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Their trembling Lords the common Shade partake,And Cries of Infants sound in ev'ry Brake:The list'ning Soldier fix'd in Sorrow stands,Loth to Obey his Leader's just Commands;The Leader grieves, by gen'rous Pity sway'd,To see his just Commands so well obey'd.
But now the Trumpet terrible from farIn shriller Clangors animates the War;Confed'rate Drums in fuller Consort beat,And ecchoing Hills the loud Alarm repeat:Gallia's proud Standards, to Bavaria's join'd,Unfurl their gilded Lillies in the Wind;The daring Prince his blasted Hopes renews,And while the thick embattled Host he viewsStretcht out in deep Array, and dreadful Length,His Heart dilates, and glories in his Strength.
The fatal Day its mighty Course began,That the griev'd World had long desir'd in vain:States that their New Captivity bemoan'd,Armies of Martyrs that in Exile groan'd,Sighs from the Depth of gloomy Dungeons heard,And Pray'rs in Bitterness of Soul preferr'd;Europe's loud Cries, that Providence assail'd,And ANNA's Ardent Vows at length prevail'd;The Day was come when Heav'n design'd to showHis Care and Conduct of the World below.
Behold in awful March and dread Array,The long Extended Squadrons shape their Way!Death, in approaching terrible, impartsAn anxious Horror to the Bravest Hearts;Yet do their beating Breasts demand the Strife,And Thirst of Glory quells the Love of Life;No vulgar Fears can British Minds controul,Heat of Revenge, and Noble Pride of Soul