‘That this meeting views with regret and alarm the
etermination of the Royal Commissioners to con-
vert the International Exhibitions at South Kensing-
ton into enormous ratail shops, and pledges itself to
the latter
Nock, of Birmingham, which combines
advantages of the Leamington range
_ cheerful appearance and economy of the open fire-
use every loyal means to prevent the intended
scheme being carried into effect.” A letter has
either been altered or left out in one word. We adopt
hypothesis, and sympathise with the
London tradesmen in their indignation at the at-
tempt thus made to monopolise a new business.
Tue Ecuirse RAnGE.—A new range has recently
been patented, and is beingintroduced by Mr. Thomas
all the
with the
grate. Two great objections, moreover, to the use
of ranges of the Leamington class are successfully
_ met—yviz., the large unnecessary consumption of
‘over-heated in consequence of the
les har 4 x -
- )
fuel, when not in use for cooking, and the amount
of room wasted in the ovens by the tops getting
fire passing
directly over them. In the “Eclipse” the first-
mentioned objection is remedied by its easy conver-
sion from a close into an open fire when the ovens
are not in use, and the fire being made to pass under
_ the bottoms of the ovens first, and over the tops
afterwards, ensures an eyen temperature.
Monpay.—InstiruTion or Surveyors.—‘ Land.”
By Mr. E. J. Smith. 8 p.m.
“On the Value of Water, and its Storage
and Distributionin Southern India.” By
Mr. George Gordon, M. Inst. C.E.
8 p.m.
_ WepNEsDAY.—SocieTy oF Arts.—‘‘ On Individual
Providence for Old Age as a National
Question.” By Mr. G. C. T. Bartley,
(Earl of Derby inthe chair.) 8 p.m.
Meeting of Elementary Class of Design;
subject : Choir Stalls and Canopies, scale
lin. to 1ft.; general plan to small scale ;
fourteenth century. 8 p.m.
discussion on Mr. Banister Fletcher's
paper on ‘t Dwellings for the People.”
ing of Class of Construction and Practice ;
subject: ‘Geometry and Projection.”
6.30 p.m. Meeting of Class of Design;
subject: “Interior of a Study in a
Country Mansion.” § p.m.
Socrery.—On “ A New System of Loco-
motion.” By Mr. Robert Side, 7.50 pm.
Wirt reference to the statement in our ‘“ Chips’
last week as to the sale of land in Lombard-street,
we are requested to say that the amount stated to
have been fetched comprised compensation for a
retail business, and that there were other exceptional
matters which would materially reduce the value
referred to.
The private view of the General Exhbiition of
Water-Colour Drawings, Dudley Gallery, takes
place to-morrow. The exhibition will be opened to
the public on Monday.
The death of Mr. F. G. A. Lanno, a French
_ sculptor of considerable reputation, is said to have
taken place on the 7th instant, at Beaumont-sur-
Oise ; he was borne at Rennes in 1800, and obtained
the Grand-Prix de Rome in 1827.
The Mining Magazine says there are no less
than 13,900 men at present employed in the slate-
quarries of North Wales, namely, Lord Penrhyn’s,
3,000 hands ; Mr. Ashton Smith’s, 2,800; the Welsh:
Slate Company's (Cowper. Temple, & Co.) 610;
_ and Mr. Holland’s, 502. The exhibition of paintings, &e., of the Glaszow Institute of the Fine Arts willbe opened in the lower halls of the corporation galleries of that city on Tuesday, the 30th January. ; A new lecture-hall, &e., is about to be added tu the Congregational Church and Schools, Leek, and will form a picturesque addition to the already <x- tensive range of building. All the buildings are of stone, in Early Decorated style. The architect is Mr. Sugden, of Leek. , The Times has auchority for stating that the Government of the Dominion of Canada is about to construct a railway though British territory to the Pacific Ocean. At the general meeting of the Society for the _ Encouragement of the Fine Arts, held at Conduit- Street on the 11th inst., Captain J. Britten in the chair, Mr. George Browning, the hon. sec., read the report, and the treasurer, Mr. W. Atkinson, put before the meeting a highly-satisfactory statement. The Liverpool School Board have resolved to proceed with the construction of schools to accom- modate 6,000 children.
The adjourned discussion on Mr. Banister Fletcher's paper on “ Dwellings for the People ” will be resumed at the Inventors’ Institute, on ‘Thurs- day next, the Ist of February, Sir Antonio Brady in the chair. The New Infant School at Holy Trinity, Barking- road, was formally opened on the 12th inst. The building is of stock brick, with Portland stone dressings; the architect is Mr. Henry Ough, of Stratford; and the builder, Mr. John Palmer, of Old Gravel-lane, 8. George’s, E. The cost of the building, including architect’s commission, is about £600. es Grade els. ——.>__ WAGES MOVEMENT. NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE.—The Neweastle-upon-Tyne joiners’ strike is at last ended. At a meeting of the master builders, held on Friday, a resolution was passed that the nine hours be conceded to the men— the nine hours meaning 50 hours a week. The wages, 28s. a week, are to continue as before. Barnrow.—tThe building trades are in a very un- settled state at Barrow. ‘The joiners in the employ of Messrs. Woodhouse, Son, & Andrews will leave work to-day, the masters having refused to grant the nine hours’ system, and the men in the employ of the yarious buliding firms in the town have asked fora similar concession, which has not yet been granted. BrussELS.—The carpenters and joiners of Brussels struck work on Monday. As the strike appears likely to spread, the masters of other workshops have met in order to discuss whether, in presence of the demands of the International Society, whtch compel the men to ask fora rise of 30 per cent. in their wages, they had not better close their establishments. The strike at Charleroi is dying out, the men are returning to work en masse. TENDERS. Crry.—For re-building a Warehouse in Cannon-street, City, E.C., and alterations and additions to five ware- houses adjoining. Mr. Herbert Ford, architect. Quanti- ties supplied by Mess slake & Mortimer.
Meyers & Son - £11,801 0
Higgs & Son - 11,186 0
Hill, Keddell, 11,170 0
Brass .... 10,710 0
Conder . 10,529 0
J. Perry & Co. 10,338 0
10,063 99 Gammon & Son Stimpson ...... Turner & Son Serivener & Whi Williams & Son .. Browne & Robinson
3 ecooscoouscoceoecscos S
Henshaw 0 Killby.... 0 Perry Bros. 0
Compron.—lor Teachers’ House, and enlarging the National School Buildings, at Compton, Surrey. Mr. Henry Peak, architect, Guildford. T. & J. Loe ... Hibbins & Co. Moon & Son A. Moon . Sturdy .... Mitchell Strudwick Mason . G. Lue Cooper.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Coventry.—For the erection of a Small-pox Hospital for the Health Committee of the Local Board :—
Marriott . 0 Hart .... 0 Chandle: 0 Hayward, jun. 0 WilsOn.....2s0.+e 0 Storer (accepted) .. 0 Doppingron.—For rebuilding Rectory House at Dod- Mr. William vee dington, Cambridgeshire (destroyed by fire). Smith, architect, John-street. Adelphi. Richardson & Son Thompson Brown .... Law & Son . Bell & Son ... Fast (accepted) .. DRAYTON.—For the erection of a School at Drayton, near Abingdon, Mr. Edwin Dolby, arbhitect.
House. School. Total.
Whiting & Josland......... £471 £779 £1,250 0
Sine) etvieees 408 §12 1,220 0
Wheeler & G 467 680 7 1,114 7
Williams 341 690 1,031 0
300 670 970 O
Bryan ...
GuILDFORD.—For new House and Business Premises on
the Stoke Lodge Estate, Guildford, for Max, Wm. Tucker.
Mr. Henry Peak, architect.
Burdett .. £609 15 6 A. Moon 606 10 0 Mason .. 595 0 0 Strudwick 590 0 0 Garnett (a 538 12 0 Swayne 398 11 0
estimate, Architect’ Marcu.—For building a new Rectory Honse at, March, Mr. William Cambridgeshire. Smith, architect, John- street, Adelphi.
Brown (accepted) .
MAMLING.—Proposed new Chapel. Mr. E. W. Stephens
architect. Nine tenders received. Mr, Churech—for en-
tire building, according to plans, £894 10s.; reduction if
not pewed, £93; allowed (if not boarded) for block pay-
ing, £52 (accepted).
MONKTON ReveE—For new Schools for the Pamsh of
S. Mary Magdalene, Monkton. Mr. William E. Smith,
architect, Upper Bedford-place.
Foad (accepted) ...sesccseceesereess aaa - £665
Pruuico.—For repairs and painting S. George's Bath
and Washhouses, Buckingham Palace-road. Mr. W. R.
Gritten, surveyor. Quantities supplied.
Colwill ... 0
Thomas 0
Allard 0
King & Sor 0
Wright 0
Sale .. 0
Nicholls 0
Bennett 0
Biggs... 0
Jenner 0
Pullen 0
Rogers 0
Kearly 0
Woode 0
Carter & Son.. 0
Ashton & Green, Slate and Slab Merchants
and Quarry Agents.—Shippers, Merchants, and Con-
tractors furnished with Price Lists of every description of
rates, &e, Agents for London and Country for the Sale of
§. Columba Church, Haggerstone; Patriotie Schools,
Wandsworth, Sisters’ Home, Finsbury, 8. Mary Abbott's
Chureh, Kensington, are fine specimens of Whitland
Slating. Complete list of Buildings covered with these Slates
supplied. Drawings and Prices of A. & G.’s RED RIDGE
TILES specially prepared for use with these Slates, on
application—Offices and Show-rooms, 14 & 15, Bury-
street, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C.—[Apyv.]
O_pHAM Sun Mitt Company, Limrrep, February
5.—For the erection of a Fire-proof cotton mill. David
Wilkinson, Secretary, Sun Mill, Middleton-road,
RAmsporrom GAs Company, February 2.—For
the Telescoping of a Gasholder at their Works. H.
Chatwood, senior, Gas Engineer, Stubbins.
For about 70 tons of cast-iron pipes, 10in. diameter.
Mr. Malcolm Paterson, Civil Engineer, Church-street,
Rocuester, February 3.—For the erection of three
dwelling-houses and shops at Eastgate.—Lewis & Bell,
solicitors to the trustees, Rochester.
Lreps, January 30.—For the erection of six houses
In Lady Pit-street.—G. Eddison, architect, Belmont
House, Lady Pit-lane.
Horvon (Birkenhead), January 33.—Great Western
and London and North-Western Railways, Jan. 30.
—For the erection of four cottages at Horton—Secretary
of the Joint Committee, Mr. J. Wait, Birkenhead.
31.—For laying down tooled York paying, granite kerb,
and Aberdeen granite cubes, ana providing other mate-
rials and works in George-street, Priendly-street, Nelson-
street, Nile-street, and Mason-street; also for laying
down tool York paving and granite kerb, and proyid-
ing other materials and works in Walpole-road, S.
Paul's, Deptford.—E. W. James, Clerk to the Board,
CueELsEA, January 30.—For the construction, in
Globe-place and Cook's-ground of about 758ft. run of
brick sewer, 3ft. 9in., by 2ft. 6in., and other works.
—Charles Lahee, Vestry Clerk, Vestry Hall, King’s-
road, Chelsea.
Quarrymen and Stone Merchants.
List of prices at the Quarries and Depéts, also cost of
transit to any part of the United Kingdom, furnished on
application to
Assupplied to H.R.H. The Prince of Wales at Sandringham
The Penmoyle Sea-green Slates are specially adapted for
Churches, Public Buildings, &c., &e,
(Less costly than ordinary Gothic Tiling.)
These durable and non-absorbent Slates can be obtained
in sizes suitable for Gothic Architecture, at prices as
under. In Railway Trucks, Docks, Gloucester:— Per Equivalentto 1,200 Slates. persquare, Best Green Slates14by7... «. 217 6 ... 16s. 6d
Do. do. IS by 8 ae. AUT Cie oped
De dos) Lsby. 7) Se Fn eNO 14g,
Do. do. 12 by ac DelbH6 13s.
Do. do. 12 by G6 ... Deanne lls,
Prices of large Sizes, Cost of Transit, Reference Test
monials, and Sample Specimens may be obtained on ap
plication to :
MESSRS. RANDELL & CO., Corsham, Wilts.
Specimens at Museum of Geology, Jormyn-street, Picoa
dilly, W., and at Architectural Museum, Tufton street