Pluralism. John Dewey. Naturalism. Great Influence. J. Mark Baldwin. Pancalism. George Santayana. The Life of Reason. Detachment. The New Realism. . ... • 226. CHAPTER XVIII THE DRAMA, 1860-1918 By Montrose J. i^osEs. The Civil War on the Stage; Black and Red Americans. Dion Bouci- cault. John Brougham. General Unconcern with Native Drama. Edwin Forrest. Charlotte Cushman. Edwin Booth. Lawrence Barrett. Lester Wallack. W. E. Burton. The Search for Foreign Plays. Augustin Daly. Critics. Laurence Hutton. Brander Matthews. William Winter. Bronson Howard. Local Color. Steele MacKaye. The Theatres of the Eighties in New York. The Star System. Theatrical Trusts. Charles and Daniel Frohman. David Belasco. Augustus Thomas. Clyde Fitch. James A. Heme. Wil- liam Gillette. Charles Klein. Lurid Melodrama. Successful Novels on the Stage. The Publication of Plays. George Ade. George M. Cohan. William Vaughn Moody. Later Literary Drama. The Broad- way School. Tricks and Farces. Independent Theatres. The New Theatre. Pageants. Secessionist Groups. . . . 266 CHAPTER XIX LATER MAGAZINES By William B. Cairns, Ph.D., Associate Professor of American Literature in the University of Wisconsin. The Importance of the American Magazine. Advertising. Short Stories. The North A merican Review. Minor Reviews in New England and New York. The South. The Older Magazines Continued. The Atlantic Monthly. Harper's Monthly Magazine. Scribner's Monthly. The Century Magazine. Scribner's Magazine. Putnam's Monthly Maga- zine and Its Successors. The Galaxy. The Overland Monthly. The Ladies' Home Journal. Popular Magazines. Muck-Raking. McClure's Magazine. Recent Developments. .... 299 CHAPTER XX NEWSPAPERS SINCE i860 By Frank W. Scott, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Eng- lish in the 'Oniversity of Illinois. The Newspapers of i860. Progress During the Civil War. Correspond- ents. Censorship. The Influence of the Great Editors. Mechanical Improvements. Reconstruction. Charles A. Dana and the New York Sun. Weekly Papers. The Independent. Harper's Weekly. The Nation. The Decline of Editorials. The Growth of Advertising. The Associated Press. Foreign News Service. Sensationalism. Joseph Pulitzer and the New York World. William Randolph Hearst. The Sunday Supplement. Recent Tendencies. Economic Bias Among Newspapers. The New Importance of the Weekly and Monthly Papers. Collier's Weekly. The New Republic. The Weekly Review. The Liberator. The Survey. Reedy's Mirror. The Dial. The Bell- man. Party Organs. Public Activities of Newspapers. The World War .319
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