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“Oh, you’re not fair.” Kimi-chan seemed very much hurt, and would say no more. He’s got so that he won’t even trust his lover, she thought.

“Listen, dear——” after a little silence she said tenderly. “Listen dear, you’re worn out.”


“Yes, you’re just worn out, and that’s what makes you so quick-tempered,” she said quietly, without looking at him.

“There’s nothing worn out about me. Only the way those fellows go on makes me mad!”

“You’re just worn out, being so poor and having to fight all the time on top of your work in the foundry.”

They kept on contradicting each other, but little by little the man’s excitement died down.

“I’m not worn out, I tell you, but they’re all so infantile, and all so damned cocksure. What do they think they are doing, forming a picketing squad, and for no reason at all? Shadowing me, damn them!”

Toyama spat.

“That’s true, looked at from your own point of view you’ve done nothing to deserve being shadowed, or beaten up, the pickets have no right to do that, but——

“But what?”

“But, looked at from the standpoint of the movement as a whole, you can’t say you’re right. You must admit, as things are now, your present attitude is very suspicious.”

He listened in silence.

“Everyone—even Nagai—gives you full credit