348 ——$ Builders’ Association, who expressed willingness to evant concessions, but stated that each individual office would have to make its own arrangements uc- cording to the state of business. Suerrietp.—A strike in the Sheffield Luilding trade will apparently take place on May 1. Six months ago the operatives gave notice for an advance, to take effect on the date mentioned. They ask for 1s. per week rise—that is, from 50s, to 31s—and that they shall commence work at 7a.m., leaving off at 5.30 p.m., except on Saturdays, when they wish to cease at noon. ‘The masters decline to accede to these terms. TuNSTALL.—I am pleased to inform you that the brick and tile makers of North Staffordshire employed by the following gentlemen haye got a substantial advance upon nearly all the articles they are employed in manufacturing ; and as this manifestation of justice on the part of these gentlemen must redound to their honour in public estimation, I think it right to them to supply your numerous readers with a list of their names: Mr. Thomas Peake, Tileries, Tunstall; Mr. J. Boulton, Brown Hills Tile Works, near Burslem, Mr. J. Timmis, Bradwell-road, near Tunstall; Mr. J. Walker, High-street, Tunstall; Rowley & Co., Tunnel Mouth, near Tunstall ; Mr. J. Foster, Tile Works, Tun- stall; North Staffordshire Brick and Tile Works, Chesterton; Mr. Bennett, Shelton Crossing; the pro- prietors of the Ridge Hill Tile Works, Maddeley ; Mr. Malpass, Tile Works, Maddeley. Besides this we hear of others that are likely at once to follow the example of the above gentlemen.—J ames Row ty, Goodfellow- street, Tunstall, District Secretary. WARRINGTON.—At Warrington the master builders haye come to an understanding with their bricklayers on the basis of the hour system. The great objection raised by the men against the system was founded on the idea that it involved hour contracts—that a man could be discharged at an hour’s notice. The seventh of the rules agreed to has removed this impression. ‘This rule in effect makes each bricklayer’s engagement a weekly contract. TENDERS. BERMONDSEY.—For the erection of a new hop ware- house, Rermondsey, for Messrs. Beeman & Hotehkin. Messrs. Wadmore & Baker, architects. Quantities sup- plied:— Myers & Son Downs..... Dove Brother: Ryder & Sons. Jackson & Sha Gammon & Son. Browne & Robinson Scrivener & White... King & Sons (acceptec
- £3427 BLACKBURN.—For the erection of a free library and museum at Blackburn, Lancashire. Messrs. Woodzell & Colleutt, architects. Finsbury-place South, E.C. Quanti- ties by Messrs. Taylor, Son, & Jackson, Manchester :—
Stephenson... ... £8060 0 0
Abbott. 0 0
Ashwor' ig 7 11 O
Cotterall .........0. 0 0
Cooke & Green. 0 0
Marshall & Dent (accepted). 0
Higham Brothers 0
[An illustration of this building will appear in an early
number of the BUILDING News.—Ep.]
Bricuron.—For the erection of a family residence,
Brunswick-square, and alterations to adjoining property,
for John Preston, Esq. Mr. F. Warburton Stent, archi-
tect :—
CHALK FArm-RoAp.—For the erection of stables, loose
boxes, forges, and chimney-shaft, in the rear of the Oxford
and Cambridge Grounds, Chalk l’arm-road, for Mr. Chas.
Martin. Messrs. Tosh & Hayward, architects. Quantities
supplied by Messrs. Piimsaul & Boltor
Hill & Son.... 0 0 Kelley Brothers 0 0 ws tat etaen 0 0 Manley & Rogers 0 0 Aitchison & Walker 0 0 Robbins & Co. 0 0 Scrivener & W 0 0 Bowman ...... 0 0 Williams & Son 0 0 aeons § 5134 6 9 Goodman, ee ASOT) OVO
_KINGSLAND.— For the erection of mission hall at Kingsland. Mr. H. Shaw, architect. Quantities snpplied by Messrs. Plimsaul & Bolton :—
Shurms Harper. Potter 3 Preedy & 530 Robbins & Co. (accepted) .. - 496 HOLLINGTON.—For the erection of a school at Holling- ton, for the Hastings School Board. Mr. Elworthy, archi- tect:— Kenwoot £1050
Morgan , 1041
Buller. 950
Brown 950
Eldridge...... S47
Ashdown (a 820
Stenteford 737
Architect's estimate, £810 THE BUILDING NEWS. Lonpon.—For the erection of shops and offices at the corner of the Poultry and Old Jewry, City. E.C. Quanti- ties supplied by Messrs. Karslake & Mortimer. Mr. Her- bert Ford, architect :— Nightingale .. Higgs Stimps Myers & 5S Perry Brothers. Brass ... Killby Conder.. Perry & Cc Browne & Robinson. Scrivener & White. ‘Turner & Sons. Henshaw & Co. (accepted)
PuLnornouGnH.—For the erection of a house at Todhurst
Farm, Sussex, for Mr. H. Bigsby. Mr. Wells, architect:—
Humphrey £1106 0 0
Wady & Hammond 999 0 0
Longley .. 0 0
Dewdne 318 0
Terry 0 0
Robinson 7 6
Baker... 14 0
Mason & Bristy 0 0
Puzey & Vilewood (accepted 0 0
Washington 0 0
ROTHERHITHE.—lFor the erection of four shops at
Daniels ..
Stanteford (accepted)..
Mr. George Stooke, architect :—
«+ £1325 9 0
1184 10 0
1107: «0 0
—_@—___. BATH AND OTHER BUILDING STONES, OF BEST QUALITY. RANDELL, SAUNDERS & 0O., Limited, Quarrymen and Stone Merchants. List of prices at the Quarries and Depdéts, also cost of transit to any part of the United Kingdom, furnished on application to BATH STONE OFFICE: CORSHAM, WILTS. ee TO ARCHITECTS. GREEN ROOPING-SLATES, Assupplied to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Sandringham [Apvt.] The Penmoyle Sea-green Slates are specially adapted for Churches, Public Buildings, &c., &e. (Less costly than ordinary Gothic Tiling.) These durable and non-absorbent Slates can be obtained in sizes suitable for Gothie Architecture, at prices at under, * In Railway Trucks, Docks, Gloucester:— Per Equivalentto 1,200 Slates. per square. Best Green Slates14by7... .. 217 6 ... 16s. 6d. Do, do. AS Dy/Siic) scot 2 Ut, (Oreo el ORAGd. Do. do. UO aia mers 2 INH on ESS Do. do. DPD YUdi eo, cere LOU Ocan ot aoe Do. do. LI py. tom recom lsat Ol wemtLLS. Prices of large Sizes, Cost of Transit, Reference Testi- monials, and Sample Specimens may be obtained on ap- plication to MESSRS. RANDELL & CO., Corsham, Wilts. Specimens at Museum of Geology, Jermyn-street, Picca- dilly, W., and at Architectural Museum, Tufton street, Westminster. — +> COMPETITIONS OPEN. KINGSTON-UPoN-HuLu.—For plans and specifica- tions for the erection of a school, in Daltry-street, for 750 children, for the School Board. Premiums of £50 for the best and £25 for the second best set of plans and specifications.—R. J, O'Donoghue, Clerk to the Board, Town Hall, Hull. Lonpon.—The Painters’ Company invite competition for three prizes in ‘Alto Relieyo” and ‘ Decorative Painting.” Specimens to be sent in between the 18th and 25th of May.—H. D. Pritchard, Clerk, Painters’ Hall, Little Trinity-lane, Queen Victoria-street, E.C. Lonpon Scnuoor Boarp, May 8.—For designs for a public elementary school for 1,000 children, in Beazley-crescent, Old Ford. No premium is offered, but it is intended to place the work in the hands of the successful competitor.—The Clerk to the Board, 33, New Bridge-street, Blackfriars, E.C. S. Pererspura, July 13.—For a design for a per- manent bridge over the River Neya, at the place now oceupied by the Litenaia floating bridge. A prize of 6,000 silver roubles (about £825) will be given for the design the committee consider as best fulfilling the conditions; @lso a prize of 3,000 silver roubles (about £412 10s.) and 1,500 silver roubles (about £206 5s.) for the two next best designs.—Municipal Council, S. Petersburg. SALrorpD, May 11.—(Branch Library for Regent- road.)—For a building suitable for a branch library, to comprise a large reading-room, library-room to hold 10,000 volumes, a suite of dwelling apartments for a librarian, and a large room ayailable for public pur- poses, the cost not to exceed £2,500.—Edwin Andrew, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Salford. j tion of Glasgow.—Messrs.
Aprit 26, 1872.
ScarborouGH, June 1.—For plans and proposals
for laying out and altering the recently acquired
property beyond the Spa, and in connection with the
existing grounds of the company. A premium of
£100 is offered for the best, and £50 for the second
best design.—F. Goodricke, Manager, Cliff Bridge
Company's Offices, Scarborough,
ABERDEEN, April 30.—For the erection of a new
theatre.—C. J. Phipps, F.S.A., 26, Mecklenburgh-
square, W.C., and J. Matthews, 157, Union-street,
Aberdeen, joint Architects.
Astron, May 4.—For the drainage, channelling,
paving, and repairing of Victoria-road, Park-road, and
Chureh-road.—W. Batten, Surveyor to the Board,
Wordsley-place, Witton-road, Six Ways, Aston.
ASTON-ON-CLUN (Herefordshire), May 7,—For the
erection of a school, master’s residence, and oflices.—
Mr. Marston, Solicitor, New Buildings, Ludlow.
Boyton (near Bath), May 4.—For rebuilding the
rectory house at Boyton.—J. Elkington Gill, Arechi-
tect, 1, Fountain-buildings, Bath.
Bristow, May 1.—For the erection of two houses
in Victoria-street.—Mr. Fripp, Architect, 6, Exchange-
CASTLEFORD, May 4.—For levelling and paving a
part of Bridge-street, for the Castleford Local Board
of Health—George Bradley, Clerk to the Local Board,
Crry, April 30.—For the purchase of 1a, 3r. 2p. (er
thereabouts), part of the site of their present school,
with the buildings thereon, of the School for the Indi-
gent Blind, City.—Messrs. Grueber & Cooper, 5,
Billiter-street, E.C.
GAYLE (near Hawes, Yorks).—For enlarging a
dwelling house.—Yenders can be seen till April 30,
at Mr. J. K. James, Architect, South Church Side,
Guascow, April 30.—(Contract No. 4.)—For the
construction of about 2} miles of tramways, and the
supply of all materials (except rails), for the Corpora-
R. Johnstone & Rau-
kine, C.E., 157, 8. Vincent-street, Glasgow.
GLouceEsTER, May 2.—lor the erection of a bridge
at Preston-on-Stour, near Straford-on-Ayon.—Mr.
George Riddiford, Deputy Clerk of the Peace, Shire
Hall, Gloucester.
LanGton, April 30.—¥or the erection of schools
and school houses at Church Langton, for the Lang-
ton Charity Estates——James A, Douglas, Clerk to the
‘Trustees, Market Harborough.
Lerps, April 30.—For the erection of an infants’
school at Upper Armley.—Adams & Kelly, 27, Park-
square, Leeds.
Lreps, May 2.—For the erection of three houses
and two shops in Freehold-street, York-road.—Thos.
Ambler, Architect, 9, Park-place, Leeds.
LitTLe Bouton, May 14.—For the construction of
a branch railway, in the Township of Little Bolton,
for the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company,
commencing by a junction with the Bolton and
Blackburn Railway at Hill-lane, and terminating at the
Blackburn Turnpike-road, at Astley Bridge.—Mr. W.
S. Lawn, Secretary, Hunt’s Bank, Manchester.
MARKET Drayton, April $0.—For the erection of
a turret clock in the parish church.—Y. Rought Jones,
Secretary, Clock Committee, Market Drayton.
MIppLETON, May 6.—For the erection of a large
cotton mill, engine-house, blowing-room, warehouse,
offices and other buildings, at Rhodes, near Middleton.
—John Smith, Manager.
NorTHAMPTONSHIRE, May 25.—For the erection of
the Northamptonshire Pauper Lunatic Asylum.—Mr.
Griffiths, Architect, Stafford.
RusutTon, April 29.—For the erection of cottages
at Rushton Station, for the Midland Railway Company.
—J. Williams, Secretary, Midland Railway, Derby.
SALIsBuRY, May 15.—For removing part of Fisher-
ton Bridge, and constructing a new bridge and
approaches, for the Salisbury Local Board of Ilealth.
—C. M. Lee, Clerk to the Board, Public Offices,
Chipper-lane, Salisbury.
SALrIsBuRY, May 15.—For the execution of the iron
in the construction of a new bridge, for the Salisbury
Local Board of Health.—C. M. Lee, Clerk to the
Board, Chipper-lane, Salisbury.
SHEFFIELD, May 8.—For the erection of public
elementary school at Philadelphia, in the School
District of the Borough of Sheflield.—Mr, J, I’, Moss,
Clerk to the School Board, Sheffieid.
TREGARTH (South Wales), May 4.—For the erection
ofa memorial chapel.—Rey. W. Howells, Trevacca
College, Tregarth.
Worcester, May 11.—For the erection of school
buildings, &c., in Hound’s-lane, for the Worcester
School Board.—F. Marcus, Guildhall, Worcester.
Worrcey, May 6.—lor the construction of a new
passenger station at Wortley, near Leeds, for the Lon-
don and North Western Railway.—S. Neay, Secretary,
Euston Station, London.