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Junz 21, 18

Swansea, July 8.—For the supply of gas for ten years.—Mr. R. A. Essery, Town Clerk, Guildhall, Swansea. TonpRIDGE LocaL Boarp, June 24.—For the construction of about 3,000 yards of brick sewers, about 6,000 yards of stoneware-pipe sewers, with cast- iron pipes for river crossings, with necessary manholes, inspection shafts, junctions, &e.—Mr. J. Snelling, Clerk, Local Board Office, Tonbridge. War Derartrment Conrracrs, June 29.—For painting, &c., at the Barracks at Salford, Newcastle-on- Tyne, Coventry, Northampton, and Weedon.—Col. R. Burnaby, Royal Engineer Office, Manchester. Warrorp Unron, June 26.—For additions and alterations in the buildings at the workhouse, Wat- ford.—Mr. Rt. Pugh, Clerk to the Guardians, Watford, Herts. WoLVERHAMPTON ScHooL Boarp, July 4.—For proposed new school buildings in Redcross-street.— Mr. H. Underhill, Clerk, Wolverhampton. ——@——_ Ashton & Green, Slate and Slab Merchants and Quarry Agents.—Shippers, Merchants, and Con- tractors farnished with Price Lists of every description of ROOFING and MANUFACTURED SLATE, Railway- rates, &c, Agents for London and Country for the Sale of the celebrated WHITLAND ABBEY GREEN SLATES. S. Columba Church, Haggerstone; Patriotic Schools, Wandsworth, Sisters’ Home, Finsbury, 8S. Mary Abbott's Church, Kensington, are fine specimens of Whitland Slating. Complete list of Buildingscovered with these Slates supplied. Drawings and Prices of A. & G.’s RED RIDGE TILES specially prepared for use with these Slates, on application—Offices and Show-rooms, 14 & 15, Bury-

BANERUPTS. TO SURRENDER IN LONDON. CONTRACTS. Murray, David, late of Wansford, Hunts., now of Glou- es cester-street, Pimlico, builder and surveyor, June 25, at War Department Contracts—Notice to Contractors, 11.30, Builders, &e. TO SURRENDER IN THE COUNTRY. Parry, Richard, Landore, builder, June 24, at Swansea. SITTING FOR LAST EXAMINATION.—ACT 1861, J. Wyatt, Chatham, builder, July 2. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS. CO. Wakelin, Fleckney, Leicestershire, brickmaker, diy. 4s SCOTCH SEQUESTRATIONS. David M’Gillivray, Perth, painter and paperhanger, June 22, at 11. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED. W. & B. N. Smith, Birmingham, builders.—Towler & Speight, Leeds, paviors and contractors.—W. & A. Bird, Wood-lane, Shepherd’s-bush, brickmakers.—James Miles & Sons, Street, Somerset, engineers,—Drew & Raymond, Ladbroke-road, Notting-hill, timber merchants.— William Aspinall & Co., Hade Edge, near Holmfirth, stone mer- chants.—Rule & Stone, Union-grove, Wandsworth-road, builders.—Dents & Redmond, Nelson, stonemasons and contractors. eS are required for the SUPPLY of MATERIALS and performance of such Work as may be required in PAINTING, &., the BARRACKS at Salford, Neweastle-on-Tyne, Sunderland, Fleetwood, Coventry, Northampton, and Weedon. Persons desiring to Tender for the whole of the above work or for that at any of the stations named, must leave their names at the Royal Engineer Office, 12, Princess- street, Cornbrook, Manchester, on or before the 29th June, 1872, and pay the sum of 10s. 6d. for each of the Bills of Quantities required, copies of which, as soon as prepared, will be forwarded, with form of Tender, Specification, and terms of contract, to each contractor. Information regarding the work may be obtained on application as above, or at the Royal Engineer Offices in the Barracks, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and the Crescent, Bir- mingham. The Socretary of State does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any Tender, R. BURNABY, Colonel Commanding Royal Engineer, Northern District. Royal Engineer Office, Manchester, June 11, 1872. —— THE “ENGLISH MECHANIC AND WORLD OF SCIENCE,” No. 878, published June 21, 1872, contains Articles on :— Report of the Commission on Scientific Education; Elec- tricity: What Is it?—I1L; Smell; British Manufactures and Scientific Research; Remoying Scale in Boilers ; Im- proved Snatchblock ; Carriage Wheels; Adulteration of Food; Submarine Structures; Improved Scroll-Saw; On Parthquakes and Volcanoes; Carbolic Acid for Preserving Hides; Protecting Sheet lron from Rust; New Cask- Stand; Heating by Gas; Microscopical Notes; Who

To Builders and Contractors. ARTIES desirous of CONTRACTING for the ERECTION of the WELSH CONGREGA- TIONAL CHAPEL which is to be built in Southwark- bridge-road, at the corner of Little Guildford-street, and on the site of the present one, are requested to send in street, Si. Mary Axe, London, E,C.—[ADVT.] (see LATEST PRICES OF MATERIALS USED IN CONSTRUCTION. LEAD, Pig—Foreign. . . . -perton £1910 0 £1915 0 » English W.B. .. do 2115 0 000 » LeadCo..... do 21 0 0 0 0 0 Other brands. . . do 20 0 0 20 5 0 Sheet Milled. ....: do 200 000 Shot Patent. «.v, «+ do 23 0 0 000 Redorminium. ... do 23 5 0 000 Litharge, W.B.... . do 000 00 0 White Dry: 305 2) do 2710 0 00 0 » groundinoil . . do 000 000 COPPER. British—Cake &Ingot .perton £113 0 0 £116 0 0 Best Selected . . ..- do 115 0 0 118 0 0 PIMBGE! Sie ee isis va, WOO 115 0 0 121 0 0 Bottoms. .«. . » «+ do 17. 0 0. 128" 10,0 Australian ..... do lll Oo 0 115 00 Spanish Cake .... do 000 98 0 0 Chili Bars,cash ... do 107 0 0 10910 0 » Refinedingot .. do 1145 0 0 116 0 0 Yellow Metal . . . .perlb. 0 0 9% 0 0 103 TRON. Pig in Scotland,cash .perton £419 6 £0 0 0 Welsh Bar, in London . do 1015 0 11 5 0 ai Wales . do 10 0 0 1010 0 Staffordshire .... do 1210 0 1310 0 Rail,in Wales... . do 1010 0 000 Sheets, singlein London do 1615 0 1810 0 Hoops, first quality .. do 14 0 0 1415 0 NailiRod (sy iv eye 2 s, GO 1215 0 1315 0 Swedish ...... do 1410 0 15 0 0 Orns, &¢. Seal, pale ... =. .pertun £42 0 0 £0 0 0 Sperm body. ..... 7 9 0 0 000 COON ctetelcifce 80 2410) 0) ob 01 0 Whale, South Sea, pale. ,, 37 0 «0 58 0 0 Olive, Gallipoli... . i 48 0 0 000 Cocoannt, Cochin, tun. a 40 0 0 00 0 Palm, fine rl 37 0 «0 37 «0 «0 UMBRO ca ke So /cheel «: a 36 0 0 000 Rapeseed, Eng. pale. . . = 3910 0 000 Cottonseed . . . « 2 a 31 0 0 33.0 0 TIMBER, WOME ave. eins 6s 3} ORM / £14)'0'"0) “£15-40)"0 Quebec, redpine. ... ,, 315 0 50 0 an yellow pine. . . ” 400 6 0 0 Quebec oak, white . .. a 6 0 0 6 5 0 Ase HOLLY shinitad ‘ovis ae a 315 0 5 0 0 ASI BUN TDL er eit ten: ve 415 0 5 0 0 Dantzicoak. . SiKal nih. 55 315 0 6 0 0 I is Cel teiion ehimh ogy 210 0 5 0 0 Meme! fir. A oerrrr “ 3.5 0 400 MAGA itettet teigarreetee Cs, 310 0 315 0 Swodlah: vie ones ” 2 65 0 210 0 Masts, Quebecred pine. ,, 4 00 610 0 » Yyellowpine’. =< hy 400 610 0 Orepone 3 hs onsen 700 9 00 Lathwood, Dantzic,fm. . = 5 0 0 700 0 St. Petersburg _,, 900 10 0 0 Deals, per C., 12ft. by 3 by 9in., Quebec, white spruce . ” 18 00 9 00 St. John, white spruce. ,, 13 00 1440 0 Yellow pine, pr reduced CO Canada, Ist quality. . . Wi 200 0 22:0 0 e ANQO Serle 4815 14400 4150 0 Archangel, yellow .. . + 13:0) 0 18 5 0 St. Petersburg, yellow. . oo 12; 0 0 13:5 0 UU neti fehl saliscnihs) Burts 710 0 810 0 Memel and Dantzic. . a5 0 0 0 00 0 Gothenburg, yellow. . . re 810 0 11 0 0 My white... ay 8 0 0 9 0 0 Gefle, yellow... . Ks 1010 0 1210 0 Soderham) 2.0) 5 0) 'e hy 810 0 12 0 0 Christiana, per C., 12ft. by 3 by 9in., yellow .. . = 10 0 0 1210 0 Other Norway. .... * 8 00 9. 0 0 Flooring boards, pr square of lin., first yellow . . ” 010 0 O11 6 Waree WHI. Sa no gg 09 0 010 0 Second qualities . ay @6o 09 0 Invented Noah’s Comet? Mr. Proctor and Noah’s Comet; The Heat Generated by Meteors; Existing Evidence of the Deluge; “The Semi-Barbarous Hebrews;"’ Sundries; Cork Lock; “Sigma as a “Searcher after Truth;” Mr. Proctor on Spinning Tops and Gyroscopes ; Spinning Top. —Upward Deflection of Bullet; Spinning Top.—Perspec- tive; The Negro; Balsamed Object Glass; Entomological. —(IV.)—Pupe ; News from * Kos;" Microscope Castings; Dr. Packman’s Steam-Engine; The Myborg Bee Cabinet; Amateur Organ Builder; Toe Harp; North London Rail- way,—Goods Trains and Passenger Trains; On Fiddles— To “Fiddler” and Mr. P. Davidson; New Double Stars.— To Mr. Burnham; Incubators; The Robin Hood Sewing Machine; Recent Discoveries of Diamonds; Radius of Surface of Object-Glass; Selenography; Nitrogen in Plants; The Distribution of Animals and Plants; The Wonderful Gun-Barrel; Science and Education; On Edu- cation; Performance of Telescope, &c.; Musical Boxes on Soundboards; Co-Operative Stores; Are Ants Pirates? Canadian Watercourses, Houses, Stoves, &c.; The Recent Disastrous Effects of Lightning; Compressibility of the Atmosphere; Coloured Suns; The Sun; Sun Spots; Pianoforte Bellying and Bracing. —II. ; A Wonderful Crater; Geometrical Approximation; Some Thoughts on the Defects in Harmoniums; Ants in the Isle of May; Iinding Internal Resistance of a Battery; Brannan’s System of Monolithic Building.—To ‘ Khoda Bux” and Others Interested therein; Useful and Scientifle Notes ; Replies to Queries; Unanswered Queries; Queries ; Chess; Answers to Correspondents, &c, Published at the Office of the BurnpiIne News, 31, Tavistock-street, Covent- garden, W.C. USHEY -HEATH.—FREEHOLD BUILDING LAND to be LET or SOLD, on mode- rate terms, in convenient plots for residences, or the whole, about 17 acres, may be had; near the church; high ground, gravel soil, good water. Part may remain on mortgage.—Apply to Mr. Davenport, estate agent, 35, Bucklersbury, City, E.C., and Beckenham, Kent. O BE LET BY TENDER, by the Drapers’ Company, on a Building Lease for 80 years from Midsummer, 1872, the SITE of FIVE HOUSES, Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5. and 6, Beech-lane, Barbican, E.C., haying a frontage in Beech-lane of about 72ft., and a superficial area of about 2,100ft. Tenders should be sent to the Clerk of the Company on or before the 2nd July, 1872, and will be opened at a Court of Assistants to be held at Drapers’ Hall on 3rd July, 1872, at half-past One o'clock, when parties Tendering should be in attendance. Plans may be seen and further particulars obtained on personal application at the Clerk’s Office, Draper's Hall, Throg- morton-street, E.C. St: JAMES’S PARK.—FREEHOLD SITE of 72ft. frontage to the Park, by 70ft. in depth, for the erection of either one, two, or three mansions with private garden in front, and direct carriage access from the Park in the rear, to be SOLD.— Particulars of J. R. Adams, Esq., Solicitor, 15, Old Jewry- chambers, E.C. a BUILDERS AND OTHERS — LEYTONSTONE, ESSEX.—FREEHOLD BUILD- ING LAND. eligibly situated near the Station, to be LET on BUILDING LEASES.—For Plans and Particulars, apply to Alex. R. Stenning, Architect, 157, Fenchurch- street, E.C. e Pe BUILDERS & O'THERS.—T»o be LET on LEASE about three quarters of an acre of Land, within three miles of London Bridge, in a good neigh- bourhood for the erection of semi-detached villas of a good class, for which there is a demand. For particulars apply to Alex. R. Stenning, Architect, 157, Fenchurch- street, E.C. ae BUILDERS.—LAND in TREDEGAR _ ROAD, NORTH BOW, to be LET by TENDER, on a Building Agreement. For particulars, apply to Messrs. Hammack & Lambert, Architects and Surveyors, No. 59, Bishopsgate-street, E.C. Tenders to be delivered at their office on or before Monday, the 1st July next. Co well-built 9-roomed, for SALE, together or separately. Situate opposite Page's Cricket Ground, in the Tufnell Park-road, Hollo- way. A large part of the purchase money can remain, and, if desired, advances may be had by responsible parties. —For further purticulars apply at the Office, corner of Dalmeney-road, Tufnell Park-road.

TION of various ROADS on their land. may be obtained, and application to the Architect, H. H. Collins, Esq., 5, Queen- street, Cheapside. Board of Management of the West London District School, Board-room, Mount-street, W.’’—must be delivered not later than eleven o'clock a.m. on Friday, the 28th June next. are requested to tender. selyes to accept the lowest or any tender.—By order,

sealed Tenders to Mr. Silvanus Thomas, 10, Carter-street, Walworth-road (endorsed “Tenders for Chapel”), on or before the 29th day of June. The Plans and Specifica- tions can be seen by applying for the key of the present chapel, at 31, S. Margaret s-court, High-street, Boro’. The Committee do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any Tender. West London District School, Ashford, near Staines, Middlesex, TIE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT are prepared to receive TENDERS for the CONSTRUG- Full particulars plans and specification seen, on The tenders—to be addressed to ‘the None but those persons used to roadmaking The Board do not bind them- June 14, 1872. CHAS. D. HUME, Clerk. Market Hall, Northwich.—To Builders. ARTIES desirous of TENDERING for the ERECTION of the first PORTION of the xbove, may see the Plans and Specifications on application to Mr. Bennett, the surveyor, Applemarket-street, North- wich, from June 30.to July 15, 1872, on which day Tenders are to be sent in to the chairman of the Local Board. The lowest Tender will not necessarily be accepted. HUGH J. BENNETT, Surveyor. Local Board Office, Northwich, June 18, 1872.

Tynemouth School Board. UILDERS desirous of CONTRACTING for the various works required in the ERECTION of the WESTERN SCHOOLS for the Tynemouth Schoo! Board, can see the Plans, Specifications, and obtain Bills of Quantities at the office of the architect (Mr. F. R.N. Haswell), 12, Howard-street, North Shields, from Wed- nesday, the 26th inst., to Wednesday, the 10th July, on which day Tenders are to be sent in. THOMAS YOUNGER, Clerk. Howard-street, North Shields, June 19, 1872. Coast Guard Contract.—To Builders and Contractors. FENDERS for the ERECTION of a COAST GUARD STATION at Lymington, in Hampshire, consisting of an Officer's House, six Cottages, Watch and Store Rooms, &e., will be received at this Office on the 8th of July next. The Plans, Specifications, and other particulars may be seen at the Watch Room, Lymington, or at this Office, until the 6th of July next. Director of Works Department, Admiralty, Spring Garden-terrace, London, S8.W., June, 1872.

To Bricklayers, Masons, Carpenters, and Others. poss required for LABOUR and MATERIALS, or Labour only, in the EREC- TION of a VILLA at Hampstead—the several trades — separately or toyether. No Quantities.—Theodore K. Green, architect, 22, Finsbury-place.

HOTO-LITHOGRA PH Y.—The © ANGLO-AMERICAN PHOTO.-LITHO. COMPANY, — 146, FLBET-STReET, E.C., MAPS, PLANS, and DRAW- INGS of all descriptions RE-PRODUCED in any size and printed to any number. UILDERS’ CLERKS’ BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION, FounpEn 1866. GEORGE PLUCKNETT, Esq., PRESIDENT. An ELECTION of PENSIONERS on the Relief Fund will be held at the Office of the Institution, 27, Farringdon- street, E.C., in the month of November noxt. Forms of Application, Copies of Rules, Reports, &c., may

member of the Committee, F. T. MULLETT, Secretary.

} be obtained upon application to the Secretary or any —