Page:The Campaner thal, and other writings.djvu/40

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light were roads, and the atoms of light bridges, then surely would post-houses be erected in Uranus, and the insatiable inner man—for the outer one is so very satiable—would go longing and roaming from planet to planet. ——

Therefore, my Victor, nothing is confined in so many prison-walls as is this our human self. And our cages are enclosed, onion-like, one in the other. Your and my self are imprisoned not only on this earth, but in this King's Bench are the town walls; in these our four walls surround us; in the four walls, the arm-chair or the bed; in this again, the shirt or the coat, or both; and lastly, the body. And, to be minute (according to Sömmering), in the brain crevices, the duck's pond. —— —— Start at the fatal many-sided suite of houses of correction which surround thyself! —— ——