“thas gone out with at least two serious controversies left undecided: Mr. Seddon and Mr. Fergusson on the Law Courts; Mr, Buchanan and Mr. Rossetti on poetry. As usual in such cases, remarks the Guardian, the latest thing elicited would probably have prevented the contest, if it had come out earlier. Mr. Seddon has openly charged Mr. Fergusson with having never seen the designs before he commenced his criticisms; and Mr, Fergusson, although he answers Mr. Seddon on other points, allows judgment in this one to go by default. Unfortunately for the yalue of the art criticisms of the Times, the charge was but too true; and, if we are not greatly mis- taken, Mr. Fergusson, or whoever writes the archi- tectural articles in the leading journal, has to this hour seen nothing of the plans in question except what has been published in the building papers. If this had become known sooner, the controversy might haye been spared us. ee eee CHIPS. Christ Church Schools, Patricroft, near Manches- ter, were opened on Thursday, the 28th ult. The Halifax Town Council have appointed Mr. A. C. Foster Town Clerk, in the room of Mr. J. E. Norris. The salary is £1,000 a year, but the gentle- man selected has to provide his own clerks. It is in contemplation to extend the chancel of Leigh Church, Hssex, 18ft. The question of appointing a committee to con- sider the policy of making a park at Peckham has been shelved for a year. In a recent discussion in the Presbytery of Kirk- wall, the Cathedral of Kirkwall was described as being “an old building, as damp as an underground vault.” It was said to be the duty of the heritors to theat the church in a proper manner. ee MEETINGS FOR THE ENSUING WEEK. Monpay,—Royat INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHI- TECTS.—(1) “On the Travelling Stage used in the erection of the roof oyer the S. Pancras Station.” By Sir George Alleyne, Bart. (2) “On Some Things Not Generally Considered.” By Mr. E, Roberts, F.S,A. 8 p.m. ‘TUESDAY.—INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS.— Inaugural Address by Mr. Hawksley, President. 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY. — ARCHITECTURAL ASSOCIATION.— Meeting of Elementary Class of Design; subject: A bridge with one arch, 25ft. span, scale 4ff. to lin. (Roman). 8 p.m. FRIDAY.—ARCHITECTURAL AssocrIATION.—* Lon- don as it isandas it might be.” By Mr. A. Payne, A.R.LB.A. 7.30, ————_ — Grade Fetus. WAGES MOVEMENT. BRApDFORD.—The board and packing-case makers, and the sawyers and labourers engaged in the trade at Bradford, are still on strix ora shortening of the hours of labour. The he ing hands (makers-up and packers) employed in he Bradford warehouses are aise endeavouring to secure a reduction of the working 10urs, THE Hutt Burnprnc TRapE.—Yesterday (Thurs- day) week an adjourned meeting of the committees of the master and operative builders was held at the Sailors’ Institute, Waterhouse-lane, Hull, to consider a request from the workmen of the trade for a redue- tion of the hours of labour from 455} to 493 hours a week. There were ten representatives from the Masters and ten from the workmen, Mr. Simpson (Simpson & Malone) occupying the chair. The meet. ing had been adjourned for the production of informa- tion, what the working hours were in other towns. Mr. Liggings, on behalf of the masters, read 35 replies from various towns, and the workmen’s delegates pro- duced statements containing similar information. The question was then discussed, the masters stating that they were prepared to reduce the hours to 54 weekly. The workmen demanded the reduction of the hours to 493, arguing that the rate of wages paid in many other large towns would fully justify the granting of their request. As neither side was authorised to close, except on conditions of 54 hours on the one hand, or 49} on the other, nothing definite was done beyond the concession of 14 hours by the masters, which, if iccepted by the men, is to begin eight weeks after Christmas. THE STONEMASONS AND THE NINE Hours’ Move- MENT.—A copy of the enclosed has been forwarded to employers in the building trade of London and vicinity :— As the representatives of the Operative Stonemasons’ Society in London and district, we again take the Ilberty of addressing yon, in accordance with 2 resolution passed at a general meeting of the above- named society iu reference to the nine hours’ question, and also another matter appertaining thereto, yiz., the
Two Unrrsisurp Controversizes.—The old year | question of wages. Andin referring to these questions,
we would beg leave to draw yourattention to the rapid
and daily-increasing adoption of the nine hours’ sys-
tem throughout the country, and to the innumerable
number of artisans that will commence that system
from this day, at the same wages for the nine hours
as they previously received for ten hours; and in many
cases this had been conceded by the employers without
a request from the employed. Another significant fact
that we would call yonr attention to is the adoption
of the nine hours’ system by several of the large rail-
way companies—a class of employers that hitherto have
not proved themselves yery anxiousto meet the just
demands of those in their employ, not even sutflicient
to secure the public safety, Seeing such to be the case,
and knowing that employers in the building trade of
London and its vicinity have generally been willing
to meet any just requirements of those in their employ,
providing that reasonable notice of those requirements
be given toensure the employers against any serious
loss, we therefore beg to give you notice that the
masons of London and its vicinity are desirous of con-
tinuing the nine hours’ system, as at present established,
allthe year round, instead of expiring on the 15th of
February, as now arranged, and that we are willing
to work at the present reduced rate of wages for
the next six months; and that on and after the Ist
of July, 1872, the wages be 9d. per hour, making our
average weekly wages, as near as possible, the same
under the nine hour stem as that hitherto received
for the ten hours. We hope, sir, that in considering
this request you will keep in view the foregoing
remarks, and grant us afayourable reply at your earliest
convenience.—I remain, sir, your obedient servant,
P. Weighell, Secretary to the Committee, Payiors’
Arms, Johnstone-street, Westminster, January 1, 1872.”
Resolution passed at a general meeting, Noy. 30, 1871:
— Resolved,—That! our committee memorialise the
master builders of London and its vicinity, asking
them to concede the nine hours'permanently, after Peb.
14, 1872, and give notice at the same time that on and
after the Ist of July, 1872, we shall require an advance
of one penny per hour.”
BromMLEY.—For the erection of stabling at Athol-street,
Bromley, for the London General Omnibus Company,
under the superintendence of Mr. J. Tosh. Quantities
supplied by Mr. A. J. Bolton:—
Staines & Son
Vaughan .
Garrud .
Johnson & Co.
Robbins & Co.
Aitchison & Walker
Mann ,
County Down, Ire
age and other works for the Poor Law Guardians of the
Newry Union. - Mr. James Watson, C.£., are
Wheelan & Rantin (accepted) .. £1080
County Down, IRELAND.—For the erection of house
and out-offices at Druinndoney for Mr. R. W. Von Stieg-
litz. Mr. James Watson, C.E., architect :—
Thompson ,
Wheelan & Rantin
O'Hear 10
Colleen (accepted) 2200
FINSBURY PLACE.—For alterations at 23, Finsbury-
place, City. Mr. J. H. Rowley, architect, 35, Poultry,
BNL Ciacinecseecse sense
Sharpington & Col
Newman & Mann.
Crabb .
Rivett .
Wagner (accepted .
IpswicH.—For additions to laundry at the Ipswich
Borough Asylum. Mr, E. Buckham, surveyor :—
- £2975 2690 520
2 £760
Gibbons 0 Smith... 0 Kerridge 10 Grayston 10 Girling 0 Luff. 0 Trew 0 Morfey 0 Liverroon.—For the erection of new Masonic Hall, Hope-street, Liverpool. Messrs. Danson & Davies, archi- tects. Quantities supplied :—
Mason . £4878
Ellis 4213
Parker . 4104
Wells & So 4132
Bateman . 4056
Gilchrist . 4034
Kirkham 4014
Tomkinson & 3995
Servic 8983,
Smith... 3917
Burroug! 3910
Rome. 3900
Bridge Dyer.. Readdie Witter Bro Urmson..... Grinrod & Hargrea Potter Bros.
Henshaw . Nicholson & Ay Leslie . + 3677 Royston 1ed last week 7 10 730 0 but for re-seating
Jacklin...... Gunson , were not for erecting par ehur &e,, the parish church in wainscot oak.
STREATHAM H1nt.—Tor building a house and offices at
Streatham fill. Mr. Josiah Houle, architec
Axford & Whillie
Patman & Fotheringha
Conder Bras Sewe Ashton & Green, Slate and Slab Merchants and Quarry Agents.—Shippers, Merchants, and Gon tractors furnished with Price Lists of every description of ROOFING and MANUFACTURED SLATE, Railway- rates, &c. Agents for London and Country for the Sale of the celebrated WHITLAND ABBEY GREEN SLATES. Drawings and Prices of A. & G.’s RED RIDGE TILUS, specially prepared for use with these Slates, on applica- tion.—Offices and Show-rooms, 14 & 15, Bury-street, St. Mary Axe, London, £.C.—[Apv7.] ——— CONTRACTS OPEN FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES. ERRAtTUM.—In the “War Department Contracts” advertisement on the last page of our last number, the dates of the continuance of the contract for works, &c., at Sheffield are given as from “15th January, 1871, till oth January, 1872." We have received an intimation from the Colonel Commanding Royal Engineers of the Northern District that the above dates are incorrect, and that they should haye read, from 16th January, 1872, till 31st March, 1874.”
LEcKHAMPTON, January 30th.—For the construc- tion of about 1,220 yards of egg-shaped sewer, varying from 2lin. by 16in. to 30in. by 22in., 760 yards 9in., 4,371 yards 12in., and 918 yards 15in. pipe sewer.— Messrs. D. J. & R. Humphris, Surveyors, 480, High- street, Cheltenham. Dunmow UNron, January 25.—For the erection of a new infirmary and detached infectious wards on ground adjoining the workhouse.—I’. J. Snell, Clerk to the Guardians, Great Dunmow, Dssex. Merton, SuRREY, January 15.—For alterations to one house, and finishing four carcases.—Mr. Marsh, 16, Mark-lane, E.C. UNDERLEY, January 15.—For building a stone bridge over the Lune.—Messrs. Brade & Smales, Architects, 8, Lowther-street, Kendal. ACCRINGTON, January 22.—Yor the erection of a Baptist Chapel.—G. Baines, architect, 26, Pinsbury- place, E.C. MipLanp Raitway, January 16.—For the erection of ten cottages at West-end-lane, Kilburn.—Engineer Office, Midland Railway Goods Station, 8S. Paneras. War DeprARTMENT CoNnTRACTS, January 10.— For the performance of work and repairs, and supply of building materials at Sheffield—Royal Engineer Office, Manchester. SALFORD, January 11.—For the sewering, paving, and completing of certain streets in the Salford dis- trict—Edwin Andrew, Town Clerk, Town Hall, Sal- ford. Nortu-EAsternN RaArtway, January 12.—¥or constructing and fixing a pair of 60ft. dock-gates, required for the Tyne Dock, South Shields.—C. N. Wilkinson, Secretary, York. York, January 25, 1872.—Yor the construction of the approach railway, to the proposed new station at York, making sundry new roads, and the building of new coal depots, with the approaches, &c¢.—The Secre- tary, North-Eastern Railway Company, York. WE HLARTLEPOOL, January 25, 1872.—For the construction of a new dock at West Hartlepool, with the necessary entrances, and also for the construction of a double line of railway, 1 mile 52 chains in length. —Yhe Secretary, North-Eastern Railway Company, York.
Quarrymen and Stone Merchants.
List of prices at the Quarries and Depots, also cost of
transit to any part of the United Kingdom, furnished on
application to
Assupplied to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Sandringham
The Penmoyle Sea-green Slates are specially adapted for
Churches, Public Buildings, &c., &e.
(Less costly than ordinary Gothic Tiling.)
These durable and non-absorbent Slates can be obtained
in sizes suitable for Gothic Architecture, at prices as
In Railway Trucks, Docks, Gloucester:—
, Per Equivalentto
1,200 Slates. per square,
eee SEL Ol Mes LORE OUs
Do. do. won bay LG) Gs level SLOG DOs Do. do, Cfo or) te MUN eS Do. do. Pepe Je LOL .Oie anc Lode Do. do. wee Lh 6) cee LIS, Prices of large Sizes, Cost of Transit, Reference Testi- monials, and Sample Specimens may be obtained on ap- plication to : MESSRS. RANDELL & CO., Corsham, Wilts. Specimens at Museum of Geology, Jermyn-street, Picca- dilly, W., and at Architectural Museum, Tufton street, Westminster.