248 THE BUILDING NEWS. Marca 22, 1872.
EpiInBpuRGH.—Ata meeting of the marble and slate
masons on strike on Tuesday, it was intimated that one
of the employers had sent for his men, to commence
the fifty-one hours immediately.
GREAT BRIDGE.—On Saturday night a meeting of
milland hand sawyers of the Tipton, West Bromwich,
Dudley, and Wednesbury districts was held at the
Limerick Inn, Great Bridge, andit was unanimously
agreed that unless the masters conceded the prices
already demanded and published by the men, a general
strike should take place this week.
KIRKCALDY.—The journeymen painters here are
agitating for increased wages.
BIRMINGHAM.—A conference between master and
operative painters was held on Friday evening. The
operatives had issued circulars requesting their em-
ployers to give them an increase of wages, and fora
reduction of the hours of labour. After considerable
discussion, the masters decided to give the men the ad-
vance on their wages, and the men withdrew their re-
quest for shorter hours, the time still remaining 56}
hours per week, as before.
BROMSGROVE.—The Bromsgrove nail-makers’ com-
mittee publish a curious complaint againstsome of the
menworking at the Midland Railway Company’s
works, who, haying themselves been formerly nailers,
have left that trade to better their condition. The
committee say that some of these men not only al-
lowed their wives to work at nailing during the strike
a short time ago, but now the nine hours per ‘day has
been conceded by the company, the men are in the
habit, after they leave the railway works at night, of
going iuto the nail shops and working for two or three
hours, thus bringing their work into competition with
the labour of those who are obliged to get their sole
living at the trade. The committee threaten to report
the case to the authorities at Derby, unless a stop is
put to the practice.
AUCHTERARDER.—The whole of the masons em-
ployed in the erection of the Aytoun Hall and me-
morial of Auchterarder, N. B., have been paid off, in
anticipation ofa threatened strike by the union menon
Saturday. A large number of non-union men are em-
ployed on the building, and this is the grievance of
which the union men complained. The erection of the
building is now to be carried on by the committee,
who have re-engaged all the non-union men, and sent to
Perth for additional hands.
MArkKrncu.—The journeymen masons in the Mar-
kinch district met on Saturday evening, and unani-
mously agreed to memorialise the masters for an ad-
vance from 5d. to 543d. per hour on their wages.
About a fortnight ago they commenced to work on
the fifty-one hours’ a week limit.
DtnpALK.—The works on the new line of railway
between Dundalk and Greenore are likely to be
greatly delayedin completion, as the masons employed
on these and other works have struck foran advance of
wages. They claim an increase from 26s. to 30s., with
areduction in the hours of labour, and haye refused
LEAMINGTON.—The brickmakers’ strike here has
terminated, the masters having met the men in a
liberal manner. In consequence of the increase of
wages, the price of bricks has adyanced 2s. per
OxrorD.—A meeting of masters anda deputation
from the men engagedin the building trade at Oxford
took place on Thursday morning week, when a satis-
tactory arrangement was concluded, to the effect that
564 hours should constitute a week’s work, to com-
mence on the Ist April, and that on and after the 1st
November 54 hours shall be sufficient.
Irvinr.—The slaters of Iryine, N.B., have been
granted an advance of 3d. per hotr.
Mortry.—The strike among the quarrymen of
Morley continues. Some of the masters haye placarded
the town with the offer of 2s. asked for, but in the
place of a reduction of two hours they ask the men to
work a half-hour more time than before the strike.
The men are determined not to resume work on those
conditions. The number on strike is decreasing
rapidly, the men haying got work elsewhere.
Rotuesay.—The masons here haye had the nine
hours’ moyement extended to them; but as they are
paid by the hour, it is equal toa reduction in their
wages of 7d. per day, anda loss to the employers of
one hour's labour. The matter has been settled ina
very satisfactory manner,
GuLoucEsteR.—The operatives of the Gloucester
building trades met this week, and resolved to strike
on April 1st unless the nine hours’ limit be conceded.
EpINBURGH.—An aggregate meeting of Edinburgh
joiners was held on Tuesday in S. Mary’s Hall,
Lothian-street, which was crowded. Mr. George
Rintoul was called to the chair. Mr. W. Paterson read
answers which had been received from four of the em-
ployers, agreeing to the demands which had been made
by the workmen. It was stated, however, that a
number of employers had agreed to the demand for ad-
vance of wages, but had objected to some of the
minor points in the bye-laws. The following resolu-
tion was unanimously adopted :—* That, seeing very
few answers had been received from the employers to
the circular sent on 15th February, resolved that all the
workmen where the demand has not been complied
with, give notice on Saturday next, 23rd March, that
they are to cease work on Monday, Ist April.” It was
agreed to hold another meeting on Saturday, to re-
Sant reports from squads as to the action taken that
FOLKESTONE.—For the erection of a new sacristy, west
porch, and reseating and other works at the parish
church, Folkestone. Mr, §. Slingsby Stallwood, architect,
a VS a
So cos S38
e2{3ag ECE
fasee sos
g g°a <-5
Dank scciesseves 0 0 £8400 £36 0
Brooks & Co.. 995 3 0 3100 25 3
Webster.. 979 210 10266 BL 0
Holdom sy 80/19 0) +7826 ib)
Bowley pted) 86010 0 4200 35 10
Gipsy Hi~u.—For the completion of six houses at Berrige-road, Gipsy-hill. Mr. H. Alexander, architect:— Baxter.. . £870 0 Parker 800 0 Jeffrey .. 632 10 Mundy . 627 10 Lovejoy .. 625 10 Swain .. seove + 620 0 Gurprorp.—For the erection of new ware-rooms and alterations at the rear of No. 23, High-street, Guildford, Mr. Henry Peak, architect :— Garnett .. Burdett. Loe ..
cocoreo HASTINGS.—For the erection of a House on the Magdalen Charity Estate, Hastings. Messrs. Jeffery & Skiller, architects :— Bridgland (accepted) ....00......sassseesseeeseeeee £1,300 Hoxton.—For repairs and alterations to the Regent's Canal Ironworks, Eagle Wharf-road, New North-road, for the Henry Rifled Barrel Company, Limited. Mr. H. A. Alexander, architect. Quantitiesby Mr. Henry Laxton :— General House& Total.
Works. Offices. Browne & Robinson ... £760 £315 £1084 Potter & Ferrige ........ o Maly eae 1080 W. H. & J. Mansbridge 761 290 1051 Sawyer 640 252 $92 Baxter ... 577 205 782
Knowie.—For the erection of the Midland Counties Idiot Asylum at Knowle, Warwickshire :— Masters Briggs & Son Cresswell & Sons Jeffrey & Pritchard . Hardwick & Son . Barnsley & Sons .. 4995 Clark & Smallwood . 4446 Lonpon.—For the erection of Messrs. Cook's premises, Ludgate-circus, Fleet-street. Mr. H. Gundry, architect, John-street, Adelphi. Quantities supplied :— Kelly Brothers... ++» £20053
- £5988 - 5280 5265 5255 5104
Manley & Rogers 18350
Conder .. 18120
Foster.... 17377
Adamson 17090
Henshaw. 16672
Perry & Co. 16558
Hill, Keddell, & Waldram.. 15897
Elkington .... 15260
MARKET HArBoRO'.—For the erection of hall and
premises for the Institute Company (Limited). Mr. Chas.
Bell, architect. Quantities supplied by Messrs. H. Love-
grove and W. H. Barber :—
Mason .... we £1957 0 0
Mattock . 1940 0 0
Loveday 1899 9 0
Palmer & = 1872 0 0
Northam........ 175615 0
Barlow & Peach (accepted)... mene 495)0) 10:
NATIONAL GALLERY.—For the erection of new Picture
Galleries. E. M. Barry, Esq., architect. Quantities by
Mr. J. H. Strudwick and Messrs. Strudwick & Mennie:—
Webster .. . £110,000
Downes 99,870
Myers & Sons «. 99,580
Barnsley & Sons ..
Hill, Keddell & Waldram .
Baker & Sons ..
Briggs & Son..
Doye Brothers
RGR neacces
Smith & Co. +
Gammon & Sons
Henshaw &Co.
IBYBS8) <casenss:
Browne & Ro
Hill & Sons........
Jackson & Shaw
Weel gteSen assesuans
Holland & Hannen
Perry & Co.
Booth ... 2
SourHAMprTon.—F or building House Hill, Southampton,
Messrs. W. & J. Jurd, architects :—
» 90,591
~ 90,200
SWATG sec csoreesene £950 0 0 Brinton & Bone 930 0 0 Laver & Rowland.. $80 10 0 Stevens .... 876 0 0 Gambling... 830 0 0 Lewis . 814 0 0 Bunney.. 788 0 0 Martin. 5 730 0 0 Crook (accepted) .. we @29 0 0 SuRREY.—For the erection of twenty-three cottages, reading-room, &c., at Wonersh, Surrey, for Mr. Edwin Ellis. Mr. Henry Peak, architect, Guildford. Quantities supplied :— T. & J. Loe, 0 Pink ... 0
Garnett .. Pollard & Son, Moon Strud Mason ... Ambrose .. C. & J.C, Brown, 3609 0 3600 10 . 3542 15 3467 (0 = & evcocooooo
3428 0 3404 0 3350 0 3333 0 3175 10 E. Mitchell .........+e+000
Ashton & Green, Slate and Slab Merchants and Quarry Agents.—Shippers, Merchants, and Con- tractors furnished with Price Lists of every description of ROOFING and MANUFACTURED SLATE, Railway- rates, &c, Agents for London and Country for the Sale of the celebrated WHITLAND ABBEY GREEN SLATES, S. Columba Church, Haggerstone; Patriotic Schools, Wandsworth, Sisters’ Home, Fiusbury, S. Mary Abbott's Church, Kensington, are fine specimens of Whitland Slating. Complete list of Buildingscovered with these Slates supplied. Drawings and Prices of A. & G.’s RED RIDGE TILES specially prepared for use with these Slates, on application.—Offices and Show-rooms, 14 & 15, Bury- street, St. Mary Axe, London, E,C,—[ADvrT.] eee COMPETITIONS OPEN. DewspurRy, March 25.—For designs for three groups of schools to be erectelin Dewsbury. Two of the schools to afford accommodation for 750 scholars each, and one to accommodate 425. Premiums of £25 will be paid for each of the designs selected for the larger schools, and £15 for the design selected for the smaller building —Mr. Waddington, Clerk to the School Board, Borough Offices, Dewsbury. HuppeERsFIELD, April 1.—For designs for a public elementary school for 500 children. First premium, £50; second, £25.—O. G. Abbott, Clerk to the School Board, 27, Estate-buildings, Huddersfield. Devon, April 3.—For plans and elevations for the erection of the Western Counties Idiot Asylum at Starcross, Devon. A premium of £10 is offered for the plans which may appear to the committee the best for purposes required.—H., Ford, Hon. Sec., 25, South- ernhay, Exeter. WALSALL, April 1.—For plans and specifications for the erection of schools, with class-rooms and out- buildings at Wisemore, in the borough of Walsall. The schools are to accommodate 500 children, in about the proportions of 150 boys, 120 girls, and 230 infants. —Mr. G. Cottrell, Clerk to the School Board, School Board Offices, Walsall. FAREHAM, March 30.—For plans for two semi- detached villas to cost £750, giving elevation, working plans, and specification. A premium of £10 will be given for the selected, and £5 extra for quantities.— Mr. R. Whittaker, Auctioneer, Estate Agent, &€., Fareham, Hants. Lonpon.—The Painter’s Company invite competition for three prizes in “ Alto Relievo” and ‘ Decorative Painting.” Specimens to be sent in between the 18th and 25th of May.—H. D. Pritchard, Clerk, Painter's Hall, Little Trinity-lane, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. - HEREFORDSHIRE, April 15.—For plans ard designs for a new workhouse at Ross, to accommodate 300 inmates. A premium of £40 will be given for the best plan and elevation—H. Minett, Clerk to the Guardians, Ross. TiverTOoN, April 4.—For designs for laying out about twelve acres of land for the erection of villa residences near Tiverton. A premium of £20 will be given for the most approved plan, and one of £5 for the next.—Secretary, Tiverton Land and Building Society, Fore-street, Tiverton. ScarBoRoUGH, June 1.—For plans and proposals for laying out and altering the recently acquired property beyond the Spa, and in connection with the existing grounds of the company. A premium of £100 is offered for the best, and £50 for the second best design.—F. GoopRIcKE, Manager, Cliff Bridge Company’s Offices, Scarborough. —— CONTRACTS OPEN FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES. ANCHOLME DRAINAGE AND NAVIGATION, March 27.—For the construction and erection of a wrought- iron bridge across the River Ancholme.—John Hett, Thomas Freer, Clerks to the Commissioners, Brigg. CuesTER, March 25,—For the supply of stones (broken and unbroken), cinders, and socket pipes.— Mr. Linaker, Clerk to the Highway District, Frod- sham, Preston Brook, Crewe, March 30.—For the construction of a brick sewer or drift culvert connecting the north section oat- fall sewer with the pumping station on the south side, —F. Cooke, Clerk to the Local Board, Temple-cham- bers, Oak-street, Crewe. TREBORTH (near Bangor), March 25.—For the erec- tion of a mansion.—R. G. Thomas, architect, Menai Bridge. S. LuKe’s, March 25.—For the erection of a block of almshouses in Bath-street, S. Luke’s, Middlesex.—Mr, T. J. Hill, architect, 32, City-road, Vinsbury-square, E.C. Lowestort, April 1.—For the erection of a new tower and additions to the dwellings at Lowestoft High Lighthouse for the Trinity House Corporation.— R. Allen, secretary, Trinity House, E.C. Crry, April 30.—For the purchase of 1a. 3r. 2p. (or thereabouts), part of the site of their present school, with the buildings thereon, of the School for the Indi- gent Blind, City.—Messrs, Grueber & Cooper, 5, Billiter-street, E.C. Buenos Ayres, March 25,—For the construction and supply of ironwork for a pier and viaduct for the Port of San Pedro, South America, for the Provincial Government of Buenos Ayres.—J. J. Revy, at Messrs. C. de Murrieta & Co., 7, Adam-court, Old Broad-street, E.C.