388 THE BUILDING NEWS. May 10, 1872. SS ] LEEDS.—The Committee of the Leeds Operative House Painters’ Society met on Saturday evening, to meet any member of the society who had failed to re- ceive the advance of one halfpenny per hour, as agreed upon. No one appeared, from which it may be inferred that the advance has been conceded throughout. NortH STarrorpsuire.—Mr. H. T. Davenport, who was appealed to as umpire upon the demand of the carpenters and joiners of the Staffordshire Potteries and district, for an increase of wages and the adoption of the nive hours’ system, has given his decision. An advance of }d. per hour in wages, making 64d., has been conceded ; and by a re-arrangement of the hours the nine hours period will practically be worked during the winter months, the summer hours remaining nearly as at present. SHEFFIELD.—The lock-out of plasterers at Sheflield has terminated, the masters having agreed to the de- mands of the men. S. Heven’s.—On Saturday a deputation of five members of the joiners’ society met an equal number of the employers to consider the question in dispute. It was agreed to refer the matters in dispute to arbitra- tion, and the Rey. W. A. Mocatto was named arbitra- tor, ten o'clock on Monday morning being fixed for the meeting. A deputation met the reverend gentle- man at that hour, and intimated that the men refused to submit to his or any arbitration. Worksor.—Notice was given by the stonemasons and joiners to their employers of their intention to strike in the event of the nine hours per day and half- holiday on Saturday not being conceded, and this notice having expired on Wednesday week, withoutany concession having being made, about fifty of the men left work. The masters have formed an association in de- fence, and resolved to pay the men at a fixed rate per hour, and that all men working in shops and protected buildings during the winter months shall be paid as in summer. WATERFORD.—The Waterford carpenters, masons, and plasterers went out on strike on ‘Tuesday for an increase of wages to 28s. The master carpenters on Wednesday conceded the advance. ———2>.—__. TENDERS. BROMLEY.—For house for Mr. J. T. Davis, at Bromley. Mr. T. C. Sorby. architect. Quantities by Mr. J. Scott :—
Sharman £1444 Patman otheringham. 1425 Ames. 1318 Pearce. 1245
Derpy.—For almshouses for the Derby Licensed Victuallers’ Association. Messrs. Giles & Brookhouse, architects :— Dusautoy (accepted)... MENaeeeNaeesneasanss! £987 DeERBY.—lor new wing to the Alexandra Mills, Derby. Messrs. Giles & Brookhouse, architects :— Wood... Thompson. Bridgart... Dusautoy (accepted
«. 2269 ENFIELD.—For alterations to hous ‘on the Ridgeway, for 5
Mr. Nott. Mr. T. J. Hill, architect : Bayes & Ramage. - £406 Rist & Brown 370 Patman........ 368
GRAVESEND.—For the erection of Holy Trinity Parson-
age, Milton, near Gravesend, for the Rev. J. Scarth. Mr.
E. H. Martineau, architect :—
EERVIO G9 oneessthchsk
Scrivener & White
- £3247 19
= '2910) (0
Newman & Mann 2888 0
Manley & Rogers 2806 0
Longmire & Burge 2710 0
Gould. 2639 0
Blake ( 2557 0
£ GuILprorp.—For the erection of new printing and pub-
lishing offices for the Surrey Advertiser, in Market-street,
Guildford, Mr. Henry Peak, architect:
£625 0 0
Strad 620 0 0
Garnett .... 577 5 0
Pollard & Sor 544 4 0
Loe... 533 0 0
Burdet 427 0 0
Swayne & Sons (accepted) + 42410 0
LANCASHIRE.—For additions to Park House, Newton-
le-Willows, Lancashire, for T. J. Gillespie, Esq. Messrs.
H. & A. P. Fry, architects. Quantities by Messrs. Lilly-
white & Doyley:— "
Nicholson & Ayre. - £957 0 0
Ray 790 0 0
Pen 719 6 4
LEICESTERSHIRE.—For the erection of new schools and
teachers’ residences at Church Langton, Leicestershire
Mr. J. Goddard, architect: —
Bachelor ..
- - £2700 0 0
2700 0 0
FOx...:. 2695 0 0 Mayfield. 2513 0 0 Flude., 2506 0 0 Stanyon 2508 0 0 Mattock. 2497 0 0 Mason & 2490 0 0 Loveday. 2359 7 6
LiverPoo..—F ‘or additions to * for S. Sandbach Parker, Esq. architects. Quantities by Me Nicholson & Ayr Brookfield . 773 8 9 Kirkham (accepted). 762 0: 0 LONDON.—For alterations to No. 61 and 62, Paternoster- Tow. Messrs. Spalding & Knight, architects :— Newman & Mann.. - £576 0 0 Patman & Fotheringham. 625 0 0 Pritchard... 505 0 0 0 0 The Cottage.” Aigburth, Messrs. H. & A. P. Fry. Lillywhite & Doyley: £787 0 0
- Pitcher... 499 10
476 0
Lonvon.—For Congregational Memorial Hall, library,
and offices, Farringdon-street, E.C. Mr, J. Tarring & Son,
architects, 69, Basinghall-street, E.C.:—
2 ese eo . es 23 23. 3s mas Sai S he Soe i 5 = po S 822 Ba yhS B 235 S38 gsc A ok sat “Bo — =; Bora Ore ae g e22 825 299 5 64h SSS Bes 2 wo FAo S58 oS ae ea Mas mr See <4 A &@R £ £ £ £ Higgs ......... Ba287 pine) 250... ase, 00 Hill & Sons. 30290 ... 610 ... 8 350 Peto Brothers. - 1000 .. — 470 Patrick & Sons 420 ... 12 272 Henshaw & Co. 250 ... 50 ... 350 Ashby & Sons .. on ee SS) 350 Dove Brothers 235 50... 175 Myers & Sons. 415 15° wee 200 Perry & Co... 400 = 140 Browne & Robinson 403 15 420 Killby. 800 05. ee Brass 520 85 ... 200 pene 288 ... 10 1. 95
Cepted) -.....-ccnsesese Lonpon.—lor alterations, additions, and repairs to No. 174, Marylebone-road, and erecting warehouse, «c., for Mr. J. Millis. Mr. Alfred Wright, architect :— Mitchell £1550
Watson & Son. 1488
Simpson & Son.. 1465
Longmire & Burge. 1440
Marsland & Son.. 1437
Harris & Son.. 1393
Sharpington & Co p 1863
Lonpon.—For pulling down and rebuilding No. 75, Oxford-street, for Mr. Ince, Messrs. Tolley & Dale,
architects :—
Macey... «£3366 £
Conder. 3059 184
Pritchar 30384 192
Wicks, Bangs, & Co - 2839 178
Scrivener & White (accepted) 2814 168
PECKHAM.—For works at No.7 Ward, Peckham House
Lunatic Asylum. Messrs. Tolley & Dale, architects :—
Wicks, Bangs, & Co. (accepted)......ssssceeeee £615
QUARNDON.—For a new church at Quarndon, near
Derby. Messrs. Giles & Brookhouse, architects :—
Walker & Cash... £3698
Slater....... weeeeee 3400
Thompson (accepted) 5250
SuUFFOLK.—For dwelling-house and stabling, Sudbury,
Suffolk, for T. H. Higgs, Esq. Messrs, Spalding & Knight,
architects :—
Garwood ..
2366 2349 Stephenson -(aceepted saan 2108 E TWICKENHAM.—For finishing two houses at Twicken- ham (without fences). Mr. W. C. Banks, architect:— soucscooccon cowooocon
Hatton . ». £1438 Newton. 1144 Walton & 1055 Wave. 975 Ellis .. 950 Blackmore & Morle 940 Lyons.. 923 oe « 825 WANDSWORTH.—For rep and painting Pield-terrace, for Mrs. Meears. Mr. 8. Watkinson, architect :— ~£42 0 0 3910 0 8815 0
Parsons (accepted)
——.>_—_. BATH AND OTHER BUILDING STONES, OF BEST QUALITY. RANDELL, SAUNDERS & CO., Limited, Quarrymen and Stone Merchants. List of prices at the Quarries and Depdts, also cost of transit to any part of the United Kingdom, furnished on application to BATH STONE OFFICE: CORSHAM, WILTS, ag ee TO ARCHITECTS. GREEN ROGFING-SLATES, Assupplied to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Sandringham The Penmoyle Sea-green Slates are specially adapted for Churches, Public Buildings, &¢., &c. (Less costly than ordinary Gothie Tiling.) _ These durable and non-absorbent Slates can be obtained in sizes suitable for Gothic Architecture, at prices at under, In Railway Trucks, Docks, Gloucester:— Per Equivalentto 1,200 Slates. per square. Best Green Slatesldby7... .. 217 6 .. > [Apvr.]
Do. do. ISby 8... «a. 2 Do. do, 13 by 7 ses ae a Do. do. 12 by Venere 13s. Do. do, 12 by 6 ed lis.
Prices of large Sizes, Cost of Transit, Reference Testi- monials, and Sample Specimens may be obtained on ap- plication to MESSRS. RANDELL & CO., Corsham, Wilts. Specimens at Museum of Geology, Jermyn-street, Picca- dilly, W., and at Architectural Museum, Tufton-street, Westminster.
COMPETITIONS OPEN. Carpirr.—Prizes will be given for plans of cottages suitable for agricultural labourers, and for the mineral districts, by the Royal Agricultural Society (Cardiff Meeting).—Mr. H. M. Jenkins, Secretary, 12, Hanoyver- square, London, W. HANOVER-SQUARE, May 18.—For designs for an improved street-lamp, for the parish of S. George, Hanover-square.—Mr. H. . Tomkins, 1, Pimlico- road, S.W. KIDDERMINSTER, June 1.—For plans for schools to accommodate 600 children, for the Kidderminster School Board.—W. M. Roden, Clerk, 9, Church-street, Kidderminster. Lonpon.—The Painters’ Company invite competition for three prizes in “ Alto Relievyo” and ‘ Decorative Painting.” Specimens to be sent in between the 18th and 25th of May.—H. D. Pritchard, Clerk, Painters’ Hall, Little Trinity-lane, Queen Victoria-street, B.C. RocuEster, June 19.—For plans and elevations for new schools in King-street, Rochester, to accommodate 100 infants, 200 girls, and 200 boys, for the School Board.—Mr. R. Prall, Clerk to the School Board, Rochester, S. PererssurG, July 13.—Fora design for a per- manent bridge over the River Neva, at the place now occupied by the Litenaia floating bridge. A prize of 6,000 silver roubles (about £825) will be given for the design the committee consider as best fulfilling the conditions; also a prize of 3,000 silver roubles (about £412 10s.) and 1,500 silver roubles (about £206 5s.) for the two next best designs.—Municipal Council, S. Petersburg. ScaARBOROUGH, May 16.—For designs for two Schools—one near Town-street, Falsgrave, for 160: infants, and one near Cook’s-row, Scarborough, for 300 children—for the Scarborough School Board.—Mr. G, Dippie, Clerk to the Board, Town-hall, Scarborough. ScarBorouGnH, June 1.—For plans and proposals for laying out and altering the recently acquired yroperty beyond the Spa, and in connection with the existing grounds of the company. A premium of £100 is offered for the best, and £50 for the second best design.—F. Goodricke, Manager, Cliff Bridge Company's Offices, Scarborough. SpALpInG.—For plans and estimates for the erection of a Mechanics’ Institution.—Mr. W. Crust, Hon. Sec., Free Press Office, Spalding. Swansea, June 1,—For plans and elevations for two school buildings, with teachers’ residences, for the Swansea School Board.—Dr. Evan Davies, Clerk to the Board, 5, Rutland-street,. Swansea, —.>—_—_ CONTRACTS OPEN FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES. BLACKBURN.—For the erection of County Police- court, offices, cells, and constables’ residences. Tenders to be sent in on the 4th June next.—Mr. William S-. Farley, Architect, New Market-street, Blackburn. BurNLEY, May 13.—For the erection of the pro- posed new workhouse for the Burnley Union.—Mr, W. Waddington, Architect, Grimshaw-street, Burnley. Buxton, May 16.—For the erection of twelve cottages at Buxton, for the London and North Western Railway.—S. Reay, Secretary, Euston Station. CAMBRIDGE, May 14.—For the erection of a college for women at Girton, near Cambridge.—Mr. A. Waterhouse, Architect, 20, New Cavendish-street, London. Dunpder, May 25.—For furnishing and erecting pumping machinery for the new graving-dock at Dundee Harbour.—Mr. D. Cunningham, Engineer, Works Office, Harbour-chambers, Dundee. DUNDEE, May 25.—For the construction of a new iron bridge caisson for Camperdown Dock entrance. —Mr. D. Cunningham, Engineer, Works Office, Har- bour-chambers, Dundee. Duruam, May 18.—For the erection of S. John’s Chapel Police-station, and additions and alterations to South Hylton Police-station.—Mr. RK. P. Philipson, Clerk of the Peace, Durham. GREAT WESTERN RAt“bway. May 13.—For the earthwork, masonry, and ballasting required in widen- ing the 1 mile 6 furlongs of the Bristol and South Wales Union Railway, near Bristol.—F. G. Saunders, Secretary, Paddington Station, InpiA Orrice, May 13.— For supplying fifty carriages, thirty sets of ironwork, &c., sixty waggons, sixty sets of ironwork for same.—G,. C. Talbot, Direc- tor of Stores. LirrLe BoLTon, May 14.—For the construction of a branch railway, in the Township of Little Bolton, for the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company, commencing by a junction with the Bolton and Blackburn Railway at Hill-lane, and terminating at the Blackburn Turnpike-road, at Astley Bridge.—Mr. W. S. Lawn, Secretary, Hunt’s Bank, Manchester. MIpDLESBORO’, May 29 —For the erection of new banking premises—Mr, G. G. Hoskins, Architect, Northgate, Darlington. NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, May 25.—For the erection of the Northamptonshire Pauper Lunatic Asylum.—Mr. Griffiths, Architect, Stafford. PEMBROKESHIRE.—For the erection of new school buildings for the parishes of S. Bride’s and Marloe’s, Pembrokeshire.—E. Lingen Barker, Architect, 8, S. Owen-street, Hereford. PLUMSTEAD, May 15.—Ior new kerbing, channel- ling, road-making, &e., in Lee-road, for the Plumstead District Board of Works.—J. M. Dale, Clerk, Old Charlton, S.E. RairuLy, May 15.—For the restoration of Raithly Chureh.—Mr. G, G, Scott, Architect, 31, Spring- gardens, 8.W.