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room. … Why weren’t they more quiet? … His irritation was stronger than his fear. He himself strove to make as little noise as possible, as, deliberately, he put all his strength into the screwdriver. In the cabin the even breathing stopped and there was a sound of coughing.

He dashed out on deck, but it wasn’t possible to jump into the boat from there; the little thing seemed packed with black forms. On the other hand, delay was impossible. Instantly he dived from the deck. The water splashed in all directions. Machida started, but the next instant Yamaguchi’s head appeared above the water.

“Let’s go, let’s go!”

Handa stuck at his job. Just a bit more, just a bit more! But the others were trying to push off from the side.

When they set sail they could feel the cold wind blowing down from the hills. A chill came into their sweating bodies. Behind them the voices of the sailors raging and cursing drifted over the water.

Yamaguchi, all dripping wet, took someone’s hand and climbed into the boat.

The next morning Handa’s sleep was broken by the daily sound of the engine. There was the “chut-chut” of the launch disturbing the peace of the morning.

“T–t–then it was no good!” He jumped out of bed in amazement. “She’s going, after all, she’s going!”

“She can’t be. She can’t possibly be.” Yamaguchi rubbed his eyes in astonishment. “I