Supplement to the Vill leumee NEWS, July 19, 1872.
Schools of Art, continued :—
ham, 75; Salisbury, 89; South Kensing-
ton, 247; Stourbridge, 75 ; Windsor and
Eton, 327
Scientifle building, 29, 62, 108, 127, 147,
169, 189, 214, 225, 232, 250, 309, 331, 35),
Scottish ecclesiastical architecture, 478,
Scott's sewage process, 362, 384, 416, 495
Scrolls, 138
Sculptor, suicide of a, 327
Seacox Heath, 356
Sea-water: for making bread, 227; in
London, 406
Secret deliberations, 531
Securing windows, 347
Selection of building stone, 127, 147, 202,
225, 243, 284
Selenitic mortar, 269
Semi-detached towers of churches, 512
Separate system for the disposal of sew-
age, a new, 20, 45
Bevonoess cottage hospital competition,
Sewage question, the, 19, 20, 45, 83, 100,
225, 245, 296, 346, 362, 384, 387, 416, 495
Sewer ventilation and flushing, 4, 44, 60,
79, 124, 162
Sewerage: Bill, Birmingham, 205, 449,
491, 512; Commission, Thames, 146;
London, 236, 296; scheme for Liverpool,
20; works at Norwich, 188
Sheepshanks collection of pictures, 386
Shoe, adjustable, 143
Short theory of the truss, 129
Shrine of St. Alban’s, the, 144, 242
Sick Asylum, Poplar, 471
Simone Pollaiuolo, 350
Sink-traps, James's patent, 489
Sinking of a town, 65
Sir G. Bowyer's asphalte tramways, 8
Sites for dwellings, healthiest, 247
Skating-pond for Glasgow, 46
Sky outlines, 112
Small-pox, 536; small-pox and fumigation,
Smith's patent stoves, 304
Smoke Nuisance Act, the, 164
Snow-melting apparatus competition, 75
Society of Amalgamated Engineers, 24;
Society of Arts, 435; Society of Biblical
Archeology, 21, 161, 404; Society of
Carpenters and Joiners, Amalgamated,
60; Society for the Encouragement of
the Fine Arts, 46,57, 80, 97, 132, 164,
267, 342, 396, 434, 500
Softening frozen ground, 264
Solid geometry, 181
Sone practical hints on house-building,
Something novel in brewery-building, 383
Sompting Church, Sussex, 68
South Kensington: land at, 286 ; District
School of Art, 247; Museum, 24, 61, 167,
247, 407, 493
South London: cemetery, new, 536; Gas
Bill, 246; tramway extension, 124
Southleigh Church, 242
Southport Townhall competition, 20, 34
Spalding Mechanics’ Institute, 489
Spire blown down, a, 24
Spires of Sussex, the, 458
Spring hinge and adjustable shoe, 143
Squares of Paris, the, 247
Staff for the Bishop of Hereford, 80
Stage, travelling, St. Pancras Station, 41
Stained Glass :—Perkeley, 80; Bigby,
Lincolnshire, 102; Birmingham, 633;
Exeter, 245; Henley-on-Thames, 102;
“Lewisham, 436; London, 366; Madding-
ton, 24; plain glazing, 96, 119; Ply-
mouth, 491; quarries for glazing, 96;
Salisbury, 470; Savoy Chapel, 80;
Silverton, 80; Southampton, 366; stained
glass, its application to domestic archi-
tecture, 96, 119, 131: stained glass in the
International Exhibition, 451; Sutton
zuocls 533 ; Upton, 24; Wood Green,
Staining, 128, 139, 149, 171, 190, 213, 231,
251, 271, 311
Standard lock, Samels’, 276
Staplehurst School Board, 507
‘Statue in Leicester-square, 327
Statues, Memorials, &c.:—Albert
Memorial, the, 385; Archbishop Longley,
24; Bishop Lonsdale, 24; Charles's
monument, Bala, 489; Duchess of
Sutherland, 80; Dunkeld, 283; George
‘Grote, 265; Glasgow, 245; Henry Bell,
80, 406; King Robert the Bruce, 164,
245; Leicester-square, 327; Lord Derby,
103; Mazzini, 406; New York, 512;
Nice, 406 ; Salt, Sir Titus, 347; Sir John
Herschel, 24; Sir Walter Scott, 283;
statuary for the Bradford Town-hall,
385, 447; statue of the Queen for Bom-
day, 265; statue of the Queen for St.
Thomas's Hospital, 164; Trevelyan
‘Goodall, Mr., 387
Steam road-rolling, 173
Steel, testing, 173
Stench-traps, 347
Stepney and Poplar Asylum, 471
Steyning Church, oak bench at, 152, 184
Stone, 127, 147, 202, 225, 243, 284, 325, 344,
365, 406, 488, 518; stone: absorption of
moisture by, 160; artificial, 309, 345;
decay in, 98, 118; monuments, rude,
157; preserving, 109
Stourbridge School of Art, 75
Stoves, patent, 304
Strasburg, the Temple Neuf, 236
Street, Mr., on the New Law Courts, 34 Street: accidents, 144; architecture, 256; architecture in Glasgow, 436; scaveng- ing, the law of, 43 Strike in the London building trades, 395, 454, 486, 505, 532 Struck by lightning, 44, 67, 403 Structures, dangerous, 267 Studentship, Pugin travelling, 158 Stuffing for cushions, 327 Style: for London architecture, 251, 305; a new, 321, 343 St. Alban’s Abbey. 144, 242, 509; St. Augustine's Church, Dublin, 132; St. Austell Schools, 402, 500; St. Columba, Haggerston, 52; St. Helen's Town-hall competition, 241; St. James's Park, 226, 449; St. John’s Church, Hull, 522; St. Lo, Normandy, 194; St, Louis, new bridge at, 163; St. Pancras Station roof, 41; St. Paul's, completion of, 124, 163, 286, 871, 401, 427, 448, 453, 469, 471, 491; St. Paul's’ Church, Sandgate, 275; St. Paul’s Church, Wood-green, Staf- fordshire, 276; St. Paul's Churchyard, improvements at, 247; St. Peter's Church, Bury, 90; St. Stephen's Chapel, 365 Substitute for wood, 347 Suburban cemeteries, 316 Suicide of a sculptor, 327 Sun-street, Bishopsgate, 164 Sunderland: model dwellings, 34; work- men’s dwellings competition, 139 Superstitions of the British builder, 367 Supply of: gas to Leeds, 327; gas to Lon- don, 80, 194, 246; water to London, 143, 184, 306, 342, 386, 407, 410, 536 Surrey Chapel Competition, 236; Surrey theatre, the, 387 Survey, the Ordnance, 120, 512 Surveyor, the :—Bicentrolinead, the, 336, 345; dilapidations, lay, 23, 44, 101; district surveyors’ charges, 315, 470; Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act, 1871, 449; employment of surveyors, the, and the Institute of Architects, 256, 291, 498 ; gradienter surveying, 255; in- closures, 512; Institution of Surveyors, 47, 80, 111, 206, 327, 458; interference by district surveyor, 246; land survey- ing, 23; London Ordnance Survey, 347; notes on earthwork, 249, 270, 291, 330, 352, 872, 451, 485, 505; Ordnance Sur- vey, the, 120, 347, 512: road-rolling in Paris, steam, 173: rubble-roads, 367; taking-out quantities and measuring works, 18, 256, 291, 498, 510; value of land in London, 268, 427 Survival of Gothic, the, 62 Sussex towers and spires, 458 Swimming baths for the metropolis, 192 Synagogue for Liverpool, new, 20 System of glazing, improved, 236 TAKING-OUT quantities, 18, 256, 291, 498, 510 Taste in the Temple, 306 Teachings of Turner, the, 302, 394 Temple of Diana at Ephesus, the, 159, 475; Temple, the Middle, 306; Temple Neuf, Strasburg, the, 236 Tenderness, professional, 515 Terra-cotta, 214, 512 Testimonial Fountain, the Bryant & May, 458 Testing: building stone, 147 ; steel by the microscope, 173 Thames: bridges, freeing the, 536; Em- bankment, 79, 246, 247, 325, 366, 386, 536; Sewerage Commission, 146 Theatres: Parisian, 144; Surrey, 387 Theory of: the arts, 126, 210, 269, 412; the truss, a short, 129 Thomas Bewick, 267 Thumbscrews, architects as, 409 Timber: American, 406 ; cutting, 303; Queensland, 390; strength of, 433 ; trade of, 1871, 33 Timbers, framed, 471 Toombs: Chaucer's, 80; Athenian, 120 Tower for sewer ventilation at Eltham, 124 Towers : Martello, 306 ; semi-detached, 512; and spires of Sussex, 458 ; St. Martin, Birmingham, 54 Town: dwellings for the working classes, 52; sinking of a, 65 Town-halls: Chorley, new, 139, 205, 402, 426, 469, 490; Southport, 20, 34; St. Helen's, new, 241 Trade news, 25, 47, 60, 81, 103, 124, 144, 165, 186, 206, 228, 247, 287, 30 , B47 367, 387, 408, 427, 450, 471, 492, 512, 536 Tramway phalte, 8; London street, 124, 164, 226, 536 Transatlantic municipal government, 346, 350 Transparent painting on muslin window shades, 138 Traps, patent, 489 Travelling stage used for the St. Pancras roof, 41 Travelling studentship, the Pugin, 158 ‘Treatment of doorways, 290 Trent Cathedral, 256 Travelyan-Goodall memorial, the, 387 Trio of painters who practised architec- ture, 146 Truss, theory of the, 129 Tumulus, the Kelleythorpe, 471 Tunnels : the Detroit, 307; the Mersey 282 Tunnelling machinery. 180 Turner: and Gillott, 286; and his teach- ings, 394 Turner's: “Liber Studiorum,” 302, 394; works, 407
UNANIMITY, professional, 529
Union infirmary, Leeds, 304; union neces-
sary between artists and architects,
390 ; Union Workhouse, Ross, 304,
United States’ Government Architect,
Universal; foul air purifier, 316; outside
blind, 406
University College, London, 47
Useful cement, 315
Utilisation of sewage, 19, 225, 245, 296,
346, 387, 416
MESSE | (Metropolis) Act, 1869,
Value of land in London, 268, 427
Varnish: keeping, 138; for leather, 315;
for metallic bodies, 185
Varnishing and painting, 138
Veneers, colouring, 281
Ventilation: of factories, 263; of sewers,
4, 44, 60, 79, 124, 162; and warming, 191,
243, 285, 305, 347
Vents in stone, 147
Vermilion, 139
“Vested interests” and pig-keeping, 205
Vestry Hall, Camberwell, 52
Vestrymen, sagacious, 205
Viaduct Station, Holborn, 46
Victoria Park, 46, 205, 227, 512
Views, perspective, 262, 285
Vignola, 179
Visits: East India Museum, 500; Leices-
ter Waterworks, 515; Messrs. Cubitt's
works, 495
Voluntary Architectural Examination,
151, 158, 216, 294, 474
WAGES, «4 good way of raising,
Wages Movement: — Aberdeen,
124, 186, 228; Airdrie, 347; Alloa,
144, 471; Alnwick, 144; Altrincham,
$27, 347; Alyth, 287, 307; Auchterarder,
248; Ayr, 124, 165, 186, 471; Barnsley,
144, 307, 367; Barrow, 81, 347; Bath,
327; Berlin, 327, 367, 408; Berwick, 228;
Birmingham, 124, 186, 228, 248, 307, 327,
$28, 347, 367; Bishop Auckland, 165,
228; Blackburn, 347, 367; Bolton, 471;
Bradford, 25; Bridgwater, 307; Bristol,
228, 471, 492, 536; Bromsgrove, 248,
268; Brussels, 81; Cambridge, 165, 268,
347, 367; Cardiff, 347; Carlisle, 124;
Celebration of the ‘nine hours” at the
Crystal Palace, 536; Chicago, 536;
Clackmannan, 471; Coupar Angus,
287; Coventry, 287, 307; Cradley, 512;
Croydon, 427; Cupar-Fife, 408, 427;
Dalbeattie, 186 ; Darlington, 186; Dar-
wen, 408; Deptford, 103; Dispute in
the pottery trade, 268; Doncaster, 387;
Dublin, 367; Dudley, 47, 124, 268, 387;
Dumfries, 247, 867; Dundalk, 248;
Dundee, 144, 206, 228, 492; Dunse, 206 ;
Edinburgh, 124, 144, 165, 186, 206, 228,
248, 328, 367, 492; Exeter, 165, 287;
Gateshead, 472; Glasgow, 206, 268, 287,
427, 492, 536; Gloucester, 248, 287;
Gosty Hill, 367; Great Bridge, 248,
307; Greenock, 186, 450; Guildford,
408; Hartlepools, 268, 328; Hawick, 144,
328, 427; Hereford, 512; Hinckley, 268;
Huddersfield, 367; Hull, 25; Inverkip,
124, 186; Ipswich, 144, 165, 268, 328,
367, 408, 427, 450, 472; Irvine, 248; Isle
of Man, 450; Jedburgh, 268, 472; John-
stone, 144, 328; Kirkcaldy, 248; Leam-
ington, 165, 228, 248, 408; Leeds, 307,
387, 388, 408, 472, 492; Leicester, 287,
528; Leslie, 247; Liverpool, 268, 328;
London, 25, 47, 103, 144, 206, 347, 368,
387, 395, 405, 428, 454, 472, 486, 492, 505,
512, 536; Maidstone, 186, 408; Man-
chester, 247, 328, 347; Markinch, 248;
Middleton, 492; Morley, 60, 248; New-
castle-upon-Tyne, 81, 472; North Staf-
fordshire, 287, 388; Northampton, 228,
307; Norwich, 828; Oldham, 328;
Organ-builders, the, 472, Ormskirk, 328;
Oxford, 186, 228, 248; Perth, 450; Ply-
mouth, 408; Port Glasgow, 206; Port-
land, 472; Redditch, 287; Rochester,
307; Rotherham, 492; Rothesay, 248;
Sheffield, 47, 60, 348, 367, 388, 408, 450,
513; Shrewsbury, 228; Sittingbourne,
328; Southwark, 165; Staffordshire
potteries, 287; Stourbridge, 47, 367;
St. Andrews, 287; St. Helen's, 388;
Sudbury, 408; Sunderland 206, 307,
328; Tillicoultry, 471; Tunstall, 348;
Walsall, 124, 408; Warrington, 328,
348; Waterford, 388; West York-
shire, 268; Whitby, 206; Wishaw,
124; Wolverhampton, 165, 206, 368;
Worcester, 124; Worksop, 888; York,
206, 228, 408, 492
Walk of Cloisters, Westminster, north,
296 °
Walls, 62, 108, 127, 147, 169, 189, 214, 232;
walls: defacement of, 268; hospital,
Walters, the late Mr. Edward, 68
Warehouses, Dowgate Hill, City, 194
Warming and ventilation, 191, 243, 285,
Warwick Castle, 24, 27, 103, 284
Waste of water, preventing, 347, 351
Watcombe terra-cotta, 512
Water: closet regulators, 351; famine in
Bermondsey, for the Use of the
Fire Brigade, 97; and gas mains and
lightning, 67,150; mains, wooden, 471,
490; in Victoria Park, the, 227; waste-
preventer, 347, 351; works, Leicester,
age oe NEWS, Vor. XXII-
January to June. 1872. ] i
Water Supply and Sanitary
Matters: — Aberdeen, 346, 427;
Appleby, 346; Bermondsey, 536; Bir-
mingham, 205, 449, 491, 512; Cam-
bridge, 449, 470; clean drains, 495;
closets, 365; conservancy of rivers, 236,
310, 365, 386; constant water supply,
227, 246, 410; Coventry, 326; Doncaster,
346; drain-pipes, taps, &c., 45, 59, 78;
earth closets, 351; economising the
sewage, 225; fixed wash-stands, 365;
Fleet sewer, the, 470; fumigation after
small-pox, 144; General Scott's sewaga
process, 362, 385, 416, 495; Glasgow,
45, 225, 227, 449; Hallington, 184;
Halesworth, 102; Hawes, 267; healthiest
sites for dwelling-houses, 247; house
drainage and ventilation of drains and
soil-pipes, 22, 23, 45, 59, 78, 79, 448, 469,
490; how small-pox is spread, 536; im-
pure water in South Londo 24,
227; infected bank notes, 307; inter-
ception of London sewage from the
Thames, 236; James's patent sink-traps,
489; Leeds, 184, 204; Leicester, 515;
Leigh, 24; Leyton, 326; lime process,
the, considered with reference to the
present state of the sewage question,
83; London, 184, 236, 470; London
wells, 458; Margate, 470; metropolitan
water supply, 143, 184, 227, 246, 306,
342, 386, 407, 410; Mitcham, 386;
Morrell’s patent sanitary closet, 536;
Native Guano Company's works, 296;
new plan for dealing with sewage, 184;
Norwich, 188; Oldbury, 427; old cess-
pools of London, the, 193; our water
supply and protection from fire, 255;
pig-keeping and ‘vested interests,”
205; pollution of rivers, 346, 365, 386,
449; Pontefract, 267; pressure of gas
in drains, sewers, and _ soil-pipes
45, 59, 78; preventing waste of water,
347, 351; public health, the, 120, 164,
246, 386, 470, 533, 536; purification of
the Thames, 102; purifying sewage,
387; regulators for water-closets, 351;
Roath, 386; Ruthin, 386; sanitary, 23,
117; Sanitary Commission, 342; sani-
tary engineering, 345, 365; sanitary im-
provements applied to dwellings, 24,
117, 331; sanitary work in the City of
London during 1871, 396; scavenging,
Mr. Ruskin on, 7; sea-water in London,
406; sea-water for sewer-flushing, 267 ;
separate system for the disposal of
sewage, new, 20, 45; sewage experi-
ments at Bloxwich, 205; sewage ques-
tion, the, 154, 246; sewage utilisation,
19, 225, 245, 346, 387, 416; sewer venti-
lation and flushing, 4, 45, 60, 78, 79, 124,
162; sewerage scheme for Liverpool,
new, 20; Shoreham, 427; stench-traps,
347; swimming baths for the metro-
polis, 192; Swindon New Town, 533;
Thames Sewerage Commission, 146;
Thetford, 24; Truro, 387; universal
foul air purifler, 316; ventilation and
purification of factories, 263; ventila-
tion and warming, 191, 243 ; ventilating
rooms, 347; water companies v, local
boards, 846; water for the use of thee
Fire Brigade, 97; water in Victoria
Park, the, 227; Wath and West Melton
waterworks, 326; wealth and dirt, 314;
West Riding of Yorkshire, 449; Wey-
mouth, 24, 102, 306, 470; Whitwood,
449; Windsor, 205; wooden water-mains,
471, 490; Yarmouth waterworks, 102
Wealth and dirt, 314 Wells: the deepest in the world, 512; London, 458 Wells Cathedral clock, 24 Wesleyan Chapel, Chester, 402 Westminster: Abbey, 80, 296, 567, 404, 423, 443, 477, 534; beacon, the, 246, 471 White marble, colouring, 306 Whitechapel district, health of, 416 Whittlesey workhouse, 52 Wiltshire Archeological and Natural History Society, 103 Windlesham schools, 522 Window: fastenings, 347, 407; shades, painted muslin, 138 Windows, designs for, 412 Windsor and Eton Art Classes, 327 Witney parish church, 242 Woltmann’s “ Holbein and his time,” 28 Wolverhampton School Board, 489 Wood: engraving, 267; pavements, 406, 471; preserving, 422; rendered incom- bustible, 450; staining, 128, 139; sub- stitute for, 347 Wood Green Church, 120, 276 Wooden water-mains, 471, 490 Worcester: Cathedral, 140, 403; Guild- hall restoration, 75; School Board com- petition, 78, 101, 120, 121, 122, 142 Work of the London Fire Brigade, 97 Workmen's: dwellings, 52, 66, 138, 139, 226, 268, 281, 289, 306, 307, 327, 346; In- ternational Exhibition, 24 Workhouses: Ross, 304,402; Whittlesey "2 Works: on architecture in the Kensing- ton Library, 61; of art in black and white, exhibition of, 516; in India, public, 193; measuring, 18; of the Native Guano Company, 296; at Pem- broke College, Cambridge, 125, 203; of Turner and Mulready, 302, 394, 407 Worksop Schools competition, 402 Worthing College, 286 Wren, Sir Christopher, 444 Writing, architectural, 294 YANKEE notion in building, a, 124 York Minster, 161, 224, 468 Yorkshire Architectural Society, 46