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428 THE BUILDING NEWS. May 24, 1872.

and must strike every one as reasonable, that a sudden increase of 7s. 6d. would be too much for any trade to stand. Suchan advance is usually the result of patient waiting, and is not attained by an impetuous bound. A correspondent of a local journal asserts that ‘ 1f the masters conceded the demands of the men of 1d. per hour, 54 hours constituting a week’s work, the wages,which used to be £1 2s. 6d., would be £1 48. 9d, so that the actual difference would be 2s. 3d. per week.” 1d. per hour on nine hours is 9d., and as there are six days in a week, the increase in actual wages would amount to six ninepences, or 4s. 6d., bringing the weekly total to £1 7s. instead of £1 4s. 9d.,as the writer calculates, But this £1 7s. would only purchase 54 hours of labour per week, in place of 59}. Therefore, besides the 4s. 6d. the master loses, he receives for the higher rate of pay 54 hours less work, equivalent to a further loss of at least 2s., leaving the master to pro- vide for a sudden increase of 6s, 6d. per week. Lonpon.—On Saturday night a crowded meeting of delegates from the carpenters and joiners in the various London building firms was held at the Brown Bear, Bloomsbury, for the purpose of deciding upon the firms where the men shall be called out on the Ist of June next, in accordance with the resolutions adopted at the aggregate meeting of the trade in S. James's Hall, on Tuesday night last. A report wasbrought up from the Nine Hours’ Committee on the present posi- tion of the movement, and recommending the names of several firms for the delegates to decide upon two out of the number, when action should be taken on Saturday, the 1st of June, unless in the meantime some overtures were received from the Masters’ Association, After considerable discussion, it was resolved that the workmen in the employ of Messrs. Jackson & Shaw, Pimlico, and Messrs. Brass, of Old-street, S. Luke's, should wait, by deputation, upon their respective employers, and inform them that they should leave their employ upon Saturday, June 1, unless they com- plied with the terms contained in the men’s memorial. The delegates from those firms stated it as their opinion that the decision of the meeting would be promptly complied with. The remainder of the business transacted was of a financial character, with the exception of the appointment of a deputation to be in readiness to meet the employers, if so requested. It is stated, on good authority, that a meeting of the Associated Masters has been held since the meeting of the men in S. James's Hall, and that after considerable discussion it was resolyed to meet the withdrawal of the men from any particular firm or firms by a general lock-out so far as the firms connected with the Asso- ciation were concerned. It is also stated that this decision was far from being unanimous, and that many of the members were in fayour of a compromise by meeting the demands of the men for 51 hours per week at 9d. per hour with a counter-proposition for 54 hours at 8$d. per hour, which would be a reduction of 2} hours on the present working week, and one half- penny advance in the rate of wages per hour. This compromise finds great favour amongst the numerous master builders uuconnected with the Association, which is chiefly composed of the large building contractors. ——__ TENDERS. BATTERSEA.—For the erection of refreshment-room near the Steamboat Pier. Battersea Park, for Mr. Alexander Buiechi. Mr. S. J. Stedman, architect. Quar- tities not supplied: Baker «. £414 Lathey Brothers (accepted)... wa» 399 BRIGHTON. —For the erection of the Julius Elliott Memorial Schools, at Moun-street, Brighton. Messrs. Goully & Gibbins, architects :— Credit for

old materials. £ £ Nash &Co..... 2280. Cheesman & Co 2040. Patching & Son 1937 Lynn & Sons 1890 Hollands 1872 Lockyer. 1855 ... 28 Baker (accepted) 1812 ... 10

CANTERBURY.—For the erection of master's house, for School Board. Mr. Hall, architect: Cozens Brothers.

+ £442 15 0

Gentry..... 433 0 0 Chandler 371 0 0 Gaskin & Godden (accepted).. 33610 0 Croypon,—For houses and shops at North-end, Croydon, for the Wotton Trustees. Mr, A, Latham, architect. Quantities supplied :—

Dales - £5385 0 0 Peskett & Taylor. . 4980 0 0 Pollard .... . 4800 0 0 Wheeler - 4737 0 0 Cox.. 4060 0 0 Coles 4500 0 0 Williams - 4478 711 Wright Brothers & Goodchild . 4305 0 0 Walkey. 4300 0 0 Johnson. - 4293 0 0 Hollidge (ac - 4150 0 0 Dove . 3999 0 0 EDGWARE-ROAD. — For the erection of temporary premises at Burnes-place, Chapel-street, Edgware-road,

for D. B. Johnstone, Esq. Messrs. Bird & Walters, » architects:— Estimates, Ist. 2nd. £ £ Newman & Mann.. 496 ... 418 Henshay ... 467 ... 406 Ebbs & Son 467 ... 865 Williams & Son 464... 432 McLachlan... 431 399 Nightingale. 429 ... 414 Brown... 412 ... 387 Lonvon.—For rebuilding shops at the corner of Wal- brook and Cannon-street, City. Mr. Wm. Thompson, architect :— Bridgeman & Nuthall.. sone £6277

Henshaw & Co.... 5950 Kelly Brothers. - 5632 Gammon & Son . 5602 Nightingale . Scrivener & Perry Brothers. Conder cccsenencreens) Newman & Mann Sheppard ........... LonpoN.—For works to mansion, No. Mr. Alexander Peebles, architect.

35, Piccadilly. Quantities supplied :— Fish .... . £5800 Ennor.. 5340 Eaton & Chapman 5227 S. H. & A. Byewaters 4980 Howard & Sons... 4899 Benstead & Sons.. 4896 MAIDA-VALE.—Tor the erection of stables for E. Jonas, Esq. Mr. H. M. Burton, architect :— Browne & Robinso! Nightingale .. Cross & Son Timewell. 546 Mitchell... ve O45 NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS.—For additions to Park House, Newton-le-Willows, for J. F. Gillespie, Esq. Messrs, H. & A. P. Fry, architects. Quantities by Messrs. Lillywhite +» £657 599 560

& Doyley :— Nicholson & Ayre - £957" 0 0 FRAY. ve cpceeres 790 0 0 Pennington 719 6 4

Pmt1iico.—For alterations and additions to the “ Albion

Tavern,” Messrs. Bird & Walters, architects:— Credit for old materials, £ £ 8. d. BrOWDineseccsenus 490 ... — Henshaw &C Mt Saeiene _— Williams & Son 463 ... 210 0 Nightingale .. $40 3.01 71 10110: Newman & SOD) tense OluO Cuttler....... B03 eee. 9 NOLO Ebbs & So 292. (te 1b L0G PyEcomBE.—For the erection of Congregational Chapel in the village of Pyecombe, Sussex. Messrs. Goully & Gibbins, architects :— Hollands Patching & Son.. Blackmore & Howard. Hinders (accepted)... ReADING.—For back portion of business premises, Market-place, Reading, for Messrs. Sutton & Sons.

Messrs. William & J. T. Brown, architects, Quantities supplied :— Matthews ..... oe - £2299 Strong & Son 2240 Sheppard . 2219 Barnicoat .... 2200 Aitchison & Walker (accepted). ee 2175

S. Perer’s, THANET.—For the re-erection of the “ Albion Inn," for Mr. Cramp. Mr. John N, Collett, architect:— Barwick....... wee £874

Smith & Son 796 Osborn 795 Elgar.. 695 Harrison (accepted) . 685 BURA Gecscrescneeecsasseen . 650 TOTTENHAM.—For the erection of the “Ship Inn,” Tottenham, for Mr. Filsell. Mr. T. J. Hill, architect :— Sabey & Sons. .. £2096 Rist & Brown. 1987 Linzell .. 1775 Childs .. 1695 Chapman . 1450 VictoRIA PARK —For alterations and repairs to the “Windsor Castle,” Bishop’s-road. Messrs. Bird & Walters, architects :— Boxall.

- £486

Nighting 450 Henshaw & 403 Williams & Son. . 3897 Newman & Mann, . 3881 McLachlan . 3ld

—.>—_. BATH AND OTHER BUILDING STONES, OF BEST QUALITY. RANDELL, SAUNDERS & 0O,, Limited, Quarrymen and Stone Merchants. List of prices at the Quarries and Depdts, also cost of transit to any part of the United Kingdom, furnished on application to BATH STONE OFFICE: CORSHAM, WILTS. > TO ARCHITECTS. GREEN ROONING-SLATES. Assupplied to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Sandringham The Penmoyle Sea-green Slates are specially adapted for Chure hes, Public Buildings, &c., &c. (Less costly than ordinary Gothic Tiling.) These durable and non-absorbent Slates can be obtained in sizes suitable for Gothic Architecture, at prices at under, [ApvrT.] In Railway Trucks, Docks, Gloncester:—

Per Equivalentto 1,200 Slates. persquare Best Green Slates 14 by7 . son 27 6 4. 168.60. Do. do. 13by8. we 217 6 . 168. 6d. Do, do. 13 by7. ete RB SO, cee. 4a, Do. do. 12 DY To iKC RLS. (aan LSS; Do. do. I12by6, SeMADLL RAO eve) LOS, Prices of large Sizes, Cost. ar Transit, Reference Testi- monials, and Sample Specimens may be obtained on ap- plication to MESSRS. RANDELL & CO., Corsham, Wilts. Specimens at Museum of Geology, Jermyn- -street, Picca- dilly, W., and at Architectural Museum, Tufton-street, Westminster,

COMPETITIONS OPEN. BLACcKPooL, July 15.—For plans and elevations for — the erection of a new market-house. Premiums of — £30 for Ist, £20 for 2nd, and £10 for 3rd designs,— Mr. R. Gorst, Surveyor, Blackpool. BricutTon Scnoorn Boarp, June 10,—For designs for public elementary schools for 750 children.— J, Carden, Jun., Clerk to the Board, The Pavilion, Brighton. KIDDERMINSTER, June 1,—For plans for schools to accommodate 600 children, for the Kidderminster School Board.—W, M. Roden, Clerk, 9, Church-street, Kidderminster. RocuHESTER, June 19.—For plans and elevations for new schools in King-street, Rochester, to accommodate 100 infants, 200 girls, and 200 boys, for the School Board.—Mr. R. Prall, Clerk to the School Board, Rochester, S. PerersBurG, July 13.—For a design for a per+ manent bridge over the River Neva, at the place now occupied by the Litenaia floating bridge. <A prize of 6,000 silver roubles (about £825) will be en for the design the committee consider as best fulfilling the conditions; also a prize of 3,000 silver roubles (about £412 10s.) and 1,500 silver roubles (about £206 5s.) for the two next best designs.—Municipal Council, 8, Petersburg. ScarBorovuGH, June 1.—For plans and proposals for laying out and altering the recently acquired yroperty beyond the Spa, and in connection with the existing grounds of the company. A premium of £100 is offered for the best, and £50 for the second best design.—F. Goodricke, Manager, Cliff Bridge Company’s Offices, Scarborough. SwansEA, June 1.—For plans and elevations for two school buildings, with teachers’ residences, for the Swansea School Board.—Dr. Evan Davies, Clerk to the Board, 5, Rutland-street, Swansea, —— pont Eos OPEN FOR BUILDING ESTIMATES. BaRkING. May 30.—For the erection of a granary at Barking Mills —Mr. F. Whitmore, Architect, Duke- street, Chelmsford. BeccLes SEWERAGE Works (Extension of Time), —Tenders will be received till May 28th.—Mr. G, B. Angell, Town Clerk, Beccles. BLACKBURN, June 4.—For the erection of County Police-court, offices, cells, and constables’ residences. —Mr. William S. Farley, Architect, New Market- street, Blackburn. CLYDE NAVIGATION, May 27.—For the construction of 2,590ft. of quay walls, &.—Mr. G. Reith, General Manager, Clyde Navigation Chambers, Glasgow. CockERMOoUTH, May 28.—For the construction of a mill for the Cockermouth Tweed Company.—Mr. F. Bleasly, Chaloner-street, Cockermouth. Croypon Locat Boarp, June 3.—For laying down about fifteen acres of land for sewage irrigation at Beddington, with the construction of conduits, sluices, &e.—Mr. R. J. Cheeswright, Town Clerk, Croydon. FRANKFORT-ON-THE-MAIN, June 5.—Forthe supplY of about 17,500ft. of stoneware inverts, for 10in. an’ 5in, work, with about 1,000 9in. and 6in. side junction blocks.—Board of Works, Paul’s Platz, 3, Frankfort- on-the-Main. GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, May 30.—For the construction of a portion of the Netherston and Hale- sowen Railway.—Mr. Wilson, Engineer, 9, Dean’s- yard, Westminster. KETTERING WATERWORKS, June 1.—For supply- ing, laying, and fixing about 6} miles of cast-iron pipes, with sluice-cocks, hydrants, &c.—Mr. Thomas Hennell, 7, Salisbury-street, Adelphi, W.C. KIDDERMINSTER, May 28.—For the supply of about 7,000 yards of 18in. cast-iron pipes, with other pipes, branches, and castings, for the conveyance of sewage from the pumping-station to the sewage farm.—Mr, J. Morton, Clerk to the Local Board, Kidderminster, LONDON, June 11,—For cleansing and repairing the City sewers.—Mr. J. Daw, Sewers Office, Guildhall. MrippuessBoro’, May 29.—For the erection of new banking premises.—Mr. G. G. Hoskins, Architect, Northgate, Darlington. MipLanp RAILWAY, June 3.—For the erection of anengine shed and other buildings at Bristol.—Mr. Dyer, Locomotive Superintendent, Bristol. Preston GAS Company, June 8.—For the erec- tion of new offices in Fishergate, Preston.—Messrs, Garlick, Park, & Sykes, Architects, 33, Winckley- square, Preston. River TYNE IMPROVEMENT, June 1.—For the supply and erection of the wrought-iron girder works (about 2,000 tons) of the permanent bridge across the Tyne.—Mr. J. Guthrie, Secretary, River Tyne Com- mission Offices, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Swinpon, June 8.—For constructing about 2,406 yards of brick and pipe te —Mr. J. C. Townsend, Clerk to the Local Board, 28, High-street, Old Swindon. TROWBRIDGE, June 1.—For the construction of a main outfall sewer, with branch brick and pipe sewers, and other works.—Mr. W. Frame, Clerk to the Local Board, Trowbridge, Wilts. War DEPARTMENT ContTRAcT, May 28.— For whitewashing, painting, and paperhanging at the Cavalry Barracks, Colchester.—Director of Contracts, 5, New-street, Spring-gardens, S.W.