION, in Ten Parts; containing :— The most approved Methods of Drawing Geometrical Figures. Mensuration of Superficies. Land Surveying. Mensuration of Solids. The Use of the Carpenter's Rule. Timber Measure, in which is shown the Method of Measuring and Valuing Standing Timber. Artificers’ Works, illustrated by the Dimensions and Contents of a House, Mensuration of Haystacks, Drains, Canals, Marlpits, Ponds, Milldams, Embankments, Quarries, Coal-heaps, and Clay-heaps. Conic Sections and their Solids, The most useful Problems in Gauging according to the New Imperial Measures. Plane Trigonometry, with its application to the Men- suration of Heights and Distances. Trigonometrical Surveys. A Dictionary of the Terms used in Architecture. By ANTHONY NESBIT, New Edition, enlarged and much improved. To which is added, a Treatise on Levelling. The Two Treatises illustrated by above 700 Practical Examples and about 300 Woodcuts. KEY TO NESBIT’S PRACTICAL MENSURATION, containing Solutions to all Questions which are not answered in that work ; with Reference to the Problems, Rules, 2nd Notes, by which the Solutions are obtained. Corrected to correspond throughout with the Improved Edition of the Treatise. 12mo. price 5s. bound. Also may now be had, with numerous Plates, Woodcuts, and Engraved Plans, in 8yo. price 12s. cloth. NESBIT'S PRACTIOAL LAND-SURVEYING, for the use of Schools and Private Students. Twelfth Edition, revised and enlarged, by WILLIAM BoRNESS, F.R.A.S. London: LONGMANS, GREEN, & CO., Paternoster-row MEMORIALS ror CHURCHYARDS & CEMETERIES. Just published, price £1 11s. 6d., handsomely bound. HRISVIAN MEMORIALS. Second Series by THEOPHILUS SMITH. The work contains sixteen well-executed Coloured Designs of Head Stones, Coped Tombs, Crosses, Upright Tombs, &c., associated with suitable Railings, which are accompanied with sixteen Plates of details for the effectual carrying out of the designs, which are thoroughly practical in their character. Oxford and London: JAMES PARKER & COMPANY. HE SEWAGE QUESTION, price 2s; SANITARY WORKS, price Is. By Mr. BAILEY DENTON, C.E, E. & F. N. SPON, 48, Charing-cross. HE 264th NUMBER of the WEST- MINSTER GAZETTE, published on Jan. 20, price 3d., contains, among other interesting matter :— A Photograph of Seel’s Buildings, Liverpool. E. Welby Pugin, architect. “Mr, Street and his Defence.” Why are our Catholic Traditions Abandoned ? The Debasement of the Nation under Gladstone. Fifty Years Ago at Oxford, by Canon Oakley. St. Lawrence-on-Sea. Office, 178, Strand. OYAL POLY TECHNIC.— Entirely New Entertainment, by Professor Pepper, entitled SHADOWS, AND THE STORY OF THE SHADOWLESS MAN!—Professor Pepper's New Enter- tainment, BATTLE OF DORKING ANSWERED BY THE AUTUMN MANCEUVRES; or, the British Army and its Stations. Patriotic Songs by Miss Alice Barth— New Musical Entertainment, by Mr. George Buckland, written expressly for him by the Chairman of the Institu- tion, entitled THE GHOST OF THE TOLL-HOUSE! Illustrated wich New Scenery and Spectral Effects. Mr. George Buckland will introduce many original Songs.— The renowned swimmer Marquis Bibbero, willenact THE DROWNING MAN, Illuminated by a powerful light.— The Arabian Mystery—‘*CHRISTMAS COMES BUT ONCE A-YEAR!” by J. L. King, Esq.—Matthew's Magic and Mystery.—Dugwar's Juggling.—Admission to the whole, One Shilling.