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Page:The Building News and Engineering Journal, Volume 22, 1872.djvu/306

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CATERHAM.—For additions to house at Caterham,

Surrey. Mr. R. Martin, architect. Quantities supplied by Mr. Frederick Sparrow :— Langmead & Way..... £1125 0 0 Bridgman, Nuthall, & W 1118 0 0 Ward.. 1055 0 0 Jarrett .. 1020 0 0 Symons ( <2015° 0.0 Smethurst .... 1001 0 0 Taylor & Son. 981 5 2 DERBY.—For the erection of a new church at Parwick, Ashbourne, Derby. Messrs. Stevens & Robinson, archi- tects, Derby :—

Buxton £3414 1 0 Critchlow & Ward 2 0 0 PUR GORsccveccesseceenses s 0 0 to china manufactory, East- Messrs. R. Scri-

HANLEY.—For additions wood, Hanley, for William Stubbs, Esq.

vener & Son, of Hanley and Longton, architects, Quanti- ties supplied :— Bowden .. £2050 Bailey.. 1996 Ogden. 1855 Matthews . 1839 Barlow... 1810 Cooke (accepted) 1754 Redfern Brothers 1590 HANLEY.—For china works at Eastwood, Hanley, for Messrs. Powell & Bishop. Messrs. R. Scrivener & Son, of Hanley & Longton, architects. Quantities supplied :— Bradbury £2055

Bowden 1975 Bailey.. 1925 Barlow 1895 Cooke.. 1836 Matthews (accepted) 1793

Lonpon.—For the erection of premises situate and being No. 7, Bucklersbury. Mr. Edmund Woodthorpe, archi- tect. Quantities supplied by Messrs. Welsh & Atkinson :— Deduction for plate glass.

Gammon .. £2098 £35 Conder 1970 14 Killby.. 1892 — Woodward 1845 29 Turner & Son 1855 25 Perry Brothers.. 1828 22 Browne & Robinson 1795 _

Lonpon.—For the erection of a warehouse in Monk- well-street. Mr. B. Tabberer, architect:— +

Palmer & Son. 3085 Ashby & Son. 2997 Robinson... 2980 Turner & Sons 2979 Brass..... 2893

Pritchard . Browne & Robi Perry Brothers Henshaw & Co LAD eavaccesecess 2600 Merritt & Ashby, 2570 Lonpon.—For the erection of a provision warehouse, offices, and stabling in Charterhouse-street, E.C. Mr. Lewis H. Isaacs, architect. Quantities supplied by Mr. L. C. Riddett :— Patman & Fotheringham 2854 2746 2737 2620 £11895

Rider & Son 11880 Macey.... 11750 Axford... 11675 Browne & Robinson. 11365 King &Son.......... 11260 Scrivener & White. 10978 Killby (accepted)... 10932 Lonpon.—F or building two warehouses at Wilderness- Mr. Collier, architect:— row, Loudon. Hart... Crabb.. Moore & Granger. Nightingale. Perry Broth Merritt & Ash’ -- £6686 6589

Sewell & Son 6210 Morter .. 6150 Elkington. 6065 Henshaw... 5975

to the “ Volunteer” Messrs. Bird & Walters, Lonvon.—For alterations, &c., tavern, Upper Baker-street, W.

architects :— WO Xisssneveresssacconss +» £1490 Scrivener & 1463 Batchelder . 1445 Williamson 1429 Brown........ 1347 Nightingale 1277 Higgs & 1275 Parry . li MeELTON.—Ior the erection of new rectory, Melton, Suffolk :—

Woolnough ... ». £1750 DOVES! tesresteets: 1620 Last (ac 1871 arian iirc iis cece 1335 MILE-END.—Por the erection of a warehouse in George-

street, Mile-End New Town, for Mr, Lindus. Mr. Wm. Mundy, architect:— Brown.. -- £1790

Enevor Peters Moyle Russell . McLean. Ennor (accepted) .. . 1392 SuFro“k.—For the erection of schools at Hitcham, Suffolk (exclusive of bricks): Cunnold .. Toole Luff y Gibbons Girling .. Hawkins (accepted 1660

SurRREY.—For the erection of house and offices at Sandhills, Betchworth, for Dr. Duckworth. Mr. J. M. And-rson, architect :— Lucas Brothers £7840 8. & C. T'Anson ., ; 7490


Smith & Co. 7596 Holland & H 7237 Carruthers 7000 Norris .... 6995 TUNBRIDGE-WELLS.—For new Wesleyan Chapel, Tun- bridge-Wells: Anscombe.. Dove Brothers. Strange & Sons. Tunbridge & Denne. Stiff .....000. Stephenson Hibbins....... Willicombe & Oakley* Richardson 5700 Nutt & Co.... - 5500

  • The three lowest sent in second tenders, and that of

Messrs. Willicombe & Oakley was accepted. WAtTrFORD.—For rebuilding the Cannon Brewery, Wat- ford, Hertfordshire, for Joseph Penskin, Esy. Messrs. J. & A. E. Ball, architects :— Waterman... Chadwick Hailey Allen... Holland.. J&W.S


2250 2167 2094

Ashton & Green, Slate and Slab Merchants and Quarry Agents.—Shippers, Merchants, and Con- tractors furnished with Price Lists of every description of ROOFING and MANUFACTURED SLATE, Railway- rates, &c. Agents for London and Country for the Sale of the celebrated WHITLAND ABBEY GREEN SLATES. S. Columba Church, Haggerstone; Patriotic Schools, Wandsworth, Sisters’ Home, Finsbury, 8. Mary Abbott's Chureh, Kensington, are fine specimens of Whitland Slating. Complete list of Buildings covered with these Slates supplied. Drawings and Prices of A. & G,’s RED RIDGE TiLES specially prepared for use with these Slates, on application.—Offices and Show-rooms, 14 & 15, Bury- street, St. Mary Axe, London, E,C.—[Apvv.] ——— COMPETITIONS OPEN. Lonpon.—The Painters’ Company invite competition for three prizes in ** Alto Relievo” and ‘* Decorative Painting.” Specimens to be sent in between the 18th and 25th of May.—H. D. Pritchard, Clerk, Painters’ Hall, Little Trinity-lane, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. HEREFORDSHIRE, April 15.—For plans and designs for a new workhouse at Ross, to accommodate 300 inmates. A premium of £40 will be given for the best plan and eleyation.—H. Minett, Clerk to the Guardians, Ross. ScARBOROUGH, June 1.—For plans and proposals for laying out and altering the recently acquired property beyond the Spa, and in connection with the existing grounds of the company. A premium of £100 is offered for the best, and £50 for the second best design.—F. Goopricke, Manager, Cliff Bridge Company’s Offices, Scarborough. KinGSToN-uron-HuLL.—For plans and spécifica- tions for the erection of a school, in Daltry-street, for 750 children, for the School Board. Premiums of £50 for the best and £25 for the second best set of plans and specifications.—R. J. O'Donoghue, Clerk to the Board, Town Hall, Hull. Benwick, April 15.—For plans or designs for pro- posed school buildings for boys and girls, and teacher's (eight-roomed) house.—W. Downs, Clerk, Benwick, Rainsey, Hunts. S. PETERSBURG, July 13.—For a design for a per- manent bridge over the River Neva, at the place now occupied by the Litenaia floating bridge. A prize of 6,000 silver roubles (about £825) will be given for the design the committee consider as best fulfilling the conditions; also a prize of 3,000 silver roubles (about £412 10s.) and 1,500 silver roubles (about £206 5s.) for the two next best designs.—Municipal Council, 8. Petersburg. Oxp Forp, May 8.—For designs for a public ele- mentary school for 1,000 children, in Bayley-crescent, Old Ford, for the London School Board. No premium is offered, but it is intended to place the work in the hands of the successful competitor.—The Clerk to the Board, 33, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, E.C. CONTRACTS OPEN FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES. Crry, April 80.—For the purchase of 1a. 3r. 2p. (or thereabouts), part of the site of their present school, with the buildings thereon, of the School for the Indi- gent Blind, City.—Messrs. Grueber & Cooper, 4, LBilliter-street, E.C. Hartow (Essex), April 8.—For altering and re- storing the parish church of 8. Mary.—J. W. Verry, Watlington, Moor Hall, Harlow, 2 Tees Conservancy, April 19.—For blasting and remoying the rock called Eight Buoy Scarp,—J. Settle, Secretary, Stockton-on-Tees. Hore Scnoon Boarp, April 10.—For the erection of two blocks of school buildings for 600 children, at Ifope and Frith, with master’s residence, &¢.—Messrs. Paull & Robinson, Architects, 1, S$. Peter’s-square, Man- chester. Trinity House, April 8.—For alterations to the Longstone Lighthouse, and for repairs to the Inner Fern Lighthouse off Sunderland.—R. Allen, Secretary, Trinity House, E.C. S. AustTect (Cornwall), April 12.—For the erection of new schools, &c., for 400 children at Mount Charles. —Mr. Silvanus Trevail, architect, Luxulyan, Bodmin, Braprorp, April 16.—For the construction of two compensation reservoirs and other works at Leeming and Leeshaw, at Oxenhope.—W. T. McGowen, Town Clerk, Corporation Offices, Bradford.


Aprit 5, 1872. S. Gives’, CAMBERWELL, April 12.—For the erec- tion of a new vestry hall on the site of Havil House, Peckham High-road.—G. W. Marsden, Vestry Hall, Camberwell. TucKTON, HAMPSHIRE, April 8.—For the erection of a coastguard station, consisting of officer's house, eight cottages, and watch-room, with outbuildings, fences, &c.—Director of Works Department, Admi- ralty, Spring Gardens-terrace, §.W. CAMPHILL, April 15.—For the erection of station buildings at Camphill Station, for the Midland Railway Company.—Mr. Bowker, Goods Station, Lawley- street, Birmingham. PererBorouGn, April 15,—For the erection of engine drivers’ lodgings at Peterborough, for the Midland Railway Company.— Engineers’ Office, Crescent Station, Peterborough. HOLYHEAD, April 18.—For the erection of a house at Holyhead, for the North Western Railway Company. —Mr. C. Hall, Estate Office, Euston Station. GAYLE (near Hawes, Yorks).—For enlarging a dwelling house.—Jlenders can be seen till April 30, at Mr. J. K. James, Architect, South Church Side, Hull. Lonpon, April 15.—For the erection of a theatre capable of holding 3,000 persons.—Messrs. Dean, Son, and Matthews, Architects, 5, Mark-lane, E.C. Sournrort, April 12.—For supplying about 330 tons of street tramway rails, for the Southport Tram- ways Company. — Edward Martin, Secretary, Southport. Bristow, April 25.—For the erection of two blocks of houses, to be erected in Jacob’s Wells, Bristol, for 36 residences for the industrial classes.—Mr. J. A. Clarke, Architect, 23, Broad-street, Bristol. KNARESBOROUGH, April 22.—For the erection of a vicarage house for Trinity Church.—James Fawcett, Architect, Castlegate, Knaresborough, and 16, 8S. James-row, Sheffield. BripGWATER, April 11.—For the erection of schools, in Eastover, for the Bridgwater School Board.—John H. B. Carslake, Clerk to the Board, Bridgwater. HERTFORD, April 10.—For the construction of new subsiding tanks, filters, culvert, drains, and works re- quired in enlarging their sewage purification works.— M.S. Longmore, Town Clerk, Hertford. Dery, April 15.—For the erection of boys’, girls’, and infants’ schools, outbuildings, boundary walls, &e., in Gerard-street, for the School Board.—W. Cooper, Clerk to the Board, 90, Green Hill, Derby. Upron.—For the erection of a pauper lunatic asylum for 540 patients.—Quantities may be obtained of R. Griffiths, architect, Stafford, on and after April 20. METROPOLITAN Boarp oF Works, April 11 —For the shoring, hoarding, and otherwise securing or taking down dangerous structures, in pursuance of the Metro- politan Building Acts.—J. Pollard, Board of Works, Spring Gardens, S.W. CHESTERFIELD, April 15.—For the erection of a wing and making other extensive additions and altera- tions to the hospital.—Mr. Fearn, architect, 31, Holy- well-street, Chesterfield. SouTHAMPTON, April 9.—For paving or asphalting the western footway of S. Mary’s-road.—R. S. Pearce, Clerk to the Local Board, Public Health Office, Audit House, Southampton. TWICKENHAM, April 11.—For laying down, con- structing, and completing about 10,000 superficial yards of tar paving. —W. Ruston, Clerk to the Local Board, Twickenham. TwicKENHAM, April 11.—For the supply of glazed stoneware pipes, junctions and bends.—W. Ruston, Clerk to the Local Board, Twickenham. TWICKENHAM, April 11.—For the supply of 1,000 yards of broken blue Guernsey granite.—W. Ruston, Clerk to the Local Board, Twickenham. Ossert, April 9.—For widening the Ossett branch from Wrenthorpe Junction of Ossett, about 34 miles in length, of the Great Northern Railway.—A. Forbes, Seeretary, King’s Cross Station, N. MARKET Drayton, April 30.—For the erection of a turret clock in the parish church.—T. Rought Jones, Secretary, Clock Committee, Market Drayton. NETHER WHITACRE (near Birmingham), April 8.— For the erection of a parsonage-house.—R. Jennings, architect, Atherstone. BEACONSFIELD, April 13.—For the erection of new schools.—Rey. J. Bowler, Rectory, Beaconsfield. CHELTENHAM, April 8.—For the erection of a fever hospital.—Messrs. Andrews & Peppers, architects, Old Bank Chambers, Bradford, Yorkshire. LewisHam, April 10.—For sewerage jobbing works, iron works, road scrapings, and horse hire, for the soard of Works.—S. Edwards, Clerk to the Board, Grove-place, Lewisham. METROPOLITAN BoARD oF Works, April 12.—For the construction of a Portland cement concrete sewer, about 1,125ft. in length, and other works.—J. Pollard, Clerk to the Board, Spring Gardens, S.W. S. Luke’s (Middlesex), April 22.—For repairing the carriage and footways of Chiswell and certain other streets,—W. H. Hayne, Vestry Offices, 225, City-road, E.C. ——— BREAKFAST.—EPPS'S COCOA.— GRATEFUL AND COMFORT- tng.—" By a thorough Enowledge of the natural law which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition and by a careful application of the fine properties of well- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors’ bills.”"—' Oivil Service. Gazette.” Made simply with Boiling Water or Milk Each packet is labelled—“James Epes & Co., Homoo- pathic Chemists, London.” Also, makers of Epps's Milzy Cocoa (Cocoa and Condensed Milk)